Democrat Promises Never Change, Neither Do the Results

Thomas D’Alesandro, Jr. was the father of Nancy Pelosi and he was as big a left wing liberal Democrat as she is today. His positions and his political life influenced her political life and certainly on her view of America. D’Alesandro was born in Baltimore Maryland and served in a number of elected offices including Maryland House of Delegates, Mayor of Baltimore, and US House of Representatives. He dropped out of the race for Maryland Governor because he did not report money he took from someone who was convicted of fraud and conspiracy. He also ran for the US Senate in 1958. That year brings us some information about Democrats, their promises and the failures of those promises.

His son, Thomas III was a politician and his daughter, Nancy Pelosi still is. That family has lived off the taxpayer (and gotten rich off them) for decades.

A friend informed me that he was cleaning out an old Maryland property he had obtained and he found a 1958 campaign flyer from D’Alesandro’s Senate campaign. On that flyer, Tommy declares (among other things) that he will end the recession and restore America to full employment, strengthen the educational system to make our children the best educated int he world, and wipe out slums, raise the standard of living, guarantee decent housing to millions of Americans who are entitled [emphasis mine] to greater opportunities.

These promises are the same ones that have been made by progressives (regardless of party) for decades. They always promise they are going to do these things and lift people out of poverty and give them what they deserve (as if you deserve something for nothing). Nancy Pelosi is no different than her corrupt daddy. He lived off the taxpayer and so does she. They live off our money and push policies to get millions of others living off the taxpayer and this is done for two reasons. It is done to keep people in poverty and to ensure votes.

These progressives have determined that they are the ruling class and that the rest of us need them in charge. This is what Obama believed as a young man growing up and he lives that out each and every day. You are not smart enough to make it on your own and you are not able to survive without your betters providing for you. We will keep giving you these things and you keep voting for us.

The uninformed are kept that way by an educational system that teaches revised history aimed at making the youth of any given day the progressive soldiers of the future. The institutes of alleged higher learning are indoctrinating those youths into radical progressives who Occupy Wall Street in the name of their slave masters.

Make no mistake about it. Our system, as designed by progressives, is designed to keep people uninformed and begging for their Obamaphones and Obamacare, their birth control and their abortions all of which are provided in exchange for votes. Illiterate people are kept that way and encouraged to breed new generations of welfare recipients who will some day vote for their handouts. Yes, these people are not Republicans or Democrats they are Gimmiedats.

Look at the brochure from 1958 (pdf file) and tell me how the promises, or the “…Things for which I Stand” part is any different from what progressives say today. There is always some underrepresented class that progressives are looking to help with their promises. The goal is to enslave these people to government so that they are always a reliable vote.

People from both parties are involved in this game and the only voices opposed are those of the truly conservative folks in Congress. There are conservatives in both parties who believe in small government and adherence to the Constitution. There are not enough of these voices because the slaves have been allowed to vote in more and more slave masters who will throw them a phone or two along the way.

The problem is that this will likely not get any better anytime soon since there is a growing number of illiterate people. Rush Limbaugh calls them the low information voters but I call them what they are, illiterate. The slaves held on plantations were denied education because education allows freedom. The educational system today is designed to produce illiterate people who are indoctrinated in progressive ideologies. They are functionally illiterate. They can’t tell the difference between right and wrong and they lack the ability to take informed choices when picking leaders.

They vote for the masters who promise them stuff. Gimmiedat!

Those of you who are happy with the government providing for you keep in mind that you are supposed to be in charge of the government, not the other way around. If you relinquish your power government will be happy to take it.

“Socialists ignore the side of man that is the spirit. They can provide you shelter, fill your belly with bacon and beans, treat you when you’re ill, all the things guaranteed to a prisoner or a slave. They don’t understand that we also dream.” ~ Ronald Reagan

Yes, you can be provided everything and be a prisoner or a slave. Slaves and prisoners have another thing in common, they are deprived of the right to keep and bear arms.

Why do you think the slave masters are working so hard to ban and/or restrict guns?

