Obama’s Crude Oil Plan

Nancy Pelosi has called the Republican plan to drill America’s oil resources a hoax. Pelosi and many of her Democratic partners have been opposed to America drilling for its own oil for quite some time and it matters not to them that the money we pay for oil goes to people who do not like us very much. Truthfully though, it did not matter to most when the price of oil was low.

Now that it is high and people are feeling the pinch, Republicans and many Blue Dog Democrats want to drill our own resources. The problem is that Nancy Pelosi will not allow the issue to come up for a vote. Pelosi claimed that the Democrats would work for Americans to find solutions. They were not going to obstruct like the other party. The Democrats obstructed when they were the minority and now that they are in control they, under the leadership of Pelosi and Reid, have done everything to ensure that items they do not like never see the light of day.

Republicans staged a coup yesterday by staying and debating the drilling issue long after the Speaker had banged the gavel of adjournment. That gavel signaled the beginning of a 5 week, taxpayer paid, vacation. Yep, Congress will be in recess for the entire month of August. This, of course, is in addition to the week long holidays they take all year and the end of work as the election approaches. Can anyone explain why we pay them so much for so little? They never work.

Anyway, Pelosi had the lights turned off, the cameras turned off and the microphones shut down but that did not keep the Republicans from continuing to debate the issue while the Democrats left ensuring at least 5 more weeks will pass before this issue is addressed again. The issue now becomes, did Barry Obama add Pelosi’s name to the never ending stream of people who are ending up under his bus?

Barack Obama, who was once very opposed to drilling our own oil so much so that he chided John McCain for changing his position of the subject, has now changed positions on the subject. Yes, in June Obama stated that McCain had changed his position because of political expediency and that drilling would produce no oil for 10 years. Yesterday, the sainted one, stated that he would be open to drilling our own oil. He stated that he would make the compromise in order to have a path to alternative energies as long as we did it safely. In other words, he is now taking the very same position that McCain took only when McCain took it, it was a political move and when Obama takes it, it is compromise.

How will Nancy Pelosi look at Obama’s words? Will she say that his plan to drill is a hoax? Will others who called McCain a flip flopper and only changing for political reasons now call Barry a flip flopper who changed for political reasons? The absolute truth is that Obama DID change for political reasons. If he really felt compromise was in order he would have jumped on board when McCain did (and if he were the leader he wants you to believe he is, he would have been the first to propose it). The only reason Obama is jumping in now is because his poll numbers are flat (and Democrats are nervous) and he is tied with McCain. He realizes that people from all political backgrounds want to drill and he is pandering to them in order to get votes.

The important thing to remember is that John McCain was first on this issue just as he was on the surge. McCain was right about the surge while Obama was saying it would not work. To this day Obama will not admit he was wrong. Now McCain was first out of the gate on drilling for our oil and Obama criticized the position and, like his position on the surge, said it would not work. He stuck with the hard left and their desire to have $10.00 a gallon gas. Obama was Barry come lately. In other words, McCain demonstrated leadership and Obama demonstrated a lack of it. He followed the leader on this one. Don Surber notes that this position changed in just one day:

The Empty Suit on drilling on Thursday, as blogged by the New York Times:

“It won’t lower prices today. It won’t lower prices during the next Administration. While this won’t save you at the pump, it sure has done a lot to help Senator McCain raise campaign dollars.”

The Empty Suit on Friday, from the NYT:

“If, in order to get that passed, we have to compromise in terms of a careful, well thought-out drilling strategy that was carefully circumscribed to avoid significant environmental damage — I don’t want to be so rigid that we can’t get something done.”

Now who is trying to raise campaign dollars?

Here is where the fun will begin. Obama has made it clear that he disagreed with McCain on this issue in the past and had unflattering things to say about him because of it. All the liberal media and the toadies who bow down to the greatness of Obama have been claiming that drilling our own oil will not work and that McCain is out of touch and it won’t help in the short term and any number of other reasons it was a bad idea. What will they say now that the sainted one in OK with drilling? Will they now say it is a brilliant idea? This is the way they play the game. Idiots like Keith Olberman decry George Bush as a criminal for supporting a bill that gives cell phone companies immunity but when Obama votes for it, he demonstrated courage. That is how this will be viewed. Obama will be hailed as a genius who is ahead of his time. Unfortunately, he was way late to the party on this one.

