Let’s Punish The Deniers

Particularly those who deny that classified information went through a home brew server and ended up putting our nation at risk. Or those who deny what actually happened in Benghazi and blame it all on an internet video…

Michael E Kraft, a professor emeritus at the University of Wisconsin-Green Bay, has penned (really typed) an article advocating that fossil fuel companies be punished for denying climate change. He states that the companies denied what used to be called global warming even though their own studies showed that they were wrong. He likens this effort to the punishment tobacco companies received for denying that tobacco caused illness even though their research showed it did.

[note]The American Medical Association was not punished even though doctors at one time advertised in favor of smoking.[/note]

There is a problem with asserting that anyone is denying established science since the science is not established or settled. The claim that 90 some percent of scientists agree is extremely misleading since a large number of the scientists surveyed were not climate scientists. The reports used were flawed, data were manipulated and some items were omitted in order to present the desired outcome. In this article Kraft claims:

Those who intentionally misled the public about climate change should be held accountable.

Indeed! We should start with the climate change Chicken Littles and punish them severely for misleading the public on this issue. Remember, we should all be burning up right now, at least if they were right with their predictions. Climate change is a way for activists and scientists to get money. Researchers get more to do research and people like Al Gore get rich snookering others.

As for the fossil fuel companies, is there any evidence that their own research showed something different than what they claimed? If this is the case then perhaps they need new research. In reality Kraft discusses advocacy groups paid by fossil fuel companies to produce reports contrary to the alleged established science. So which is it? How can they be saying something different than what their research shows if they are paying for research that gives the result they want?

Kraft says governments are acting but not sufficiently and he cites the Obama regime as one of them. This would be the same Obama who uses many modes of transportation that burn huge quantities of fossil fuels and produces tons of carbon. The same Obama whose family travels the world producing tons of carbon as well.

I digress.

There is no doubt the climate changes. It has been doing that since long before man arrived on the scene and long before the period of fossil fuel use. Carbon levels were much higher long ago than they are now and somehow the planet survived. It is cyclic and influenced by the activity of the sun.

But some folks will do anything to get money.

The climate change fanatics are using the same bullying tactics many other liberal groups use. Identify what they want to be a problem, demand costly change and then attack and threaten those who do not agree. This is what you see when groups yell racist, sexist or any other “ist” to stifle debate.

The climate folks have declared that what they say is true and if you do not agree you should be punished.

I do not agree. Come and get me Mike…

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


No Good Deed

A liber do-gooder found out the hard way that no good deed goes unpunished.

Some woman went to help and advocate for refugees because, you know, the racists hate them and do not want to help them. They are all angels and should be met with open arms (and open borders) so they can receive taxpayer handouts and live the life they deserve.

She showed up to help those little angels and they robbed her blind. The darlings took all her belongings from her car and anything she was carrying. It was all recorded and the video at the linked site shows her scrambling around demanding her phone and belongings be returned to her.

Refugees have been let into European nations by the tens of thousands and they have returned the generosity by assaulting and raping women, robbing people and causing civil unrest. They have complained about the freebies they are getting, the food they are served and the places they are GIVEN to live.

I guess this liberal found out the hard way that these folks are not fit to be in civilized nations and that they have no respect for people or property.

At least she was not raped or murdered.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Affirmative Action For Bad behavior

I have had many issues with the way schools discipline children. Many schools jump right to suspension or expulsion for the most minor infractions when a whole host of other, more suitable, punishments are available. I have seen this applied to many children who misbehaved regardless of their skin color. Zero tolerance policies are certainly a factor in these punishments but often the school jumps to the toughest punishment when other options are available.

What does Eric Holder want to do about this? Well, one would think he might want to revamp the entire system so that children are judged on the merits of their individual case and not by a one size fits all standard but one would be wrong.

[note]I do not think the Attorney General should be involved in school issues and am not saying he has a responsibility here but since he thinks he does I address it from the point of view that if he is going to do something one might think it would be this…[/note]

Holder says that too many black kids are being suspended so he wants schools to stop doing that. He wants fairness in the punishment arena (which means being less strict on black kids) or schools might just face “strong action”.

The problem here is that the way punishment is handled in schools does not only affect black children nor are those children singled out because of color. All kids are affected by bad policy.

Eric would rather schools ignore the bad behavior of black children or treat them differently when they do something wrong. He seems to think punishing children who misbehave crates a pipeline from school to jail.

The pipeline from school to jail is created by a black community (which is what Holder is concerned about) that has a high incidence of single parent families, poverty and government dependence. The real issue is that children who are chronically bad are not being disciplined at home and Holder seems to want them not to be disciplined in school (or to have their punishments greatly reduced).

To Holder having children go unpunished for being bad is the way you teach them to be responsible adults. This seems to be a recurring theme for liberals as many engage in bad behavior and are rewarded.