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog



They Will Run Obamacare The Same Way

It never ceases to amaze me how many people think that the government running the health care in this country will make things better. I am continually amazed at how many people actually believe that the government being involved means that it will cost less money. The government does not do things at lower costs than private industry and government programs become bloated rapidly.

There is also the issue of results. Government not only runs over budget and costs more money than it should (and likewise spends more on programs than it should) it also simply does not do things very well.

Just last week the government tested the national alert system that would allow a president to speak to almost all people in this country at once in the event of an emergency. The test was announced well in advance and the planning was ongoing. The big day came and the government, those competent folks who can do it all, failed miserably. Many locations did not get the alert, other locations had no sound and some folks did not even realize the test had occurred because there was nothing to indicate it had.

The people who planned and put this in place are the same kind of people who will be running your health care. These folks cannot complete a relatively simple task of sending a message across the country. Yes, it is a complex issue but it is relatively simple when one compares it to health care. The government will fail in that venture many times over.

What government will do is become bloated and cost lots of money. This happens in all programs. Social Security should be relatively simple. Pay in, retire, and get retirement check. The government has added so many things and made so many people entitled to “benefits” that it takes an army of government workers to manage Social Security. And because it is government it takes a lot more employees than it would in the private sector.

Social Security has become bloated over decades but it does not take that long for any government program to expand. The Transportation Security Administration (TSA), the folks who molest you at the airports, has only been around for about ten years. A Congressional report shows it is bloated and ineffective. The report indicates there are 65,000 workers but even with all those there were 25,000 security breaches in the last decade.

In ten years the TSA has become a bloated and ineffective organization (many would argue that this occurred much earlier) and it is a relatively small organization. Compare it to what will be required when government intrudes in the health care arena and the amount of bloat and the level of ineffectiveness will be greatly multiplied.

Government is slow, cumbersome, big, wasteful, and ineffective and all government programs continue to grow each year.

Obamacare will grow into a larger program than any other redistributive effort the US has undertaken (SS, Medicare, Medicaid, etc) and it will cost a lot more than any of those programs. The people who support it claim it will save money but it will not. Unfortunately, like all government programs, by the time we see that it is too expensive and does not work it will be well underway. Government usually gets the estimates wrong but does not admit it until long after it has wasted billions (if not trillions) of dollars of taxpayer money and enslaved millions of people.

Thus, enslaved to a program they are enslaved to government. Just the way the politicians want it.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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No SS COLA? Don’t Blame The Democrats

In fact, don’t blame any politician.

The official announcement will soon be made that there will be no Cost of Living Allowance (COLA) for Social Security recipients next year. The announcement will come just before an election that is generally recognized as one that will be tough on Democrats and this announcement will not make the election any easier for them.

The lack of COLA next year marks the second year that there is no COLA and this year was the first. Why are the politicians picking on Social Security recipients? They aren’t. COLA is based on inflation and about 40 years ago Congress made Social Security increases (the COLAs) automatically index to inflation and automatically go into effect. Since there was no inflation the previous year there was no increase in 2010 and since there was no inflation this year there will be no increase for 2011. When inflation does arrive (and it will whether they intend for it to or not) Social Security recipients will get a COLA increase.

Of course, the fact that Democrats are not to blame does not mean the information should not be used against them for political gain. They are in charge and there will be no increase so beat them over the head with that information. Very few people will understand why there is no COLA and why they did not get the increase. Most people who receive Social Security feel entitled to the increases because they have always been there. They will associate the lack of increase with Democrat policies.

It is not like the Democrats don’t play politics with the issue. They sent out checks for $250 to each Social Security recipient this past year to make up for the fact that there was no COLA. There was no Cost of Living Allowance increase because there was no increase in the cost of living but Democrats ignored the law that governs COLA increases and paid recipients anyway. Not only did this cost us millions of dollars that we do not have but it also resulted in over 20 million dollars being sent to dead people and to those serving time in jail.

Government efficiency at its best.

Democrats played politics with Social Security because they know that seniors will be upset and vote against them (seniors are the most reliable voters). They will attempt to do the same this time around. Watch for some statement on the subject just prior to election day.

