Race Card To The Top

When liberals have no argument or are losing they resort to using the race card. While there are issues regarding race with a small number of people, the majority of people in this country don’t really care about the color of a person’s skin. As MLK said, it is about the content of one’s character.

When liberals are losing they throw the race card around. It is a card from a well worn deck where every card is the race card and it is played all the time. In North Carolina blacks have been targeted by Democrat Kay Hagan with mailers indicating that if the Republican candidate wins Obama will be impeached. The flier has an image of blacks who were lynched.

Maryland is a hugely Democrat state with a plethora of minority voters and limousine liberals who vote for Democrats. The few heavily Democrat counties overwhelm the rest of the state and thus all citizens are at the mercy of those few subdivisions.

Anthony Brown was supposed to waltz in and become the next Governor of the state but his lackluster performance as Lieutenant Governor (including his failure with the healthcare exchange that wasted millions of dollars) coupled with his uninspiring campaign has left him in a close race. In a state where Democrats outnumber Republicans 2:1, Brown is only up by single digits.

Those are public polling numbers. The internals of the campaign must paint a different picture. My suspicion is that the polling indicates that black voters will likely skip the election or not show up in numbers sufficient enough to give Brown the win.

This must be the case because Brown has resorted to using the race card.

The Democrats in Maryland have targeted black voters with a flier that has pictures from long ago and indicates that if Brown is not elected the advances blacks have made will be lost. There are pictures from the civil rights marches, colored only entrance signs and other racist photos of a long ago era. The front has a picture of Dr. Martin Luther king, Jr with the words “It’s been a long journey…”

Dr. King was a Republican.

The wording is overtly racist in that it indicates “…it’s OUR turn…” Since blacks are the target of the fliers it is safe to conclude that the OUR is the black community. Your turn for what? To have a black governor? Will brown not be the governor of ALL people in the state? Is not indicating that it is OUR turn racist in and of itself?

The icing on the cake is that the images are all of the racism that existed because of Democrats. It was the Democrat party that opposed civil rights. It was the Democrat Party that gave us the Jim Crow laws that harmed blacks. It was the Democrat Party that resisted ending slavery and has enslaved blacks to the modern plantation of dependence on government.

All the images (save one which is Donald Trump and the Obama birth certificate which is not racist) are of things that happened because of Democrats and the Democrat in the election is using them as a weapon against a Republican, a person in the party that was formed to end slavery and that introduced and supported civil rights legislation.

Anthony Brown is desperate. The last desperate act of liberals is to play the race card and the Democrats have just played it in Maryland.

Let us hope that like the boy who cried wolf one too many times the voters in Maryland can see this false claim for what it is and ignore it.

Put a Republican in office to turn the state around.

God knows the decades long stranglehold Democrats have had on the state has not produced anything.

Particularly for the black population that remains enslaved (by Democrat design) to an oppressive government.

Daily Caller

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Eric Holder Plays His Favorite Card

Eric Holder got spanked yesterday in a hearing before Congress and he did not like it too much. The reality is he was called out for his disregard of Legislative Branch demands and his contempt. Holder turned street thug by telling Congressman Gohmert “You don’t want to go there buddy” when Gohmert mentioned Holder’s uncaring attitude toward being held in contempt.

Well little Eric was at the National Action Network, the alleged civil rights group headed by rat Al Sharpton, to give a speech. Holder went off his prepared remarks and played his favorite card, the RACE card.

“I’m pleased to note that the last five years have been defined by significant strides and by lasting reforms. Even in the face, even in the face, of unprecedented, unwarranted, ugly, and divisive adversity.

If you don’t believe that, if you look at the way, forget about me, forget about me, if you look at the way the attorney general of the United States was treated yesterday by a House Committee, it had nothing to do with me, forget that, what attorney general has ever had to deal with that kind of treatment? What President has ever had to deal with that kind of treatment?” Best of Cain

You see, Holder wants to know if any other Attorney General or President has ever had this kind of treatment. The implication being that Holder and Obama are black so they are being treated badly for that reason. Since he is a progressive and progressives are always pure his skin color must be the reason.

I am sure that the fact Holder has been involved in gun running (leading to deaths of American and Mexican citizens), has ignored the law, refused to defend federal law, and has lied never entered his mind. Yes, he was held in contempt of Congress but that has nothing to do with the way he is treated because he is black so that MUST be why it is happening.

Ditto for Obama. The guy is a disgrace and has no leadership ability (except to lead blind followers around by their noses) and he is ruining the country BUT it must be because he is black.

And I inferring too much from this? I doubt it since he was speaking at the meeting of one of America’s premier race baiting poverty pimps, Al “The Rat” Sharpton. Everything is about race when it comes to Al and Holder knows the audience will eat this up.

The reality is, Holder is a criminal and Obama is a criminal with no real life work experience. As an aside, Sharpton is a criminal who avoided jail by informing for the FBI.

