Good Thing He Is Not Up For Reelection Next Year

Ben Nelson bowed to his party against the wishes of his constituents on the health care takeover bill that was rammed through the Senate. Nelson is now seeing the result of his betrayal as a new Rasmussen poll finds that he trails a potential challenger by 31 points and the next election for Nelson is more than two years away.

Nelson has recorded a 30 second commercial to be aired during the Holiday Bowl game featuring Nebraska and Arizona. In the message Nelson will tell voters that he listened to them and he believes that this is a common sense approach. The poll indicates that they are not buying what Nelson has to sell and he must realize this or he would not be airing the commercial (which will also air a few times in the next couple of days).

Nelson is trying to convince people that he did what they wanted though they know he did not. The majority of people in his state did not want the health care bill but he bowed to pressure from Harry Reid and Barack Obama rather than paying heed to what the people wanted. The poll shows he was on the wrong side of the issue and if he really feels that he did the right thing then he should not worry about the election.

Julie Schmit-Albin, executive director of Nebraska Right to Life said that one has to wonder if Nelson misjudged the level of opposition from his constituents to this legislation or if he has decided not to “ever seek office again.”

The only thing Nelson has going for him is that he is not up for reelection until 2012 and maybe he felt safe because of that. A lot of things can happen by then but I am pretty sure voters will not forget how he betrayed them.

Nelson chose party over the people who put him in office and he will eventually pay a price for his decision.

Don’t think for one moment that any potential challengers will neglect to bring up Nelson’s vote throughout the entire campaign.

Good. This guy needs to go. He has no spine and he has no conviction.


Big Dog


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