I personally feel that there should be no increase. The law provides increases when the cost of living goes up and is indexed to inflation. If inflation goes up the recipients get an increase and this has been happening for decades. The law also provides that if there is no inflation then there is no increase. Since we have been in a deflationary cycle, there should be NO increase.

What sense does it make to have a law if they are just going to ignore it?

This issue brings to light a much larger problem and that is letting the government run retirement in the first place.

People on Social Security are at the mercy of the politicians in DC. The government confiscates money in the name of Social Security and then spends that money on its pet projects. It leaves a worthless piece of paper (an IOU) for Social Security. This paper is worthless because the government does not have the money to pay back the debt. When Social Security takes in less than it needs and requires money to be paid on one of those IOUs the federal government must BORROW the money to make the payment. This is all because government looks at Social Security taxes as another pot of money to spend on its pet projects. If the money had been put away and dedicated for Social Security the system would be solvent and there would be no issue but we can never trust government to do this.

This is why each individual should be in charge of his own retirement. People should invest their own money in their own programs based upon what they think they will need for retirement. If you are in charge of your own money then YOU get to decide if you need an increase one year over the next. You get to invest and you are not limited to what some government bureaucrat says you deserve.

And you are not being paid with the money taken from today’s generation or money borrowed from the Chinese.

Social Security should never have been instituted. It is one more way for government to control a segment of the population and it is a Socialist scheme.

What we need is to be able to invest OUR money (it is OURS) and we need to be able to do so without government interference. If a system must be in place to assist those who do not have the ability to save for retirement or those who wish to abrogate that responsibility then it needs to be one that the people themselves control. People need to be able to say where their money gets invested and they need to maintain ownership of it so they can pass it to their heirs when they die. It is not right to work all your life and to pay into SS and then lose it all should you die before drawing any of the money. IT IS YOURS.

A market based system (much like the TSP retirement system federal workers enjoy) would allow people to control their money and they could pass it on when they die.

I know the arguments from the fear mongers who say that the market crash would have wiped out the savings of the elderly. The reforms proposed would not have applied to them and how much worse off could they have been?

The government has no money and it will not be long before something has to be done and no matter what it is it will only be a bandage.

Personal responsibility extends to planning for retirement.

Cave Canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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On Ethics

Yesterday, South Carolina Governor Mark Sanford called a news conference to explain his absence from his office for the past week.

He then proceeded to explain that he had had an affair with an Argentinian woman that he had know for eight years. This affair began casually, and later escalated, which brings me to a question; Why can’t people keep it to themselves? What mental defect causes them to think they are above it all? Where are the ethics every one of them so loudly proclaim?

The man was married, with four children, and he was stupid enough to think that there would be no consequences for his actions? Perhaps he thought for a moment that he was a Democrat- that might explain his mistaken temporary insanity regarding consequences- they never seem to have to answer for any criminal behavior- their side just shrugs and goes on with their lives, while Republicans fall by the wayside, doomed by their own admissions and moral lapses.

Why can we not actually have people in office who say what they mean, and do what they say. Why can we not have people in government who are actually good examples, instead of ” unindicted co- conspirator”, or “disgraced former_______” (fill in the blank).

This is not a new problem, nor is it limited to one party or the other. The entire House of Representatives once bounced more than 8,331 checks at their own bank- heck they forced it to close, and then when they had pledged to fix the problem, they promptly kited an additional 4,325 checks. And yet, none of these people had to pay an overdraft charge, as you or I would have.

Thomas Jefferson said, “The principle of spending money to be paid by posterity, under the name of funding, is but swindling futurity on a large scale.” And that is just what the politicians are doing, on a scale larger than ever before, racking up a staggering $11,000,000,000,000 in national debt, with each family’s share coming in at $116,000.
Just say no- our interest payment to service this debt will be about $26,000,000,000- that is 26 billion, per month.  You might be forgiven for thinking that the head of the Treasury Department could do the math, and tell the rest of the politicians, ” Hey- perhaps we should quit while we’re behind, instead of really behind,” but noooooo. Turns out, he is math- challenged.

