Postal Service Goes…Postal

The United States Postal Service is seeking more than your packages and letters. The USPS placed a solicitation for bids for ammunition in a variety of calibers. The solicitation was placed on 31 January and closes on 10 February.

[note]Notice how the solicitation changed to specifically claim it is for their law enforcement and postal inspectors. Seems to me they saw the posting about this at Info Wars and changed it (note the dates). They are ordering multiple calibers. They might need rifle and pistol ammo but how many rifles should we expect postal police officers to have?[/note]

While millions of gun owners still scrounge for ammunition the Federal Government is buying it up by the billions. The purchases are from many different agencies that one would think would not need firearms or ammunition. NOAA, the Social Security Administration and Department of Education don’t need an over abundance of firearms or ammo (discounting the small amount needed by their respective law enforcement arms). The amount purchased is well above what a reasonable person would think normal.

The Federal Government is stockpiling ammunition and doing so through straw purchases. It is using other federal agencies to purchase ammo for it so as to avoid suspicion.

It appears as if the government is preparing for civil unrest and it is making sure it is well equipped to handle the chaos.

Funny how it is illegal for citizens to engage in straw purchases. if you purchase a firearm for another person you get in trouble.

The government and the purchasing agencies will try to explain these purchases away (see note above) but don’t be fooled. They are arming to the teeth right under our noses.

Maintain a high index of suspicion.

Perhaps this is legitimate but I would think the Federal Government could use a central purchasing agency and then distribute the ammo that way.

In any event, be sure you are prepared.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Will There Be A Post Office Bailout?

The postal service is a Constitutional item that is run by the federal government and it is run like a typical government bureaucracy, that is, there is a lot of waste and a lot of overhead and a lot of cost overrun. The kicker is that the postal service actually charges for its service and should, if run properly, be able to pay its bills. Unfortunately that is not the case. The postal service is billions in the red and has suspended its share of retirement contributions for its employees.

Will Congress and Barack Obama step in and bailout the postal service? The government already believes that it has the authority to force you to buy products. Obamacare mandates that we all buy health insurance and the Democrats stand by that generous and incorrect interpretation of the Commerce Clause of the Constitution. The Democrats assure us that health care is unique because everyone will, at one time in their lives, enter the health care system so it is OK, according to them, to make people buy insurance.

What would stop the Democrats from making the same argument about the postal service? Everyone at one point in their lives gets some sort of mail. What would stop Congress from forcing us to use the postal service or force us to buy a certain dollar amount of postage stamps each month? Maybe Congress will decide that in order to boost postal revenue all online bill paying activities must stop and people have to mail their bills in. Maybe they will take down the email contacts for all members of Congress and make us send them letters via the postal service.

It is not unreasonable to assume that the government could force us to use the postal system citing the Commerce Clause like it did with Obamacare.

I would not put it past them to step in and screw over the taxpayers in order to make the postal service solvent.

There is nothing that prevents the government from moving the postal service to the private sector. The Constitution says Congress has the authority to establish post offices and postal roads (which actually means they don’t have to but have the power to) but it does not say that Congress (or the government) must run the post offices and postal roads. Congress could establish the post offices under the private sector and let that company compete for business against other similar services. Congress would have oversight and a portion of the revenue could go to the Treasury.

In any event, I would not put it past the Democrats and their messiah to try to bailout the postal service by putting into place policies that would force people to use the service.

Let’s face it, we are losing more and more freedom so it is not hard to imagine this taking place.

Then again, perhaps they could start reducing the number of employees, increase the amount employees contribute to their pensions, force them to pay the same rate for insurance as the rest of the federal employees (contrary to popular opinion, federal employees pay quite a bit for their health insurance), and stop delivering mail on Saturday. They could also cut the number of post offices and consolidate routes. Greater efficiency would help the bloated system to be more solvent.

Then again, why do all that when Congress could force us to use them.

Be wary. The Socialists in our government would love to intrude even more into our lives.

Cave Canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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Postal Service Delivers Red Ink

The United States Postal Service is a bloated government agency that has many more employees than it needs and has more overhead than revenue it generates and that is because it is not generating revenue. The Postal Service announced that its lost $8.5 BILLION for the fiscal year. This is nothing new as the Postal Service has been losing money for a long time.

Don’t get me wrong, I think it is amazing that they can get a letter from one side of the country to the other in a few days for under 50 cents. But the manner in which they do it consumes a lot of money and since this is a government agency there is no urgency to correct that problem.

The Postal Service indicated that it has saved money over the last two years by cutting 105,000 jobs. It cut that many and still has a huge number of employees and these employees earn good money and have great benefits. All of this has to be paid for and if the Postal Service is not making money then it comes from the taxpayer.

So why don’t we privatize the Postal Service? The Constitution says that Congress will establish post offices and postal roads. I think we are pretty much past needing postal roads (since all roads are probably postal roads) and I am sure that there is no restriction on making the post office a private entity. Seems that doing so would still meet the requirement of establishing post offices. A private company could run things for profit and take the bloat out of the system.

Since that will never happen there are other things they can do. They should cut down to 5 days of delivery and shut down the Post Offices on Saturday. The number of post offices should be reviewed and they should either eliminate or combine them. There are two post offices within a few miles of each other in my area. That is not necessary.

Then they need to cut more people from the workforce. There are way too many people for the number of items being delivered. The people in charge need to take a serious look at the number of postal employees and cut out those not needed. This might be an easier task if they first close the unnecessary offices.

The last thing they need to do is restructure the employee benefits. Postal workers pay only a fraction of what most other government employees pay each year for health insurance.

With an appropriate number of workers, restructured benefits and the elimination or combining of offices the Postal Service might be able to stop delivering red ink every fiscal year.

Cave Canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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