Massa Jackson Wants Blacks Back On The Plantation

Jesse Jackson was speaking at an event sponsored by the Congressional Black Caucus (is that a race based group) that revolved around the 25th anniversary of his failed bid for the presidency. During Jackson’s remarks he talked about the health care bill and decried that a black member of Congress did not vote for it.

“We even have blacks voting against the healthcare bill,” Jackson said at a reception Wednesday night. “You can’t vote against healthcare and call yourself a black man.”

The remark was aimed at Artur Davis, a black Democratic Congressman from Alabama.

Of course Jackson played it off by saying he did not mention anyone by name but since Davis is the only one to vote against it, figuring out about whom he was speaking was not too tough. This is especially true since Jackson said “call yourself a black man.” Jackson also said he was not saying that black lawmakers had to vote a certain way but his remarks indicate if they don’t, they can’t call themselves black men.

To race baiters like Jackson, blacks who stray from the plantation are not real blacks. They are not real black men because they had the audacity to vote their beliefs (and those of their constituencies) rather than toeing the party line. There is no room for independent thought among blacks when the race baiters are involved because the lack of thought is what keeps them on the plantation, beholden to the Democrats and looking to people like Jackson as their leaders.

Jesse Jackson is the first to organize marches against perceived injustice. If someone discusses the high rate of crime and murder in the black community he will remind us that we should not be looking at the color of the criminals (while he complains that too many of them are in jail). Why is it then that he feels it is OK to attack the color of a member of Congress because he voted against a particular piece of legislation?

Suppose Pat Robertson was at an event and discussed health care by saying that we even had a few white members of Congress who voted for health care and that “You can’t vote for healthcare and call yourself a white man”?

How do you think that would turn out? Jesse “pimp daddy” Jackson would be organizing a protest against this kind of racist rhetoric.

And yet, he is perfectly OK with telling other blacks what they should and should not do in order to be black enough. Who made Jesse Jackson the decision maker with regard to who is black enough? Did his fathering a child out of wedlock with a woman other than his wife make him the final arbiter of what constitutes appropriate behavior for black men?

Jackson needs the health care bill to pass because it will make even more minorities beholden to the government. It will make more of the black population Democratic voters because they can never vote to cut off the source of their benefits and Jackson needs them to continue to be victims so that they will need a leader in their struggle for equality.

But they can never be equal as long as they are forced to live as slaves to government redistribution schemes that take money from those who pay taxes and those who provide jobs and give it to those who are deemed by Democrats and race baiters like Jackson to be unable to provide for themselves.

Jackson and the Democrats in Congress want to keep blacks on the plantation providing a solid block of votes for Democratic candidates. As long as those folks are products of the policies of lower expectations they will forever be beholden to government and will forever need the guidance of people like Jackson.

The question is, how long are black people going to remain victims of this kind of racism? How long are they going to remain slaves to people who hold them in little regard? How long will they allow people like Jackson to decide whether they are black enough? How long will they allow those blacks who differ in opinion to be painted as Uncle Toms?

Until blacks wise up as a group and reject the mindset that holds them as second class citizens and until they stop living as victims and rise up to oppose it, then this will continue.

And race baiting poverty pimps like Jackson will still have a say in how black they are.

It is a good thing though, that Barack Obama is the post racial occupant of the White House. Think of how bad it would be if he were not…

Big Dog


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Officer’s Tragic Death Leads To More Race Baiting

An off duty police officer was tragically killed in Harlem by another officer while chasing a would be criminal who the officer caught trying to break into his car. The off duty officer (a black man) was not in uniform and was displaying his weapon while chasing the suspect. He was ordered by a uniformed officer (who did not know he was a cop) to drop the weapon. He failed to do that and he did not identify himself as a police officer. He was shot and killed by the uniformed officer who is white.

This is a tragedy and the family of the dead officer as well as the officer who shot him will be traumatized by it for a very long time. What they do not need is a bunch of claims about racist cops and how it is dangerous to be black in America.

The officer was not in uniform and was running while brandishing a weapon. To anyone observing he would look like a criminal regardless of his color. Failure to obey the orders of a uniformed officer only made him look more like a criminal. He should have known to stop and identify himself and I am certain he would have expected the same thing had he been on duty and observed the same behavior.

