Obama Says He Lost Touch With The People

Fresh off his third stinging defeat in as many tries, Barack Obama was licking his wounds and working on various evil plans to inflict his health care takeover on us when he took time out of his busy day to give an interview to George Stephanopoulos when he said that he had lost touch with the American people:

“If there’s one thing that I regret this year is that we were so busy just getting stuff done and dealing with the immediate crises that were in front of us that I think we lost some of that sense of speaking directly to the American people about what their core values are and why we have to make sure those institutions are matching up with those values,” Obama told ABC News’ George Stephanopoulos in an exclusive interview at the White House. ABC News

There was no immediate crises, only those that were trumped up because the Democrats cannot let a crisis go to waste. Obama was so busy getting stuff done that he could not talk to us. I feel like he was so busy doing stuff TO us but that is another story.

This is Barack Obama trying to rationalize his failure. His stimulus has been a failure, his cap and trade is on the back burner and will likely not reappear after the fraud in the global warming community and the vote in Massachusetts, and his health care legislation is in serious jeopardy after the Brown win. The legislation was always a loser considering that they had to chop it up and bribe people to vote for it.

Obama is saying to us, you know if I would have spoken to you in my elegant voice while reading carefully crafted words from a teleprompter you would have been mesmerized like you were during the campaign and you would have done anything I asked. Obama is showing us how humble he is by admitting that he failed us and that he will do better. He knows if he had just spoken to us we would not be upset with his health care takeover and he would still have a filibuster proof majority in the Senate.

If only he had talked.

Let’s get real. Since when is this guy NOT talking. I have seen him on TV just about every day since he was elected. He is on TV even when he is on vacation and he is talking all the time. Here are a few facts about Mr. I lost touch with you:

During his first year Barack Obama had:

  • 411 speeches, comments and remarks
    52 of them were “addresses or statements specifically on his health care proposals” [emphasis mine]
  • 42 News Conferences including 4 in Prime Time
  • 158 Interviews
  • 23 Town Hall meetings

Barack Obama had over 600 encounters in one form or another in his first year in office. This is an average encounter of 1.6 times each day for the entire year. This does not include the endless replays of these encounters on the news shows where people were able to see him over and over again. To top it off he talked about health care an average of once a week.

[note]My fear is that Obama really believes he did not speak to us enough and will put himself out there even more in his second year. He was overexposed in his first year and if he really believes he needs more exposure then they will have to get him his own network. Oh wait, he has one, MSNBC.[/note]

Make no mistake about it, Obama was out there more than enough and the people heard him more than enough. He did not lose touch with us because he was talking to us an average of 1.6 times each and every day. The reality is that Americans saw him too much and he began to wear on us. The more he talked and the more his henchmen in Congress did their thing the more we became disgusted. America got a good look at Obama in his first year due to his overexposure and we did not like what we saw.

He can spin it however he wants but Americans did not like what they saw and reacted to knock the emperor down a peg or two.

Obama can claim that he lost touch with us but as I have shown, this is not true.

The only thing he lost touch with is traditional American values.

Assuming he had any to begin with.

Big Dog


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