What Are Our Leaders Smoking?

The United States is basically bankrupt. We have trillions in debt (real debt, not the phony debt they push) and we have just vowed to spend a trillion dollars we do not have. Hillary Clinton is in China begging the Chinese to buy more of our worthless bonds so we will have money to pay our bills and every time one turns around the government is coming up with some new multi million or billion dollar plan to bailout someone or fix some perceived crisis. One would think that the last thing we would do is spend our money in other countries, especially countries where the people do not like us.

The United States has pledged to spend 900 million dollars to help rebuild Gaza after it was destroyed when Israel defended itself from terrorists shooting rockets. Why are we spending more money we do not have to rebuild a place that has no desire to live in the modern world? Why are we spending money on people who hate us and who routinely demonstrate while shouting “Death to America?” Have we lost our minds?

All I want to know is what kind of drugs the people running this country are smoking.

If Gaza needs to be repaired (and the destruction might actually be a step up) then let Saudia Arabia, Iran, Syria, and all the other Jew hating countries pony up the cash for it. We should not be spending money on them for any reason whatsoever and we definitely should not be giving the money to the UN to distribute. This money will end up in the hands of Hamas and be used to buy weapons.

Even if unbiased observers watched them use the money to do really nice things it still would not be justified. The people there hate us and spending our money on them is absolutely moronic.

If our politicians are not required to take drug tests now would be a great time to start such a program. Only people stoned out of their minds could come up with such a plan.

*This plan requires Congressional approval.

Big Dog

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