Liberal Berkeley Cowards Vandalize Recruiting Station

The libtards of Berkeley California have been fighting a Marine recruiting station for some time now. The hags of Code Pink(o) protested everyday, the city council said they were unwelcome and then did everything possible to make it easy for the antagonists to continue. To their credit, the Marines never mopped the street up with these low life scum bags.

These people are absolute cowards. They certainly act tough when there are huge numbers of them and TV cameras around but then they wait until the cover of darkness to vandalize the recruiting station. That’s right, these maggots vandalize the recruiting station at night when no one is around because they are cowards. The only difference between them and the terrorists who use cowardly acts to intimidate people is that the libtards don’t scare anyone. If you scream boo at them they wet their panties. After the most recent attack on the station some libtard reported on it and was actually happy that it happened. Here is what someone named Scarlet wrote:

At 9PM on March 18th, the eve of the 6th anniversary of the war in Iraq, a group of persons wearing masks smashed the windows and splattered red paint at the U.S. Marine Corps Recruiting Center in Berkeley, California.

The center has been the target of protests for the last 18 months, and stands as a symbol of U.S. militarism and imperialist wars. The act of property distruction stands alone as the embodyment of frustration of a people whos government does not listen to or care about them.

Police have not made any arrests but are reviewing the tape, said Sgt. Mary Kusmiss. A sledgehammer and a crowbar were found in a nearby garbage can nearby, and are being reviewing as evidence. After breaking windows and improving the Marine Corps logo at the center, the group wearing masks and dark clothing scattered in three different directions, police said.

As of the time of this posting, no one involved has been arrested. The act was easy. You and a few friends could have pulled it off any day.




Scarlet is happy that some maggot used a sledgehammer to, in her words (assuming Scarlet is a she) “improve the Marine Corps logo.” She seems to think this station stands as a symbol of imperialism and militarism and that the vandalism is because of the frustration caused by government not listening to the people.

For some reason these left wing retards seem to think that it is OK to go around and damage things if they don’t get what they want. Like spoiled children they throw tantrums when big daddy government does not do their bidding. They justify illegal acts and acts of violence by saying they are not being listened to.

Now we know these cowards did this at night, not because they are afraid of the police because the cops there in Berkeley are probably sympathetic to the cause, but because they have something bigger to fear. These cowards did this at night when the Marines were not there because they know the Marines will stomp the living hell out of them and keep stomping until their intestines squirt out of their anuses.

Since these libtards seem to think that it is perfectly OK to raise hell and damage things when they are not listened to perhaps the Marines should kick up a little dust because no one had listened to them when they asked to be left alone.

How about we put a platoon of Marines in Berkeley and they walk through the streets in a long formation abreast of each other and just slap the hell out of anyone they come across? They could say that the local government did not listen to them and instead pandered to the cowards thus creating an atmosphere where this kind of stuff happens. They could justify their slapping liberals around by saying that this is the frustration that occurs when government does not listen.

It would be great to see a platoon of Marines just walking through town and seeing how many of the opposition has the guts to attack them in the daylight. I say none, zero, zilch, nada because they are cowards. The Marines could just go around beating the hell out of people who look at them them the wrong way.

None of this will happen because, unlike the limp wristed, latte drinking, cowards who vandalize under cover of darkness, the Marines have integrity and discipline.

What I would like to see is for the Marines to put 3 or 4 troops in front of that building to guard it. They could pull guard duty there and just beat the living hell out of anyone who tries to vandalize.

Of course, they would never get the chance because the bed wetting liberal pansies who do this kind of stuff don’t have the testicular fortitude to do it when there is any kind of opposition.

Who knows though. The East Bay website is out of San Francisco so maybe they will send in the Pink Berets…

Big Dog

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Recruiting Station in New York Bombed

At 3:45 this morning a bomb went off at a Times Square recruiting office shattering the glass front with an impact that was felt in surrounding buildings. No one was injured in the blast and police are looking into reports of a person on a bike who might have delivered the explosive.

Those who join the military expect that at one time or another they will be put in harm’s way, especially during this period in our history. It is part of the job and most accept it willingly despite what the idiots at Code pinko would have people believe. What our military does not expect is for this kind of violence to be perpetrated on our own soil, the very soil members of the military swear to protect with their lives.

Sure, there are protests against the military conducted by people who live under the very blanket of freedom provided by those protested, and those protests, while despicable, are a reaffirmation of the concept that our military protects our rights. Without the United States military, and those who have paid the ultimate price, protesters would suffer fates similar to those in China and other countries where public dissent is squashed by military forces acting on behalf of the government. The fact that our military protects protesters while military forces in other countries kill them is a testament to the concept of freedom our founders so brilliantly designed. These freedoms exist even if idiots like those in Berkeley California are too self absorbed to see them.

The bomb in Times Square elevates the resistance to our military to a new level. Certainly, this could have been an act of terror but I dismiss this idea because a terrorist would have wanted a detonation when people were around so as to maximize death and destruction. The person who did this in the early morning hours is a coward who was making some sort of statement. The bomber chose this particular time because he lacked the testicular fortitude to confront the recruiters with his violence, and act that would have allowed them to dispatch him in short order.

We live in a free country because our freedoms are protected by a class of people who are a cut above the average citizen. Our military is not out enforcing law or imposing the will of the government upon the people. It is protecting us so that we may live as we wish, within the confines of our laws and customs. This bombing shows that some people cannot live within the confines of our laws and must use illegal means to make a statement. It also has the potential to incite others to step up their attacks from nonviolent protest to something quite dangerous. How long will it be before the recruiting office in Berkeley is targeted by a “peaceful” protester?

Was this is an act of war perpetrated by a person or persons intent on disrupting the operation of our military and its mission or was it an act of violence that will not escalate or be mimicked? If it was the latter then the police need to catch the criminal and he needs to be sent to prison for a long time. If it is the former and war is being declared on our military by a cowardly force intent on disruption than they should be aware that our military specializes in war and the violent destruction of those intent on causing harm. If it is war they want, just say the word and we will give them more than they can handle.

The dope smoking, long haired, hippies were able to mistreat our military back during and after the Vietnam War. We will not allow this to happen again. No matter who the attacker is, aged hippie or the misguided youth, we will not allow them to attack with impunity.

Not on my watch.

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Big Dog