Fraudulent Ballots, Yes; Fraudulent Candidate, Who Knows?

Obama supporters volunteering in Ohio have negotiated to have their absentee ballots withdrawn because they are NOT eligible to vote in Ohio. These people, 13 in all, requested their ballots be removed after a waring from a prosecutor that staffers for both campaigns faced prosecution if they did not meet residency requirements. The blanket statement must have scared them.

The letter – a copy of which was obtained by, a Fox News affiliate – came a day after prosecutor Ron O’Brien publicly urged out-of-state campaign workers for both Obama and John McCain to “examine your conscience” before the elections board beings begins opening absentee ballots today.

Earlier in the week, O’Brien spoke with lawyers for both camps and urged them to make sure their staffs met permanent-residency rules, or face possible felony charges. NYP

These ballots would likely have been counted had not the prosecutor said something. Now, have these Obama supporters missed the deadline to cast an absentee ballot in their own states? If they have already cast ballots in their home states why are they not in jail for fraud? If they have withdrawn the Ohio ballots and have not otherwise voted they should still be able to vote in person where they live which is what I believe they intended to do all along.

The deception begins at the top with the Obamessiah. He has yet to prove he is a US Citizen. I know, there is a Certificate of Live Birth that has been verified by Fact Check. That document is computer generated from information that was put in a computer database well after Obama was born. The abbreviated COLB is not the handwritten (or typed) birth certificate that is generated at the place of birth. Only the ORIGINAL document will satisfy the requests for proof. This document only reflects what is in a database, not what is on a birth certificate. The document provided earlier was shown to be questionable. There are things on the COLB that would not have appeared on a birth certificate from 1961. Where is that original document?

I am not saying Obama is or is not a citizen, I am saying it has yet to be confirmed. He could have proven it by providing the vault copy of his birth certificate and it would have been settled. Instead, he spent quite a bit of money fighting the lawsuit, which was dismissed when the judge ruled that the admittedly strange Phil Berg had no standing and that his claims were vague. I don’t see how an American Citizen can have no standing in a court to determine if a person running is an American. The claim that Berg has not shown the requisite harm to have standing is ridiculous. All Americans are harmed when the Consitution is violated. I also fail to see how the issues raised were vague and why the court, in a matter this important, would not force a resolution that would satisfy the need to know rather than fuel conspiracy theories.

Why is Obama afraid to show his vault copy? Why are his college records under wraps? These issues raise questions that should be answered. Is there information on his BC or in his school records that would disqualify him or that would embarrass him (like showing he lied about certain aspects of his life)? By failing to release this information he gives fuel to those who will always look skeptically at him. He has fueled the fire by failing to respond and his refusal to release documents runs counter to his claim of bringing transparency to government. It also makes him no better than what he claims George Bush to be.

Like I said before, we know more about Sarah Palin and Joe the Plumber than we know about Barack Obama. The media made an issue out of McCain’s qualifications and he proved he was eligible. The media and the liberals on the web paid more attention to this than they are Obama’s citizenship status. The big question is, if there is nothing to hide, why hide it?

Let me add to the conspiracy theory. Obama knows he is not qualified and is working hard to block all issues so that if he is elected he can serve as president. He needs the process to last past election day so that if he is determined to be ineligible at some later date, Joe Biden can automatically become president (even if he is still the VP elect at the time). If Obama were found to be ineligible now, McCain would probably win handily and Democrats never put country first so they will stonewall on any issue that might hurt their chances to hold office.

This is certainly plausible and makes more sense than the stories by wackos who think that George Bush was behind the attacks of 9/11.

Ever wonder how it is that people like George Clooney and Rosie O’Donnell can believe that 9/11 was an inside job and yet support Obama because they, in no way, would believe in a conspiracy theory about his place of birth?

For that matter, how many libs believe all kinds of conspiracies about Bush (blowing up levees in New Orleans, 9/11, blood for oil, etc) but ignore the very real possibility that Obama is not a citizen? I am not saying one way or the other but I want proof and I want the proof that comes in the form of an original, not a computer generated certificate.

This is what an original from the early 1960s looks like.

I know there are liberals who call this nuts or conspiratorial and they are entitled to that opinion. I just like to see the proof.

However, since the court will not do its job and ensure the man has been fully vetted then it is up to voters to ensure they keep this secretive man out of office.

Keeping his supporters from voting fraudulently is a good start.

Democrats and ACORN (whom Obama paid 800,000 dollars to commit fraud) say no fraud is committed until the ballots are cast (so his supporters in Ohio committed fraud). Liberals say voter fraud is very minor, almost non existent. They say that when they win (or think they will) but if they lose on 4 November they will be screaming voter fraud from the top of their lungs. I would like to see McCain win for nothing more than to see liberals screaming about voter fraud like they did in 2000 and 2004.

A Free Voice

Big Dog