I also point out that George Bush was treated as harshly by the left as Obama is by the right so Holder’s question is designed to elicit a response based on race while disregarding the facts. In other words, he does not expect an answer only an emotional response.

As for Attorneys General, perhaps Holder was stoned somewhere when Alberto Gonzales was AG. Gonzales was treated much worse than Holder. Perhaps it was because he was the first Hispanic AG?

Considering Holder works for a regime that is nothing but a house of cards perhaps he should be careful which one he plays…

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Yeah, Bush Was Treated With Kid Gloves…

A Democrat in Congress is claiming that Obama is being treated badly in the debt ceiling issue because he is black. Yep, a shocker that a Democrat has thrown the race card once again. Shelia Jackson Lee, a black Congresswoman, is all about stirring up the race pot by insisting that Obama is being treated differently than any other president and there is only one difference, he is black.

“I am particularly sensitive to the fact that only this president — only this one, only this one — has received the kind of attacks and disagreement and inability to work, only this one,” said Jackson Lee from the House floor.

“Read between the lines,” she continued. “What is different about this president that should put him in a position that he should not receive the same kind of respectful treatment of when it is necessary to raise the debt limit in order to pay our bills, something required by both statute and the 14th amendment?” The Hill

I guess this moron was in a coma during the eight years George Bush was president. Bush was maligned by everyone including Lee. Can we conclude that she treated him this way because he is white? There is more than one difference between Obama and those who came before him. Those men were trying to solve the nation’s problems while Obama is adding to them. He is inexperienced and carries an air of entitlement even though he had accomplished little prior to being immaculated.

Yes Ms. Lee, the debt ceiling has been raised scores of times in the past. This begs the question; why even have a debt ceiling in the first place? If you morons are not going to honor the limit then why even have it? It is in place to keep you people (members of Congress for the intellectually challenged race baiters) from spending us into poverty. Looks like it might be a bit too late because the ceiling has been raised and never lowered.

As an aside, the 14th Amendment states legal debt authorized by law shall not be questioned. We do not have to raise the debt limit to pay our obligations on borrowed money. It is simply not an issue here.

Yes, you can claim that people oppose the raising of the debt limit because Obama is black but before you hold firm to that claim perhaps it would be helpful if you are reintroduced to the words of then Senator Obama when Bush wanted to raise the debt ceiling:

The fact that we are here today to debate raising America’s debt limit is a sign of leadership failure. It is a sign that the U.S. Government can’t pay its own bills. It is a sign that we now depend on ongoing financial assistance from foreign countries to finance our Government’s reckless fiscal policies. … Increasing America’s debt weakens us domestically and internationally. Leadership means that ‘the buck stops here. Instead, Washington is shifting the burden of bad choices today onto the backs of our children and grandchildren. America has a debt problem and a failure of leadership. Americans deserve better. Sodahead.com

Obama voted against raising the debt ceiling and rightly stated that we are saddling future generations with debt. That is just as true today as it was when the high and mighty Obama voted against raising the limit. And it is just as true today that the fact we are discussing this issue is a sign of leadership failure.

Obama has failed to lead and this is by his own standard.

So before Ms. Lee gets her granny panties in a wad she should revisit what her messiah Obama said in 2006. Perhaps she would do well to actually have facts and ensure her brain is working before she opens her mouth.

But then again, if she did that she would not be able to throw out the race card and that is the trump card for Democrats.

Cave Canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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Howard Dean Injects Race Once Again

Barack Obama and his party would have people believe that the Republican party is full of racists and that the Democrats are as pure as the driven snow and as diverse as the United Nations. The reality is that the Democrats have injected race into the quest for the presidency. The Democratic primaries involved only Democrats and race was an issue the entire way. Hillary could not make a statement without the Obama camp shouting racism and every time we turned around people were either not voting for Obama or being accused of not voting for him because he is black.

When Obama became the presumptive nominee the race card was played and it has been ongoing ever since. At first Obama told us that Republicans would try to scare people because he is black and then we had him discussing the fact that he does not look like the other guys on dollar bills. The word has already been put out that anyone who does not vote for the sainted one is a racist.

It is pretty obvious that playing the race card is going to be the tactic used by the Democrats and Howard Dean is following suit. Some time ago Dean remarked how the Republican party was the party of white people while the Democrats were diverse. He has done that again during an interview when he stated:

“If you look at folks of color, even women, they’re more successful in the Democratic party than they are in the white, uh, excuse me, in the [laughs] Republican party.” Breitbart

I have gone over this before. The majority of blacks in this country are registered as Democrats and 90% of the black voters vote for Democrats. Anyone capable of doing the math can see that there are very few blacks available to run for office as Republicans and those who admit to being Republicans are chastised as Uncle Toms and sell outs. The National Black Republican Association is full of intelligent Conservative Republicans who happen to be black. They are attacked in the media and by the left all the time. Their sole crime is that they are black and Republican. The Democrats don’t like to let the blacks off their plantation (to use their words) and those who choose not to follow the left are attacked for their beliefs.