Pay attention over the next few weeks and see how the tone of the debate changes in the liberal media now that the sainted one agrees with drilling. Watch and see how many people change their positions as well. What will really be interesting is seeing how Pelosi reacts to this. It was a hoax when Republicans were pushing it. How will she view it from the Messiah?

Keep in mind that no matter what happens drilling was the plan from Republicans while Democrats refused debate on the issue. Now watch and see who tries to take credit if they change position.

Obama is pandering for votes. He already said he was happy with high gas prices but just wished they had risen more slowly. The Democrats have already stated they would be fine with $10.00 a gallon gas and Obama was totally opposed to this plan until his poll numbers fell flat. However, in two months Obama will be saying he has been consistent in his position on this and has always espoused it.

We do not need these people running the country.

Sources: (Amazing how they report the comprehensive plan when it comes from The One)
My Way News
Palm Beach Post

Big Dog

Kennedy is Ill but Still a Politician

Having said that, I imagine that this might be how things played out over the weekend. Senator Kennedy had a seizure and an ambulance was called. He had another seizure in route to the hospital. He was briefly at a small hospital before being airlifted to Mass General, a very good hospital. They ran some tests and did a CAT scan of his head. It was at this time they discovered his tumor. The doctors informed him that he had a tumor and they needed to do more tests to grade it and see how far along it was.

Dr.: Senator, do you want us to release any of this information?

Kennedy: How long will it take to do the tests you want to do?

Dr.: The tests can be accomplished in a few hours and we should have results back no later than Tuesday.

Kennedy: Tuesday huh. Let’s not say anything right now except that you are running tests. You see, Clinton is going to trounce Obama in Kentucky but he will win in Oregon.

Dr.: Everyone already knows that. It is all they talk about on the news but what does it have to do with your condition.

Kennedy: Its like this. I wait until Tuesday afternoon or so to disclose that I have a tumor. That bombshell will dominate the news and overshadow Clinton’s big win. All they will talk about is me. Then, since Oregon is three hours behind their polls will close when it is around 10pm in the East and most folks will be in bed so Wednesday will be all about Obama.

Dr.: I am not particularly comfortable playing politics with your health.

Kennedy: Now look here. This is my health information and I say it cannot be released until Tuesday and if it is released any earlier I will take you for a ride in my car, if you know what I mean. It is all about politics and I intend to take the thunder away from Clinton and help little Barack Osama, er, Obama er Osama Obama out.

Dr.: Sigh

Ted Kennedy has been a politician most of his life and it is all he knows. In all seriousness though, he is very sick and the limited information we are getting does not seem particularly encouraging. Some say he has a chance to live about three more years and others say, given his age and the assumption that it is inoperable, he has about a year.

I have no love for the man and cannot stand his politics. I feel he has been bad for America despite the accolades he is getting from everyone. However, he is a human being and I would not be so uncaring as to show joy over his illness like the liberals do every time Dick Cheney goes to the hospital. They hold gleeful death watches and hope this time it is for real. I cannot do that no matter how much I dislike the man.

My prayers are with him and his family. I pray he recovers but my experience tells me that is not likely and that he does not have much longer to be here. I would suggest that he resign from the Senate and enjoy life with his family doing the things he likes to do and die happy and with dignity. I am sure he will consider that but not before he helps Barry defeat Hillary.

Big Dog

Campaign Double Talk, from Both Sides

By now most people know that loyal Obama supporter and campaign worker Samantha Power has resigned after she made some nasty remarks about Hillary Clinton. Power called Clinton a monster and had a few other choice things to say about her. Power resigned and apologized for the incident. However, this is the apology:

In her statement, Power said her comments “do not reflect my feelings about Sen. Clinton, whose leadership and public service I have long admired.”

She said she apologizes to both Clinton and Obama.

“I should not have made these comments, and I deeply regret them. It is wrong for anyone to pursue this campaign in such negative and personal terms.”

Obama spokesman Bill Burton said, “Sen. Obama decries such characterizations, which have no place in this campaign.”

