111th Congress Accumulated More Debt That First 100 Congresses Combined

Nancy Pelosi took the reigns pledging that there would be no deficit spending and that they would employ the pay as you go philosophy of governing. After her tenure as Speaker the 111th Congress has accumulated more debt that the first 100 Congresses combined adding $10,429.64 for each person counted in the 2010 census.

The years the Democrats were in charge were the four most expensive in our history as they set records for deficit spending.

The Democrats like to talk about how George Bush wasted a surplus (a surplus never existed as the US still had debt for the period the claim is made) and they like to discuss how he spent us into debt.

It looks like all the blowhards who were screaming about deficit spending are the worst offenders of all.

It is sad that we, our children and our children’s children have been saddled with this additional debt through generational theft by Congress but what is really sad is that half of the country will never have to pay any of the debt off.

The top 50% will be paying the bill for a long, long time.

Cave Canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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