The race baiters though, see it differently. Al Sharpton is calling for a federal investigation and tax cheat Charlie Rangel quipped that Barack Obama, who is in New York on a date with his wife (that no doubt cost taxpayers a fortune), better not go to Harlem without ID. The unspoken message is that it will be dangerous because white cops won’t recognize him, as if to say they all look alike. Maybe we can get Sharpton to run around without ID.

It is impossible for a police officer to know every other cop on the force. People somehow expect that they will but it is impossible. I can remember when I was in the Army people would say, oh do you know my brother So and So, he’s in the Army as if you know everyone in it. The New York cops don’t have as many members but they certainly have enough that one could not know them all.

But the race baiting community will make a big deal out of this and play the race card as long as they can. This is how they keep tensions high. It was a tragedy that the cop was killed and it will only be a bigger tragedy if they make this an issue about race. Here is how Rangel helped fuel the fire:

“Whether it’s me, whether it’s the [U.S.] attorney general, or indeed, whether it’s the President of the United States, running for a bus can jeopardize you – just because of your color – in a community like ours,” Rangel said. New York Daily News

Running for a bus can put you in jeopardy just because of your skin color? Rangel left out the very important part and that is running while brandishing a weapon is not how one tries to catch a bus. Running while brandishing a weapon will put anyone in jeopardy regardless of color though I am willing to bet that most crime in Harlem, whether it involves gun play or not, is committed by blacks.

And what does he mean “in a community like ours?” I thought there was no racism in the diverse Utopia known as Liberalism. Harlem is in no way , shape, or form, a conservative community. Harlem is an African American dominated area and the politicians are Democrats. Rangel represents the place so why would the shooting be racial?

In reality, there was no race component to it. An off duty cop who happened to be black was chasing a person while brandishing a weapon. He failed to identify himself and he failed to put the weapon down as instructed by a uniformed cop who happened to be white. He was then shot.

Tell the race baiters to leave and tell Rangel to spend more time working on his tax returns and less on on ginning up phony racism complaints.

Big Dog

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A couple Of Stories About Race And Cowards

There are a few issues about race today and they involve a chimpanzee and an Attorney General who can best be described as an ass.

The first story is about a political cartoon that uses the horrible incident of the 200 pound chimp that attacked a woman. The police had to shoot the animal to put it out of the woman’s misery. The cartoon has a dead chimp with a few bullet holes in him and two cops stating that “They’ll have to find someone else to write the next stimulus bill.” Of course this was immediately pounced on as racist. How dare this cartoonist call Obama a chimp. Why, that’s racist.

First of all Obama did not write the bill, Pelosi did. So if anyone was being called a chimp it was she. However, I don’t even think it was directed at any particular person. I think the chimp represented those who spent our money ridiculously. It was if the cartoonist said that the bill was so bad some non human primate must have written it.

Al Sharpton, the race baiter who was defanged when a black man became president, found a reason to protest. Honest to God this guy and his group of people are no different than the Muslims who protest over cartoons of their child molesting prophet. Sharpton stated that blacks had been equated to chimps and that this was a racist attack. Screw you Al.

At his first press conference, Obama stated:

And let me give you a prime example — when it comes to how we approach the issue of fiscal responsibility. Again, it’s a little hard for me to take criticism from folks about this recovery package after they presided over a doubling of the national debt. I’m not sure they have a lot of credibility when it comes to fiscal responsibility. NPR [emphasis mine]

For the last eight years the left has called George Bush a chimp. There are websites dedicated to this very thing. He was chimpy McBush, chimpy, and a number of other combinations of Bush and Chimp. There were even pictures of his face on a chimp’s body. I never heard the left go nuts over this and Al Sharpton did not protest this attack on the president.

So, to paraphrase Obama, It’s a little hard for me to take criticism from folks who called George Bush a chimp for the last eight years. I’m not sure they have a lot of credibility when it comes to the chimp issue.

Call Obama what you want. Chimp is as good as anything else and it does not matter what you say because if someone does not like it then it will be labeled racist. So have fun because they will say it anyway.

For the record, I think he looks like Curious George.

The second issue involves the half baked, liberal twit of a gun grabber and terrorist appeaser, Eric Holder. Holder gave a little speech and he was discussing race in America. Holder discussed race and said that while we were integrated at work, during our off time we segregated into our groups and that no one wants to talk about race in America. He called us a bunch of cowards. While I don’t accept the statement that we do not discuss race I certainly could not blame people for avoiding the subject. Each time someone breaks wind around a black person he is labeled a racist and protested by Al Sharpton. See above story for what over reaction and race baiting is all about.

