Letters From The Children To The Fuhrer

Remember thisThe man child running the country has released a few letters from children asking for gun control. He did this ahead of his big announcement where he will trample on our rights. He will be surrounded by children as he makes his announcement which should come as no surprise since he has trampled on the graves of the dead children in Connecticut in order to bring us gun control. This is a tactic Hitler used. Surround yourself with children and claim what you are doing is in their best interests and people will give up most anything.

Not me.

My children deserve freedom as do all the children of this country. The freedom they deserve is a birthright paid for with the blood, sweat, and tears of generations of patriots who endured many hardships so that we might be free.

Now that freedom is in peril as the Socialist in the White House works to disarm us. All tyrants first disarm people because unarmed people are slaves who can be forced to do anything. Jews were disarmed under Hitler and then 6 million of them were murdered because they did not have the means to resist.

This is the legacy of governments that disarm their citizens. This is the legacy of many regimes that have disarmed people and then systematically murdered them by the millions.

This can happen here unless patriots stand firm and refuse to be disarmed. This is the only way to keep our children safe and FREE.

I know Obama is using children and their letters as props to advance his anti American agenda. Does anyone actually think he gives a rip what children think? How many wrote him letters saying gun control was not the answer? Bet you will never see those.

In any event, if the man child in DC is listening to children on policy issues then we need to mobilize.

Our children need to write letters by the millions asking him to cut spending to protect them from the burden of massive debt. All of our children and our grandchildren (and even their children and grandchildren) have been saddled with huge amounts of debt and they will be slaves to government their entire lives. Children born today enter the world owing tens of thousands of dollars.

We need our kids to write letters demanding that spending be cut so that they can be free of the burden of government debt.

If Obama truly cares what children think and truly responds to their letters then he needs to get millions of them.

Of course you know he would ignore those. Children are only props to him. Make no mistake people; Obama does not care about your children. He allows them to be murdered by the bushel before they are born. He does not care if your kids are safe.

Children are only useful to him when he has an agenda. That is why he had a kid present when he signed Obamacare and it is why he will have kids present today.

Hitler did it and look how that turned out.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog



Media Matters At Holder’s Department Of Sharia

The Department of Justice, led by racist Eric Holder, has had a remake of its website and gone are the Red, White, and Blue. Yes, the waving American flag has been replaced with the Black and Gold similar to that seen in the Muslim flag. It is interesting that as Muslims attack American Embassies and burn our flag while raising the al-Qaeda flag, Holder has abandoned the American flag for what looks like association with the Muslim flag.

Was this a not so subtle change to appease the Muslims or was it a more concentrated effort to remove America from AMERICAN Justice?

I don’t know and we may never either because no matter what the reason for the change, the Department of Sharia run by Holder will use Media Matters to put out the appropriate narrative.

Internal DOJ emails indicate that the communications staff there collaborated with Media Matters for America (a left wing propaganda firm) to stop or spin stories about various scandals in the Holder Department.

The scandals there are many. Fast and Furious and the cover-up. The death of Brian Terry and the cover-up. The New Black Panther voter intimidation case and dismissal by Holder. All these things are criminal and involve Holder but he has been happy to use Media Matters as a research arm and propaganda distributor.

[note]Was it not the left who claimed Paul Ryan’s tactics were like the Nazi propagandists?[/note]

So we might never know if the Sharia Department under Holder changed the website to be Muslim compliant or if this was something that was planned for some other reason because no matter what, Media Matters will ensue the proper propaganda is distributed.

We need criminals in jail and adults running the country and we need it soon.

If these amateurs get a second term running this nation we will surely fall.

End the Obamanation in November!

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


More Outsourcing And Obama Media Cover

BMG and Random House published both of Barack Obama’s books, his campaign plan and Michelle Obama’s new book and they are owned by a German company.

Do you mean to tell me that Obama could not possibly find an American company to publish his books? Did he have to outsource this stuff? One could make an argument that he was not in the White House when the books were published (so he felt differently then) but his campaign plan and Moochelle’s book are current. So Obama continues to outsource work…

The German company, Bertlesmann AG, was the biggest producer of Nazi propaganda.

Might explain why Obama is with them.

What does Obama’s outsourcing have to do with anything? Well, BMG Rights Management has made a copyright claim and had a Mitt Romney You Tube ad pulled because it features Obama singing some of Al Green’s song “Let’s Stay Together.”

But, that is copyright infringement and you conservatives are supposed to be about the rules.

True, we are for the rules (which is one thing liberals hate) but using a video with a few lines of a song is not copyright infringement. It probably falls under fair use.

But, but, BMG has rights and if they invoke copyright then the ad needs to be pulled.

