Democrats; Party of Racial Division

For years and years the Democrats have painted Republicans as a party of old white guys that is not inclusive of blacks or other minorities. They like to point out that there are no black members of Congress in the Republican party and Howard Dean recently said that the Democrats look like the modern party while Republicans looked like they were still stuck in a time long ago. These geniuses never stop to consider that most blacks are registered as Democrats so it would be difficult to find black Republicans who would want to run for Congress. Why would they? If they are Republicans they are labeled as “Uncle Toms” and sell outs by other blacks. The tolerant party has no tolerance for those who leave the Democratic plantation.

Interestingly, the Republican Party under George Bush gave this country its first two black Secretaries of State. This goes unappreciated as cartoonists from the left portray Condi Rice as a big lipped Aunt Jemima to George the “Task master” Bush and those who call Colin Powell and others such as Michael Steele phony blacks for being Republican.

However, whenever we see stories about racial divides it is within the Democratic Party. Bill Clinton making racist remarks, John Kerry not hiring blacks to any position of prominence in his campaign, and now the Super Delegate fiasco. Many blacks are being threatened because they continue to support Hillary Clinton even though Barack Obama won in their states (or districts). These people are questioning the blackness of the SDs and are indicating that they need to support Obama because he is black and because that is what the people they represent have done. I indicated in an earlier post that I would normally agree with this kind of thinking (about doing what constituents want, not voting because someone is black) but that i feel it is different with the SDs.

The Super Delegates have no rules governing how they may cast their votes. If they were required to vote according to the will of their constituents then the rules would say so. The rules say they may vote for whomever they wish without regard to any external influences. Since this is the case they should be able to do so. If they happen to like Obama better then they can vote for him and likewise for Clinton. But this is not how people are looking at it and the tolerant party is full of people making threats.

I think the hypocrisy is funny and I know that if white Super Delegates were being threatened to vote for Hillary because she is white or because she won a certain area (in which case Kerry and Kennedy would have to change votes) there would be cries of racism and the race baiters would be out in full force. Since the blacks are making the threats it is overlooked and no big deal is made of it. I read a comment somewhere and the person indicated that it would not surprise him if there was some push to allow Obama to start with 200 Electoral Votes before the national election as a method of affirmative action. I can’t say that I would be surprised if it happened.

The fact is that the Democrats have used race as a method of dividing people for decades. They keep blacks “in their place” and do not allow them to stray too far from the plantation. Those who do are instantly labeled as sell outs and Uncle Toms and do not deserve to use oxygen. The racism that Democrats keep accusing the Republicans of seems to be concentrated right in their party. This is why the Democrats pray that their convention is not brokered because their racism will be on display. A bunch of old white guys could have the deciding factor in who gets the nomination for the left and that would fracture their party. They are aware of it and want the matter settled before then.

The bullying tactics used on the Super Delegates by members of the black community rival the tactics of the KKK. They are overtly racist and make no bones about this being a matter of Obama’s blackness and little else, including qualification, matters.

Like I have stated before, it would be good if people in the black community stopped drinking the Kool Aid from the Democratic Party and made up their own minds. Come to the Republican Party and become empowered over your own lives. You won’t need Hillary or Barack to provide you health care because you will be able to provide it for yourself.

Texas and Ohio Republicans please vote for Hillary so we can keep this fight on the left continuing up to their convention. Not only will it be destructive to their party, it will be great entertainment for the next few months.

The Politico

Big Dog

For my friend Adam: I told you Hillary was Satan.