Though this nation has proudly thought of itself as an ethnic melting pot, in things racial, we have always been, and we, I believe, continue to be, in too many ways, a nation of cowards,” Holder said in remarks to his staff in honor of Black History Month. His comments appear on a transcript provided by the Justice Department.

Even as we fight a war against terrorism; deal with the reality of electing an African-American, for the first time, as the president of the United States; and deal with other significant issues of the day, the need to confront our racial past and to understand our racial present, and to understand the history of African people in this country — that all endures,” the attorney general added. Commentary Magazine

Yes Eric, we tend to hang with people who are like us. We are tribal and it is human nature to hang in groups of people who are like us. However, if he wants to discuss the idea that we segregate then let us look at the culprits. The black community is the most segregated community and other ethnic groups are not far behind. And they do this on purpose by setting up segregated organizations. After all, what are the NAACP, the UNCF, and the Congressional Black Caucus? They are nothing more than groups of blacks who segregate themselves. The real difference is that they do it at work as well as during their down time.

We certainly talk enough about race. NRO has a list of discussions that have taken place. I am not sure where Holder gets his information but he is definitely looking at different sheet music than I am.

I take great issue with the assertion of being cowards. First of all, since we talk about race his argument is negated. Second of all, it is not cowardly to associate, on one’s own time, with people that are alike. I have plenty of black friends but my bigger social circle is white. Most of the blacks I know have a larger social circle that is mostly black people. This is human nature. We tend to have tribes that are filled with people who are like us. However, Holder seems to ignore the fact that we belong to outside organizations and they are generally diverse. The Gathering of Eagles has members of all colors and when we get together our tribe consist of veterans. That, not color, is the main focus. People hang with those like them. Color is not the only thing with which tribes identify.

The American Civil War was a war about state’s rights and one of the issues was slavery. I might be wrong here but it seems to me that about 600,000 people died during that war having a pretty heated discussion about many topics, one of which dealt with race.

I doubt any sane person would call them cowards.

I think Holder is way off base here. How dare this metrosexual puke call Americans cowards. For generations Americans have shown great bravery and have overcome tremendous odds. We have dealt with race and many other subjects with bravery and for this puke to suggest otherwise is a slap to greater men than he.

Yes, his subject was race but his assertions only alluded to race as being what we were cowards about. Even if he meant only wih regard to race, he is wrong.

This thumb sucking bed wetter needs to concern himself with the laws of the land and leave the talk of race to others.

This is the guy who is afraid of guns so perhaps this talk of cowardice is nothing more than projection about himself…


And will someone tell him the Grecian Formula is for his head and not just for his mustache?

Big Dog

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Race Baiting Obama

An interview where he tells us how he feels about white people:

Listen as Obama discusses wealth redistribution. He chides wealthy whites living in the suburbs who don’t want to pay taxes for inner city kids to go to school.

Yes Barry, since not everyone can send their children to $10,000 a year private schools like you and the Mrs. then we should all pitch in and help out. How about taxes in the burbs pay for schools in the burbs and taxes in the inner cities pay for schools in the inner cities.

That would actually you to require people in the inner cities to work.

Imagine him as president.

As an aside, Joe Biden was defending Obama and his spread the wealth philosophy (Biden claimed Obama does not want to do that despite having him on tape twice saying it) and he said that Obama wants to give tax cuts to the middle class. The video is no longer available but he said something about the wealthiest one percent and paying up for the middle class to get a tax break. He never indicated that the wealthiest pay most of the taxes.

Obama wants to send money to people who pay NO taxes. That is not a tax cut, it is redistribution of wealth. Socialism.

Big Dog

And Jews Will Still Vote For Obama

I have never been able to figure out the American Jewish community. They are a bunch of hard working people who own businesses and live good lives but they continue to support the Democratic party year after year even though the Democrats take a crap on them every chance they get. Every four years it is the same thing. Democratic candidates pander to the Jews and promise them that they are strong supporters of Israel and then once they get elected they forget the Jews until the next election. When problems arise that require America to stand with Israel the Democrats cause all kinds of problems.

Barack Obama is no supporter of Israel. Sure, he went there and prayed and said all the right things but he has a long history of associating with anti Semites. His associations include Jeremiah Wright, Louis Farakhan and Jesse Jackson, all of whom are anti Semites. Obama himself has made promises to the Jewish community only to backtrack the next day and leaders of Muslim countries are praying for an Obama win because they know he will not be as kind to Israel as Republicans are. Muslim leaders hope to be able to rid the world of Israel and under an Obama administration, they might just do it.

