I Thought Taxes Paid For This

The third largest school district in Colorado is asking parents to pay for their children to ride the school buses to school. The cost would be $1.00 per day, per child. The buses would have GPS systems and the children would have electronic devices or cards that get read when they ride the bus. Evidently the district is having trouble making ends meet.

But don’t taxes already pay for school bus service? The taxing authority for this district collects taxes from all wage earning residents in order to pay for the school system so what makes it right to charge the riders additional money to get to school?

If we collect taxes for a service how is it right to then charge for the service? Suppose the school system did not have enough money to pay for education. Would it then be OK for the district to charge families to send their children to school? What if there is not enough money to pay to fix the roads. Can they then add a fee to each driver’s license renewal to pay for the road repairs?

If government is not capable of collecting taxes and spending the money efficiently and must resort to charging additional money for services the taxes are supposed to provide then it is time to rethink the way we allow government to do business.

Allowing government to charge additional money for services it provides could end up being a slippery slope where people are charged for countless items that they already pay for as part of the oppressive tax scheme that has evolved in this country.

This kind of nonsense is what gave birth to the TEA Party movement.

Denver Post

Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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