Pelosi Adds 200 Million To The Population

On January 24th Nancy Pelosi was asked if the stimulus bill was going to fast and if it would be ready by the President’s Day recess. Pelosi explained that there was no time to waste and that each month it is delayed 500 million people lose their jobs.

There are only about 306 million people in this country and roughly 127 million have jobs. It is mathematically impossible for more people to lose jobs than the number of people that exist. Maybe she is including the people from the extra eight states that Barack Obama found when he was campaigning (I’ve been to 57 states and have one left to go).

I am sure she meant to say 500 thousand. But thousand is such a small number when one is use to working with million, billions, and now trillions. Pelosi made the mistake because a million is not a big number to her. This is why we have problems with government spending; politicians have no concept of the size of things.

I have written before about how big a trillion is and this package, if passed, will cost more than a trillion dollars once the interest is figured in. The Senate has it up to 900 billion without interest.

I read today that if you spent a million dollars a day since the day Jesus was born the amount of money would not reach the amount of the stimulus package. The total would be around 734 Billion dollars which is below any number given for the package.

While I might concede that Pelosi probably made a mistake because she could not possibly be that stupid, I have to admit that since she believes that spending money on birth control will stimulate the economy, one cannot rule out stupidity.

The whole Obama administration and this Democratic majority has been a comedy carnival.

By this time next year the Democrats will be on the verge of a nervous breakdown and Obama will have a full head of gray hair. He will probably be smoking 2 packs a day trying to figure out why he can’t just shout Hope and Change and get things done.

This guy is a rookie and he is making rookie mistakes. He is in way over his head (Pelosi has been in way over her head since she got to Congress) but most of his supporters won’t figure that out for a year or so, if at all.

By then Hope and Change will be replaced by Depression and Despair.

Big Dog

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