Jesse Jackson, who is not a spokesperson for Obama, was interviewed recently and he stated that Obama would stop the practice of putting Israel’s needs above those of other nations in the Middle East.

He promised “fundamental changes” in US foreign policy – saying America must “heal wounds” it has caused to other nations, revive its alliances and apologize for the “arrogance of the Bush administration.”

The most important change would occur in the Middle East, where “decades of putting Israel’s interests first” would end. New York Post [emphasis mine]

Jackson believes that, although “Zionists who have controlled American policy for decades” remain strong, they’ll lose a great deal of their clout when Barack Obama enters the White House.

Israel is our ally. No other country in the Middle East is and they all love when Americans suffer. Several of them tolerate us but they would be more than happy to see America’s demise. Jackson, true to his anti Semite beliefs, says that Zionists have too much control in America and that Obama will end that. How much more do American Jews need to hear to oppose this guy? It is not like Jackson is not in touch with Obama. Obama and Jackson’s son are friends and his daughter went to school with Michelle Obama. They live near each other and Jackson has been a big supporter of The One. Jackson views this election as all about race and America finally doing what blacks want. He calls it a redemptive election but states that race issues will not be solved should Obama win. Why would he believe that? If race issues are solved this master race hustler would be out of a job. He lives to extort money from companies based on trumped up allegations of racism.

Jackson also said something that should infuriate any member of the military. Jackson, while saying why Obama’s chances are good, stated that we have a collapsing economy and a war that we lost in Iraq. He also stated that the US would have to keep troops there for a long time. When asked about Obama’s pledge to bring them all home by 2010 Jackson said that would have to “evolve, reflecting realities on the ground.”

So let’s get this straight. George Bush has kept troops in Iraq based on the realities on the ground and that drives the moonbats bananas. Obama promises to bring them home in short order, in fact that was the basis of his entire primary campaign (his sound judgment and all), but he might have to leave them there because of the conditions on the ground. This seems to be OK with Jackson though he is never short of negative words when referring to George Bush and Iraq. Let’s also be clear about this; WE HAVE NOT LOST THE WAR IN IRAQ. The only people who see a loss are the Democrats because they pray we will lose there. You can bet that if Obama wins and brings the troops home Jackson and his ilk will be claiming Barack brought us victory.

As an aside, Howard Stern sent someone on the street to ask people about who they are voting for. When they found people saying they were voting for Obama they were then asked questions about Obama’s positions but the questioner inserted McCain’s positions instead. The people were fine with everything as long as it was attributed to Obama. Pro life, banning embryonic stem cell research, and Sarah Palin as VP were all fine with Obama supporters. Now tell me again that people are not voting for him just because of his color or that they have no real clue and would vote for anything so long as they believed it was an Obama position. Kool Aid runs freely in Obama land.

Anyway, the Jews in America need to wake up and realize that the people in the Republican party have always been friends to Israel and when we say we will defend our ally, we mean it. They need to pay attention to the Democrats who promise them everything and then ignore them when the election is over.

If Obama wins and the “Zionists” in America get screwed and if Israel gets raked over the coals then the American Jewish community will have no one to blame but itself. For God’s sake, how many times do you folks have to be screwed before you fight back? Maybe this will help:

“Bush was so afraid of a snafu and of upsetting Israel that he gave the whole thing a miss,” Jackson says. “Barack will change that,” because, as long as the Palestinians haven’t seen justice, the Middle East will “remain a source of danger to us all.”

“Barack is determined to repair our relations with the world of Islam and Muslims,” Jackson says. “Thanks to his background and ecumenical approach, he knows how Muslims feel while remaining committed to his own faith.” (author: and that would be?) [same article]

As long as Palestinians have not seen justice? What kind of justice is it when Israel gets a little piece of land and attempts to live in peace on it only to have Palestine lobbing rockets in all day and demanding that Israel give up its land. Each time Israel capitulates it gets attacked again and more concessions are demanded of them. God forbid Israel uses it military or the UN and the Democrats have conniptions. How long will Jews allow this to continue before they see that Democrats are as much a threat to the survival of Israel as Ahmadinejad? Barack Obama will repair our relations with the Islamic world but they will not be healed until Israel is gone. That will be a precondition Obama will have to meet.

Big Dog