He’s supposedly the right man for this job, and yet he can’t figure out his tax bill, even though his employer, the International Monetary Fund, had done the math for him, and even cut him a check for the right amount, and made him sign an affidavit saying that the check was to be used for his payroll tax. How stupid is he?

Oh, and let’s not forget Charlie Rangel, the Congressman from New York who chairs the House Ways and Means Committee, the committee that actually writes the tax code. Apparently he’s not smart enough to read the code he writes, and failed to pay taxes ($75,000) in rental income from his villa retreat at the Punta Cana Yacht Club in the Dominican Republic. His excuse was that he didn’t know the tax applied to rental properties in the Dominican Republic. Ignorance of the law is no excuse.

At least that is what the IRS tells us ordinary people- if it was we who had “forgotten” our tax obligations, we would be subject to the full might of the IRS in its quest to get “their” money from you.

The fact that there are serial lawbreakers in government today is a sorry state of affairs- why we tolerate them is beyond me. I personally do not care what party they claim to be from, as far as I am concerned, they belong to one class only- criminals. Where are the ethics they profess to have? Why do we tolerate these people working for us? Would you employ a known thief to clean your house? A car thief to detail your car? Why give known thieves the keys to our treasury?

James Madison is rolling over in his grave. “[Congress]… can make no law which will not have its full operation on themselves and their friends, as well as on the great mass of society. This has always been deemed one of the strongest bonds by which human policy can connect the rulers and the people together. It creates between them that communion of interests and sympathy of sentiments, of which few governments have furnished examples; but without which every government degenerates into tyranny… If this spirit shall ever be so far debased as to tolerate a law not obligatory on the legislature, as well as on the people, the people will be prepared to tolerate anything but liberty.”

Ethics, like the Constitution, are not fluid things, but are supposedly the bedrock of our behavior, and should be doubly so for the politicians- after all, they are supposed to be representing We the People, a large group that needs good representation, not just someone who shows up for the perks. If we tolerate these crooks in our midst, we get the government we deserve.

Samuel Adams said that those who prefer the “tranquility of servitude” had best be prepared to “crouch down and lick the hands which feed you.”

He also said, in closing, “May your chains sit lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that you were our countrymen!”
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Democrats on taxes: You won’t miss your money

The Democrats are proposing an income tax surcharge on people making $500,000 or more (and then saying it is on millionaires) in order to pay for education benefits for veterans. The bill for veteran’s education was shot down last week because it did not have a funding source. The Blue Dog Democrats have decided to enforce pay as you go rather than running up the deficit. Things like that happen in an election year especially with Democrats who are in fairly conservative areas of the country.

I do not like the idea of taxing anyone to pay for these programs. The federal government takes in plenty of money and it needs to get its house in order and reduce spending on BS stuff. They waste money and then pilfer more. It is time for them to get their acts together. If it isn’t bad enough they want to confiscate more of people’s money, here is a demonstration of the attitude they have toward you and your money:

“What we’re talking about is a one-half percent income tax surcharge on incomes above $1 million,” said Rep. Mike Ross, D-Ark., a leader of the Blue Dog group. “So someone who earns $2 million a year would pay $5,000. … They’re not going to miss it.” Yahoo News

They might be Blue Dogs but they still like to tax people. A couple of things here. Unless I am mistaken a half a percent of 2 million is 10 thousand not 5. Additionally, did you notice the cavalier attitude toward other people’s money? They are not going to miss it. That is the height of arrogance and shows the contempt these people have for us. Who is this puke Congressman to decide whether a person will miss his money or not? It is not up to Congress to decide if we will miss it or not.

This is why they continue to screw us left and right. Their attitude is that they can decide how we should run our lives.

I would not miss Congress if they all suddenly disappeared. Will Congressman Ross be so kind as to take them away somewhere as well? What these “millionaires” ought to do is stop donating money to politicians. They should shut them off completely and not give them one cent. When the politicians ask for donations just tell them; “It’s OK, you won’t miss the money.”

I hate politicians and I especially hate politicians who steal our money. Let’s send all of them packing this year.

Big Dog