Democrat Promises Never Change, Neither Do the Results

Thomas D’Alesandro, Jr. was the father of Nancy Pelosi and he was as big a left wing liberal Democrat as she is today. His positions and his political life influenced her political life and certainly on her view of America. D’Alesandro was born in Baltimore Maryland and served in a number of elected offices including Maryland House of Delegates, Mayor of Baltimore, and US House of Representatives. He dropped out of the race for Maryland Governor because he did not report money he took from someone who was convicted of fraud and conspiracy. He also ran for the US Senate in 1958. That year brings us some information about Democrats, their promises and the failures of those promises.

His son, Thomas III was a politician and his daughter, Nancy Pelosi still is. That family has lived off the taxpayer (and gotten rich off them) for decades.

A friend informed me that he was cleaning out an old Maryland property he had obtained and he found a 1958 campaign flyer from D’Alesandro’s Senate campaign. On that flyer, Tommy declares (among other things) that he will end the recession and restore America to full employment, strengthen the educational system to make our children the best educated int he world, and wipe out slums, raise the standard of living, guarantee decent housing to millions of Americans who are entitled [emphasis mine] to greater opportunities.

These promises are the same ones that have been made by progressives (regardless of party) for decades. They always promise they are going to do these things and lift people out of poverty and give them what they deserve (as if you deserve something for nothing). Nancy Pelosi is no different than her corrupt daddy. He lived off the taxpayer and so does she. They live off our money and push policies to get millions of others living off the taxpayer and this is done for two reasons. It is done to keep people in poverty and to ensure votes.

These progressives have determined that they are the ruling class and that the rest of us need them in charge. This is what Obama believed as a young man growing up and he lives that out each and every day. You are not smart enough to make it on your own and you are not able to survive without your betters providing for you. We will keep giving you these things and you keep voting for us.

The uninformed are kept that way by an educational system that teaches revised history aimed at making the youth of any given day the progressive soldiers of the future. The institutes of alleged higher learning are indoctrinating those youths into radical progressives who Occupy Wall Street in the name of their slave masters.

Make no mistake about it. Our system, as designed by progressives, is designed to keep people uninformed and begging for their Obamaphones and Obamacare, their birth control and their abortions all of which are provided in exchange for votes. Illiterate people are kept that way and encouraged to breed new generations of welfare recipients who will some day vote for their handouts. Yes, these people are not Republicans or Democrats they are Gimmiedats.

Look at the brochure from 1958 (pdf file) and tell me how the promises, or the “…Things for which I Stand” part is any different from what progressives say today. There is always some underrepresented class that progressives are looking to help with their promises. The goal is to enslave these people to government so that they are always a reliable vote.

People from both parties are involved in this game and the only voices opposed are those of the truly conservative folks in Congress. There are conservatives in both parties who believe in small government and adherence to the Constitution. There are not enough of these voices because the slaves have been allowed to vote in more and more slave masters who will throw them a phone or two along the way.

The problem is that this will likely not get any better anytime soon since there is a growing number of illiterate people. Rush Limbaugh calls them the low information voters but I call them what they are, illiterate. The slaves held on plantations were denied education because education allows freedom. The educational system today is designed to produce illiterate people who are indoctrinated in progressive ideologies. They are functionally illiterate. They can’t tell the difference between right and wrong and they lack the ability to take informed choices when picking leaders.

They vote for the masters who promise them stuff. Gimmiedat!

Those of you who are happy with the government providing for you keep in mind that you are supposed to be in charge of the government, not the other way around. If you relinquish your power government will be happy to take it.

“Socialists ignore the side of man that is the spirit. They can provide you shelter, fill your belly with bacon and beans, treat you when you’re ill, all the things guaranteed to a prisoner or a slave. They don’t understand that we also dream.” ~ Ronald Reagan

Yes, you can be provided everything and be a prisoner or a slave. Slaves and prisoners have another thing in common, they are deprived of the right to keep and bear arms.

Why do you think the slave masters are working so hard to ban and/or restrict guns?

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog



Obama Once Again Takes Lead From Bush

Remember during the campaign when Obama said that Bush did everything wrong in the war on terror. We should not be in Iraq, Gitmo should be closed and we should not be holding the people for no reason. That is when Barry was the candidate and had to appeal to the anti war left in order to be different from the other Democrats who voted for the war. Hillary had to be hawkish in order to show a woman could be tough. Obama, the metrosexual, showed he was the learned one on such matters.

This continued in the general election campaign when he linked McCain to Bush and said that McCain would just give us more of the same. Obama and his minions even took a McCain statement out of context and convinced people that McCain said it would be OK to be in the war for 100 years (a blatant lie).

Since being elected Obama has taken many of the same positions as Bush with regard to the war. He is now employing a surge in Afghanistan (where are the MSM with the body counts and Code Pink burning effigies), he has adjusted his time line and now he is even taking the Bush stance on prisoners. He wants to close Gitmo but he thinks it will be OK to keep people, even those found not guilty, if they are deemed to be a threat to us:

The Obama administration said Tuesday it could continue to imprison non-U.S. citizens indefinitely even if they have been acquitted of terrorism charges by a U.S. military commission.

Jeh Johnson, the Defense Department’s chief lawyer, told the Senate Armed Services Committee that releasing a detainee who has been tried and found not guilty was a policy decision that officials would make based on their estimate of whether the prisoner posed a future threat.

Like the Bush administration, the Obama administration argues that the legal basis for indefinite detention of aliens it considers dangerous is separate from war-crimes prosecutions. Officials say that the laws of war allow indefinite detention to prevent aliens from committing warlike acts in future, while prosecution by military commission aims to punish them for war crimes committed in the past. WSJ

All those people who voted for Obama and said it would be great to have anyone but Bush in office now have someone who is closely following Bush with regard to the war on terror.

Obama found out fast that it is different when you are looking from the inside.

His supporters who thought he was going to end all of this must be delusional. I, on the other hand, predicted this would happen. Obama will say or be anything to get into office.

Funny thing is Obama said McCain would be George Bush’s third term. Looks like Obama is now holding Bush’s third term.

Maybe we will get lucky and all his supporters will stroke out over this war mongering hero they voted for.

Big Dog

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