There are some promising black candidates who are running for office as Republicans and they will certainly do a fine job. Watch and see who attacks them and who injects race into the issue. Here is a hint, it won’t be Republicans. Frances Rice of the NBRA has recounted a nice history to show who will be the attackers. Ms. Rice is brilliant. She is a veteran and we owe her a debt of gratitude for her service to our country.

As for other minorities and women, I think Dean has it wrong. Of course the majority of Mexicans will be looking to the Democrats because the Democrats want to open the borders and allow all the illegals to invade our country. However, there are many who are here legally who do not buy into the open borders philosophy of the left. Women have made great strides in this country and some of them have done well as Republicans. How about our Secretary of State Condi Rice. She happens to be a woman and black. Of course, she was attacked as an Aunt Jemima.

If Dean wants to discuss women perhaps he can discuss how Hillary Clinton was treated by her party. Perhaps he can explain how she was relegated to second class citizen in favor of a new comer who happens to be black. I am no Hillary fan but I can see she and her supporters were treated poorly. She was left out in the cold in favor of Obama, a man who was selected not elected (funny how this is different when it is one of their own).

I believe that minorities would do much better if they embraced the Republican party and espoused conservative values like they did prior to the middle of the last century. They would be welcomed with open arms and given every opportunity to succeed without the chains of government wrapped around their necks. My friends at the NBRA have done quite well and they are not shunned by Republicans because we don’t care about the color of their skin, only the content of their character.

That was the dream of a famous black man, Martin Luther King Jr.

By the way, he was a Republican

Big Dog

The Obama Plan For Victory

Race Card

The Obama team plans to use the words “attack ads” and “racism” to win the election. Every time the Republicans put out an ad, the Obama team calls it an attack ad. They claim the ads are misleading and untruthful. I notice they never say the same about the ads put out by them and their surrogates.

In addition to claiming all ads to be attacks (they are or why would you put them out) the Obama team will also play the race card. John McCain’s camp has already stated “Barack Obama has played the race card, and he played it from the bottom of the deck.” This is absolutely true even though the Obama folks try to spin things differently. Here is what Obama said:

Nobody thinks that Bush and McCain have a real answer to the challenges we face,” Obama said Wednesday. “So what they’re going to try to do is make you scared of me. You know, ‘He’s not patriotic enough, he’s got a funny name.’ You know, ‘He doesn’t look like all those other presidents on the dollar bills. Herald Tribune

First of all, “nobody” is an absolute. Obama wants people to believe that there are no people at all who believe that McCain (forget Bush, he is not running in the race) has the answers. If this were true then Obama would lead in the polls instead of being in a dead heat. But the second part of the statement addresses this. You see, Americans don’t believe in what McCain says but are racists and are being scared because Barry does not look like the other presidents on dollar bills. We are all racists or we would look past his color and vote for him because he has all the answers. This is how the entire season will play out. Now, anyone who read or heard that statement knows what Obama was saying but his people had to nuance it.

But Robert Gibbs, an Obama spokesman, said Thursday that Obama was not referring to race.

“He was describing that he was new to the political scene,” The Associated Press reported him as saying. “He was referring to the fact that he didn’t come into the race with the history of others. It is not about race.”

The Obama statement was absolutely about race. Obama said LOOK LIKE. He did not say, not as experienced as all those folks on dollar bills. He specifically said LOOK. The only thing that looks obviously different is his skin color and that is what Barry was referring to.

They can spin this any way they want but the fact is Obama has made a similar claim in the past. At that time he specifically said they will scare you by telling you he has a funny name and he is black. The sainted one is definitely playing the race card as he did in the primary against Hillary and now he is being even more aggressive in the general.

Let me clear it up for the Messiah. There are some people who will not vote for you because you are black just as there are some people who will not vote for McCain because he is old. However, the majority of people who do not vote for you will be voting against what you believe in. We will be voting against your Socialist policies and your desire for vastly increasing the size of federal government while increasing our taxes along the way. We are not on board with Hope and Change as game plans for improving this country and we don’t want another obstructionist who will forbid drilling for our own oil.

No Barry, we don’t care what color you are because that is not important to the conversation. We care about what you believe in. We care about what you will do to our country and we care about how your policies will impact our military, our economy, and our safety. You are not experienced enough to lead this country and you are too far left (though you are feigning to the middle) for us.

However, I will ask this. Huge numbers of black people are voting for you and not McCain and many have stated they are voting for you because you are black. Does that make them the racists? How come you have not gone after them for their obvious racism? What about whites who are only voting for you because you are black, what are they?

No Barry, I am not voting for you because I do not believe what you believe and I do not like your political views. I am not voting against you because of your color so quit calling me a racist.

However, if it will make you feel better, I am voting against the half of you that is white.

Big Dog