Well, I would say yes if that was the real reason the ad was pulled. The reality is that BMG invoked copyright because the ad is against Obama. If the ad was made by Obama and featured a clip of him singing a few lines of the song there is no doubt it would NOT be pulled.

Oh sure, and you, Big Dog, can read people’s minds. You are some kind of conspiracy nut.

Yep, except here is a You Tube video of Obama singing the song. It is a clip of what was used in the Romney ad and BMG did not object to it…

So let’s recap. A German company that has a history of Nazi propaganda is aligned with Obama and has used its might to censor something unfavorable to Obama. Yeah, that looks like a propaganda move.

And to top it off Obama has outsourced his publishing work to that company.

No wonder he is lying his donkey off about Romney and Bain…

The information for this post came from Matt Lewis at the Daily Caller.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Did Hate Speech Inspire These Left Wing Lunatics?

Almost immediately after the shooting in Tuscon the left wing liberal echo chamber was reverberating the story that Sarah Palin and the right wing were responsible for the violence. The fact that nothing was known about the shooter did not keep them from making false claims. They continued this for a week until they got push back and they saw polls showing that America was not buying it.

They also quieted down when it was discovered that the shooter paid little attention to politics but leaned to the left. It also did not help that the left’s mouthpiece sheriff turned out to be negligent in that his department had multiple contacts with the lunatic shooter and ignored the violent threats from him. They could have had him evaluated and if he was diagnosed with a mental disorder he could not have bought a gun. A liberal sheriff neglected his duty and people died.

The left wants us to believe that all the violence that is perpetrated is from the right. The only major bit of violence I am aware of with regard to a person who claimed to be protecting the Constitution was McVeigh. I was challenged with a list of so called violence which included imagined threats and people “inciting” violence or incidents against Democrats (and their offices) in which no one was caught but the left assumed it had to be a right winger. It was weak at best though it was at least a half hearted attempt to counter my claim that all the violence has come from the left. Clearly I should have avoided the absolute word “all” and stated a more accurate claim and that is most of the violence has come from the left. Just about (if not) all of the US presidential assassinations and attempted assassinations have been perpetrated by people on the left.

The so called violent right wing talk the left claims incites these things pales in comparison to the threats of violence and violent talk coming from the left. I don’t recall any right wing people saying that they wanted to shoot everyone who did not believe the same thing as they (James Cameron and global warming deniers). I do not recall any right wing politician saying he wanted to line a candidate form the opposing party up against a wall and shoot him. I do not recall Rush, Beck, Hannity or any others doing this or ever calling for violence against others. Plenty of left wing commentators do though.

Here is a list of the 7 violent left wingers that the liberals want us to forget about. They are fairly recent and they are violent but I do not believe that harsh talk by the left caused them to commit (or threaten) acts of violence. They did it because they are violent people.

But they are left wing lunatics who committed violence and whose acts were never blamed on the violent talk of the left. The right knows they are responsible for their own actions. The left believes they must be a victim of something (usually Bush is to blame).

I have been to plenty of rallies in DC when all kinds of groups were there and I have never seen an act of violence perpetrated by the right wing supporters (I have seen some commit violence in their own defense) but I have seen a number of threats from left wing groups (usually the cowardly anarchists). The DC police always told us they knew what side would be causing the problems and at several events told us that there were no arrests of people from our groups but that dozens from the other sides were taken into custody. Yep, I remember watching the left wing lunatics try to “invade” the Capitol after the police said that anyone who trespassed would be arrested.

There are violent people on both sides of the debate but those people are responsible for their own actions. The problem is that the left wing media hardly reports on any act of violence involving left wingers and will often ignore or overlook it while pointing fingers at the right.

Case in point. How much have you heard about the attempted assassination of a Democrat Governor by a left wing nut job this past September? If you heard anything it was not much. It was certainly not as hyped as the shooting in Tuscon and there was no finger pointing.

That does not fit the narrative or the agenda.

Cave Canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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Typical For The Left

The propagandists of the left will use fear and threats to get what it wants. This video is an example of how they operate, do it our way or else (in this case you get blown up). No different than Obama saying we must act now to avoid this or that and we can’t wait or it will be real bad. No different, of course, except they blow people (including CHILDREN) up in the video.

This should not be surprising considering the threats made to those who do not buy into the whole global warming scam. They want to round us up and shoot us, tax us to death, and take away our stuff because they will use force to get what they want.

As an aside, I still have that challenge with James Cameron. He wants to meet the global warming deniers in the street and have a shoot out with them. I will be happy to oblige him and the offer remains open. I think he might get to eat a little more than his words…

How do you think it would be received if the video was of Congress and each time one of the members went against the wishes of the public he was blown up?

Then again…

And yes, I know it is a UK film but the climate change Nazis are all the same.

Cave Canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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