There was a school district in Florida that did not punish black kids for being bad. The edict was put out to stop because too many black kids were being disciplined (like Holder claims). One young man was very bad in school and was in trouble a number of times. He was not disciplined very much because he was black and the school did not want to have bad statistics on the numbers of black kids disciplined.

That young man was named Trayvon Martin and think we all know how things turned out in his story…

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Senator Cardin Does Not Get It

Senator Ben Cardin of Maryland was involved in a Town Hall meeting and was asked by a person about health care and why the government would fine him if he did not get a policy. Robert Broadus laid it out for Cardin:

“I decided not to get the health insurance. That’s working out for me because I’m able to save that extra money and give it to my family members and use it on myself. Senator Cardin, I want to know are you going to tell me an individual…that I have to buy health care or else you’re going to fine me $2,500 every year I don’t get it? Our founding fathers assured us we have a Bill of Rights and I want to see you uphold that,” Broadus said in an increasingly emotional voice and to scattered applause. WUSA9

Cardin’s answer was a scary one because he basically stated that the guy would have problems if he had a serious medical condition. This could be true but Cardin made it sound as if the guy was a freeloader who would not make arrangements to pay his bill.

Cardin responded by asking Broadus what would happen if he became sick, broke a bone, had a car accident and ended up in an emergency room.

“You don’t pay. You are part of the population that shifts its costs over to a person who does pay, and they’re paying for you,” Cardin said.

Explaining how hospitals have often to absorb those costs, Cardin said many hospitals would chose simply to leave the community.

“I just think the overriding public interest is to require you and everyone in this country to have health insurance,” Cardin said.

Cardin said that it was in the public interest to require everyone to have health insurance. Why? Cardin’s lame excuse about hospitals and individuals who pay absorbing the cost falls flat. Hospitals and people who pay already absorb a great deal of cost. Hospitals also absorb the cost of government run Medicare and Medicaid. The government sets rates and never reimburses the total cost. This is one reason that patients have a plethora of tests and procedures. It is done for two reasons. The first is to prevent a lawsuit for some undiscovered problem and the other is to jack up the bill so the reimbursement is higher.

Additionally, with government run health care or a public option, if you will, everyone pays the bill. Well, the people who pay taxes pay the bill. There is no difference between the cost being spread out in the case Cardin describes and the cost being spread out among the populace in order to cover everyone.

There are plenty of ways to solve this problem that do not involve the government getting involved. Government does not have any money and it does not make money. Government extorts money from people who produce and then redistributes it to those who don’t. Washington DC only consumes, it does not produce.

Cardin is out of touch with reality because he is like the rest who want complete control over our lives. They already hold the elderly hostage with Social Security and Medicare and now they want to expand their reach to hold everyone hostage.

It is all about control over our lives and nothing more.

Big Dog

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Lieberman Faces Penalties from Vengeful Dems

Joe Lieberman has faced some tough circumstances in the past couple of years. He faced a tough challenger in the Democratic primary and lost only to win the general election running as an independent. He decided to caucus with the Democrats thus giving them a one vote majority in the Senate. Lieberman could not force himself to switch parties or caucus with Republicans and now he will more than likely pay a heavy price.

Lieberman has been supporting John McCain and this is really rubbing the Democrats the wrong way. The very people who abandoned him in the primary are upset that he will not support Barack Obama for the presidency. On the campaign trail Lieberman said something that really ticked off the Democrats and Nancy Pelosi made it known that Joe will likely lose his committee chairmanship.

This should come as no surprise. The Democrats have wanted to strip Lieberman of any committee responsibilities for quite some time. They have not done so because they are worried about losing the majority in the Senate. However, if they pick up enough seats that they do not need him they will strip him of everything and he will be fortunate to even get table scraps from the party that once put him up as a vice presidential nominee.

I stated in the past that Lieberman should have switched parties or caucused with Republicans because I knew it would only be a matter of time before the Democrats turned on him (more so than they did in the primaries). Lieberman could not force himself to switch and now will suffer the consequences should the Democrats no longer need his services.

Nancy Pelosi has made it clear that they have not stripped Lieberman because they want to keep the majority and she made it just as clear that he could lose quite a bit for backing McCain and for saying things about the sainted one. Pelosi is in the House and has no direct influence on Senator Lieberman but anyone who thinks Pelosi is the only one with vengeance on her mind is severely lacking in the ability to think. It is a foregone conclusion that Lieberman will get screwed if the Democrats pick up seats in the Senate. Since it looks like the Republicans will lose seats it is not looking good and Lieberman will have blown his chance at his own revenge. He should have screwed the Democrats right after the last election.

The only way Lieberman does not get screwed is if he either starts drinking the Obama Kool Aid or if the Democrats do not gain seats. Neither looks like it will happen.

I admire the fact that Lieberman has been loyal to his friend John McCain and I think it is even more remarkable when one considers what he will certainly lose because of that support.

Regardless of what happens in November, Lieberman should switch parties and move to the side that has treated him well.

SF Gate

Big Dog