Obama Addresses Race Issue

Obama taped his appearance on Letterman’s show and he addressed the claims that opposition to him is based on racism. I actually agree with what he said and it made sense. Of course, no matter what he might really believe (and I am not doubting what he said is how he feels) he would pretty much have to say what he did. This is how the exchange, which people who are desperate enough to watch Letterman can see tonight, was described at the CBS website:

Addressing suggestions that recent criticism of his health care reform efforts has been grounded in racism, President Obama this afternoon quipped, “I think it’s important to realize that I was actually black before the election.”

The comment, which the president made in an afternoon taping of CBS’ “The Late Show,” promoted laughter from the audenice and this response from host David Letterman: “How long have you been a black man?”

Mr. Obama said the notion that racism is playing a role in the criticism, which has been voiced by former President Jimmy Carter and others, is countered in part by the fact that he was elected in the first place – which, he said, “tells you a lot about where the country’s at.”

Yes, Obama was black before the election (well, half black) and he is black now. Unless he wants to pull a Michael Jackson there is nothing he can do to change that nor should he want or need to. The color of a person should not matter one bit when it comes to any aspect of life. It is a shame that it matters to some people but the fact is, it should not.

However, one thing Obama was before the election is more moderate. He opposed items that Hillary, and later McCain proposed saying that he would bring a new day to DC. He promised transparency and gave the appearance that he was pretty moderate. Once he got into office his far left, radical beliefs came out. Sure, he slipped up with Joe the Plumber but his surrogates quickly violated Joe’s privacy and broke the law in order to attempt to destroy the man.

As an aside, this is one of the reasons Breitbart decided to release the ACORN videos a little at a time. He had a plan to get the information out first before getting into who made the discovery. He wanted to avoid having the people who made the videos destroyed by Obama’s lackeys. He successfully made ACORN the story and made it nearly impossible for the MSM to go after the young film makers.

Anyway, Obama has moved farther left since he was elected. He played the left of center moderate, cool, even tempered guy who would take all opinions into consideration. Now he is working on his agenda, not listening to reasonable alternatives, is not displaying transparency, and is paying back his supporters just as politicians have done for a long time. Whenever he has trouble we are reminded that Bush did it. Czars, why complain about Obama when Bush had czars (more if you believe the DNC)? Why? Because Obama said that he was all about change. You can’t say you are all about change and then justify what you do by saying the other guy did it.

That is not change.

Obama took the time to tell Letterman that he did not believe the opposition was based on racism which runs counter to what the racist Jimmy Carter had to say. It is good that Obama would acknowledge that it is not about racism because that clearly demonstrates that is about opposing his policies and what he wants to do. It is about opposing the guy who is doing the opposite of what he said when campaigning. It is about opposing a guy who disagreed with Hillary and McCain but now wants to use what they proposed.

It is about opposing the radical make over of our country. No matter what the liberals think, they can now drop the whole racist bit because it is not working and your boss does not believe it.

Yes, Obama is a different guy than he was when he campaigned and his very appearance on Letterman shows that. Obama boycotted Imus and said he would never again appear on that show because of Imus’ comment about a women’s basketball team. Obama could not go on a show of a person who demeaned women like that. He had daughters to worry about and could not go on a show of a guy who would treat someone’s daughter like that.

He is on Letterman and Letterman demeaned Sarah Palin and her daughter. Palin is a politician and she is fair game though the “slutty flight attendant” remark is demeaning to women. The real kicker is that Letterman demeaned a person’s daughter who happens to be a minor.

Why is it Obama could not go on Imus but can appear on Letterman?

Do different standards apply if it is the daughter of a Conservative rival? One would think a man of integrity would apply the same standards no matter what.

Obama was black before the election. He was also a shrewd, insider politician brought up in the thug Chicago way and schooled in the art of Alinsky (his deception to get into office is right out of that playbook).

Looks like that has not changed either.

Big Dog

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About Faces; The Hillary Story

I know that people change their minds about things over the years and I do not expect a politicians, or anyone else for that matter, to hold the same views held 20 or 30 years ago. People change and their tastes change but that change is usually a gradual process. Hillary used to be a Republican and then when she went to College she morphed into a Democrat after all those years of Liberal brainwashing. The lady who Roe vs Wade was about is now against abortion and I am sure that people can find any number of positions that have changed over the years. That is the real key, that they change over years.

Hillary Rodham changes positions each week, sometimes each day and in the last debate she changed in two minutes. Hillary has not had some epiphany, she just says what she thinks people want to hear at the time. She will take a position on an issue when she is in one town and take another when she is in a different place. This worked really well 100 years ago when there was no instant transmission around the world. A politician could claim that he was misquoted in the other town and dupe people into giving their votes.

Hillary has taken many positions in all the time she was in her husband’s political shadow. One could not really fault her is she changed from an opinion held 15 or 20 years ago but this woman has changed positions since she entered the race. She has changed positions on the war, on Social Security, on ILLEGALS and any number of things and she has done so in order to get people to vote for her because getting in office and obtaining power is the most important thing to her. She does not care what people thing after she is in. She can change her mind, ignore promises and do what she damn well pleases and then lie about it when it is time to run again.

She will certainly get votes no matter what because there are people in this country who could not pour water out of a pail if the directions were written on the bottom. There are people who do not know who the Vice President is. There are people who can run 80 Bingo cards at once and cannot figure out a butterfly ballot. There are idiots living in this country and they all get to vote.

Here is a video put out by the John Edwards campaign showing the many faces of Hillary. When you view this, keep in mind that she has said these things since she became a presidential candidate. Better view it now because I do not know how long You Tube will keep it up. If it were put up by a Republican it would be gone already but since it was another donk, they might leave it alone.

If they put Hillary’s head on a coin it will have to be on both sides to reflect that she talks out of both sides of her mouth.

If they put a tail on the coin they couldn’t use hers, it wouldn’t fit. They would have to put her on paper money to pull it off.

Big Dog Salute to the Doug Ross@Journal website

Big Dog