If these words do not reflect her feelings then why the hell did she say them. This is not like an easily misinterpreted phrase we are talking about. This woman was pretty clear about what she said and what she meant. For what it is worth, I agree with her that Hillary is a monster but most of us know that monster by its proper name; Satan.

Also, what is this stuff from Burton saying that Obama decries such characterizations? Obama has made it clear that he plans to go negative and hit Hillary hard on her claimed experience. Perhaps Obama is not into name calling but he probably agrees that Clinton is a monster.

Satan herself is not clear if campaign babble. She is defending statements she made about Mississippi earlier in the campaign. She said that the comment is not exactly what she said even though they have what she said on tape. I suppose one could argue semantics on this issue but it is clear that Hillary is rewriting history once again. Despite what many Hillary supporters believe, she figured she would have this thing wrapped up on Super Tuesday. The fact that she insulted Mississippi shows that she felt the state would not be important. Now she is in a real fight and needs the delegates from that state.

What a wonderful campaign season. Clinton is rewriting history and Obama is using volunteers who say things that they do not mean.

Sort of like the candidates…..

Daily News

Big Dog

Bill Clinton Endorses Obama

In 2004, Bill Clinton said this:

“One of Clinton’s laws of politics is, if one candidate is trying to scare you, and the other one is trying to make you think, if one candidate’s appealing to your fears, and the other one’s appealing to your hopes. You better vote for the person who wants you to think and hope.”

Hillary keeps warning of the disaster that would be created if Obama wins the nomination. He is not ready to lead from day one, he does not have her experience, and the Republicans will tear him apart. She is trying to scare people about the possibility of an inexperienced person at the helm or of four more years of a Republican in the White House. Obama wants people to think and he always talks about hope. He does not say much but he meets the criteria of who you should vote for, according to Clinton’s law of politics and Hillary meets the criteria of a person not deserving of your vote.

I wonder if he feels the same way today? After all, it is a Clinton law of politics. Of course, so is lying, being dirty, and saying or doing whatever it takes to get elected.

See the video at Breitbart.

Big Dog

UPDATE: There is a new ad Clinton is running designed to tap into voter’s fears about national security. Once again, she is the fear candidate and breaks one of Clinton’s laws of politics…

“It’s 3 a.m. and your children are safe and asleep,” the male narrator says. “But there’s a phone in the White House and it’s ringing. Something’s happening in the world. Your vote will decide who answers that call.” The Politico

Others with interesting posts:
Outside the Beltway, The Virtuous Republic, Rosemary’s Thoughts, Right Truth, Shadowscope, Leaning Straight Up, Cao’s Blog, Conservative Cat, Adeline and Hazel, Diary of the Mad Pigeon, third world county, Allie is Wired, Faultline USA, Nuke Gingrich, Woman Honor Thyself, The World According to Carl, Pirate’s Cove, The Pink Flamingo, Celebrity Smack, A Newt One, Dumb Ox Daily News, Right Voices, The Yankee Sailor, and Gone Hollywood, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

Clinton Adds to Den of Thieves

They say you can tell a lot about people by the company they keep. Hillary Clinton has told us a lot about herself with the newest addition to her advisory staff. Clinton has hired on Sandy Berger as an adviser. Berger was convicted of stealing and then destroying classified documents from the National Archives.

It seems not to bother Clinton that a man who violated the trust of this country and who should be in jail works for her. It must not bother her because she allowed the guy to be hired. If this is an indication of how a Hillary White House will operate then it should give people pause with regard to putting her in there. It was bad enough to go through eight years of her husband and his den of thieves but to go through it again would be insane.

This is Washington business as usual. Hire the people who have screwed the place up so they can continue to give us more of the same. It is beyond me how there are so few qualified people in this country that we must continue to recycle has beens and thieves through the DC machine.

Of course, this job could be payback for Berger’s deeds at the Archives. It is believed that he stole documents that were harmful to former President Clinton. The documents might have implicated Clinton in the apathy that led to 9/11.

Hillary is some piece of work. She has a husband who can’t keep things in his pants and an adviser who can’t keep things out.

Baltimore Examiner

Big Dog