Obama Will Force on Employers What he Opposes for Feds

Barack Obama was making the rounds through Pennsylvania and he gave the familiar stump speech of lowering taxes on the middle class, raising taxes on the rich and spending untold billions in programs. The he said he would require employers to set up retirement accounts for their employees:

He said employers should be required to set up retirement saving plans for workers even if they contribute no money to them. Workers would automatically be enrolled unless they choose to opt out, he said. That way, he said, “most people will save more.” Breitbart

Why is it he will force employers to do something that he will not allow the federal government to do and that he strongly opposes? Why is it that he will not allow our Social Security, the government extorted retirement system, to be privatized so each employee has a say in how his money is invested? The reason is simple. Politicians have been taking the money they force us to pay and they have been spending it on everything but Social Security. They limit how much people can receive regardless of income or how much they paid and then they go after more of our money when they spend our retirement money.

Imagine if these employers set up accounts and then spend the money on their business or for their personal items. Obama and the Congress would be trying to put them in jail (and rightly so) but these people will have done nothing more than what Congress does with the money it takes.

We have seen the Democrats admit that keeping more of our money is good for the economy (in the “rebate” program) and now Obama is admitting that retirement accounts for each employee would force us to save and thus allow us to have money in retirement.

How about Mr. Obama and the federal government lead by example here and allow us to set up our own accounts with our Social Security money so that we can retire with wealth?

I don’t agree with forcing employers to do these things. It is not the government’s business or duty to mandate how businesses or individuals plan for retirement. The government has already gotten its hands on our money and screwed up the entire Social Security system. It is high time we were able to control OUR money and to decide how it is invested.

Most people know better how to handle their money without the government telling them. Considering how poorly the government does with fiscal issues it is ludicrous to expect them to handle our retirement with any sort of responsibility.

What say you Mr. Obama? Are you ready to privatize Social Security? Seems you like the idea of saving so what better way to do it than allowing us to actually save OUR money?

Big Dog

Obama Pulling Old Dem Line on Social Security

Barack Obama might say he is a new kind of politician and he might say that he is not part of the DC cabal that runs the country from smoke filled back rooms but one thing is for sure, Obama is a typical liberal and uses their tired old arguments.

Obama is warning senior citizens that their Social Security is in trouble if they elect John McCain because he favors privatization. Oh heavens no, not Social Security. Isn’t that the same program that Al Gore and then John Kerry (he served in Vietnam) said would be threatened if seniors were foolish enough to elect (and then reelect) George Bush? Amazingly, no one has missed a Social Security check in the last eight years.

This is all part of the Democrat’s very simplistic game plan. Every four years they trot out the same crap and try to scare one group or another into voting for them because the evil Republicans will take away everything. Social Security is always a hot button issue around election time and politicians love to tell us how they are going to make it better blah, blah. The truth is, the day after the election they forget about it. They continue to kick the can down the road until the next election and then they play the same game. Barack Hussein Obama is a typical politician and he is lying to the American people in order to get elected.

No, Obama is not lying about McCain favoring privatization but he is lying when he says that Social Security would be in jeopardy under a McCain presidency. Social Security is already in danger and it is because it is run by the government. The politicians confiscate money from us (for our own goo) and yet they will not let us decide how OUR money should be invested. They throw it into one big pool and then redistribute it to the retired.

Years ago there was plenty of money and SS took in more than it spent each month. However, the politicians took that money and spent it on social programs and now the system is going broke and will be out of money in the not too distant future. The Democrat’s solution is to take more of your money and let them handle it. They earn less than 1% on any money that is left after they raid the cash box and that is supposed to make us feel good. Additionally, SS has been designated a government benefit by the SCOTUS and that benefit can be stopped at any time. We are not entitled to what we paid in and in most cases we will be lucky to get it.

Privatization is the only way to make SS work. The money would go into accounts in each worker’s name. Those accounts would belong to the worker and no one could take any of the money and that means that politicians could not spend it on other programs. If a worker died prior to retirement then the account could be passed to his heirs thus keeping it out of the hands of those in government who have proven time and again that they are not fiscally responsible. Social Security is in a mess because it is run by the government. That is the plain and simple truth. They have it and they control it which means they are responsible.

Senator Obama is playing the same old tired game because he refuses to face the fact that Americans deserve a retirement savings plan that is as good as the one every federal employee, including all members of Congress, have. This is particularly true since the money that funds SS is taken from workers. Allowing people to invest their money would make them well off when they retire and it would keep them from being dependent upon the government. This is what scares Obama and the Dems. If people retire wealthy then they will not be affected by scare tactics like those being employed by Obama.

It is amazing that the very people who say Republicans are divisive and use scare tactics in order to get elected are using scare tactics and being divisive in order to get elected.

My Way News

Big Dog

Why the Dems do not want you to control your money:
Assumptions. Annual salary of $35,000 and it does not change. A worker starting at 22 and working until 67. Social Security rate of 12.5% (6.25 worker and 6.25 employer). Assuming a 1% rate on the SS invested monthly for 45 working years an employee would have $248,999. Assuming the average market rate of 6% the employee would have $1,010,967. The worker would be about 5 times as wealthy and this would not bode well for the task master in government. Keep in mind that salaries usually go up and that the market only averages 6% and is usually better. If you can support yourself the government is unhappy. The whole idea behind welfare and other social programs is to keep people enslaved to the government.