In God Is Our Trust; Happy Independence Day…

Enjoy it while you still have it…


Happy Independence Day to all Americans in this great country. It seems rather strange to me that we celebrate our Independence after a victory over tyranny while experiencing that some kind of government tyranny in this day and age.

In 234 years we have gone from a new nation celebrating Independence to a battered nation whose Independence is teetering on the brink of extinction by an ever reaching government whose intrusion into our lives knows no bounds.

That is what we faced centuries ago and we prevailed. It will be a bit more difficult now because the enemy is within. It is insidious and it desires to “fundamentally transform” our nation into a bastion of Socialism. It desires to have government involved in every aspect of our lives. It desires to enslave us to government so that we will do the bidding of those in power.

That can never be allowed to happen. We must not go down without a fight or this nation, a nation smiled upon by God and born of liberty and freedom, this nation that has achieved more in 234 years than any other nation in history, this nation that has produced more and contributed more to the human experience than any other, will be but a footnote in a future history book.

The liberal/progressives have taken advantage of our weakened state to impose their anti liberty agenda. They have seized upon every crisis (whether real or manufactured) in order to ram a liberty killing agenda down our throats. They have taken advantage of our weakened state, a weakness they helped produce, in order to attack from within because they believe we will not be able to counter their assault. They are quite wrong.

To paraphrase Charlie Daniels; This Lady may have stumbled but she ain’t never fell and if the liberals don’t believe that they can all go straight to hell [from the song – In America].

So on this Independence Day when we sit around with family and friends celebrating the sacrifices made on our behalf let us vow to never let those sacrifices be forgotten. Let us vow to never allow our country to become enslaved again by any enemy, foreign or domestic.

Because we certainly have plenty of both.

If we shall falter it will not be without a fight.

Big Dog Salute to Kender.
Great Video: Too Late to Apologize

Whiskey Bards Sing our National Anthem

Never Surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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Patriots Become First to Go 16-0

New England became the first team to go undefeated since the league expanded to 16 games. Tonight they defeated the Giants 38-35. The Patriots have been pretty good though they received some help from the officials along the way. The league probably wanted to make them look good after they were caught cheating early in the season.

But, you can’t take away from the fact that they had to still play the games.

Wrap up