Kamp Alinsky Crowd Represents Democrats

The crowd of Occupy Wall Street (and its many offshoots across the nation) is a mob. They are followers of Saul Alinsky and they are causing social unrest in hope of changing the way the nation does business but not for the best. They falsely claim they represent 99% of the country because they are not the 1% of our nation that is really wealthy. They do not represent the 99%. In fact, they represent only a small part of the 99% in this nation who are not wealthy.

But they do represent the Democrats, the Socialists, the Communists and the Islamic radicals, all of whom have endorsed their activities.

The occupy crowd around the country has been involved or implicated in a number of crimes including drug distribution, rape, and their presence seems to increase the crime rates of their occupied territory. They are supported by the aforementioned groups and that includes Democrats like Barack Obama, Barney Frank and Nancy Pelosi, all of whom have stated that support.

The Democrats support these people and dare not talk about the illegal activities, the public defecation, the violence, the vandalism and the assaults on police because they do not want to lose their support. This is their base.

Contrast the FLEA baggers with the TEA Party. There has never been an arrest of a TEA Party member at a TEA Party event. The TEA Party supporters leave places cleaner than when they arrived and there are no allegations of drug use or distribution, rape or any other crime. The only allegations ever made are that the TEA Party members are racist. These allegations are all false and have been proven so many times. The allegations of using the N word toward members of Congress have been shown false and yet, the left continues to harp this lie.

The members of the left who support the degenerates in the Occupy movement have called the TEA Party unpatriotic, racist and a number of names that allude to vulgar sexual activities.

Think about it for a moment. The Democrats openly deride the law abiding and peaceful TEA Party members as un-American and racist for following the law while openly praising and supporting the Occupy members who are breaking laws left and right. The left has yet to address the drug, rape and violence criminal acts by the Occupy crowd but jumps on a racist claim about the TEA Party the moment the word is uttered.

What does that tell you about the Democrats who support the Occupy crowd?

It tells me that they agree with the crimes, they agree with the goals (if anyone in the Occupy crowd could actually give a coherent statement about the goals) and that they agree with the tactics.

The Democrats agree because the tactics come right out of Alinsky’s book, Rules for Radicals.

This is how radicals try to affect social change. This is what they do to get what they want and what they want is a collapse of the system, the movement to Socialism, the forced redistribution of wealth and more government involvement.

The Democrats support these people because they want the unrest. They want it to escalate and evolve into widespread chaos so that people will clamor for government to do something, anything, to stop the insanity.

And Democrats are waiting for that moment to inject more government into our lives. They will be the saviors. They will stop the insanity by imposing more restrictive rules as they move us closer to Socialism.

They have created and supported a crisis because, as they openly told us, they do not let a crisis go to waste.

This is by design. This is what the Democrats want. This is how they have trained for decades and this is the closest they have come. They are following Alinsky’s script in order to affect change.

This is the Change part of the Hope and Change in Obama’s 2008 campaign.

They think they will succeed.

They are wrong. If this devolves into social unrest the overwhelming part of the 99% in this country who are not wealthy and are not part of this mob will stop them in their tracks. Alinsky said they had to work to get a reaction. Escalating violence will get a reaction they do not like.

I have heard those who support them claim these people are being peaceful and have a right to protest. They have every right to protest but their right ends when it infringes upon the rights of others and these people are doing just that. They are hurting businesses, they are committing acts of violence, and they are breaking the law.

If they want someone to listen to them then they need to obey the law.

And staying where you are not allowed, committing rape, using and distributing drugs, urinating and defecating in public, committing vandalism and being violent are not legal acts and do not constitute obeying the law.

Let me put it in simpler terms for the liberals. You have to obey the law when exercising your right to protest.

When you don’t, you lose your right.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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All White Rainbow in Occupy Movement

When the TEA Party arrived on the scene a few years ago the progressives and their media wing made the claim that the Party was all white, a bunch of redneck racists. Chris Matthews of MSNBC made the false accusation that “All of them, every single one of them is white.” when referring to the TEA Party. This, of course, is demonstrably false but Matthews had his marching orders from the Democrats and he had to paint the TEA Party as a non diverse group of racists. Matthews has no obligation to report the truth because he told us that it is his job to make sure Obama succeeds. Keep in mind that he will approach every task with that as his goal. What he says or does is designed to fulfill his job of ensuring Obama succeeds.

Dana Milbank of the Washington Post reported on a question being asked about the Tea Party and an upcoming rally (from September 2010) being another event distinguished by a sea of white faces. This prompted groups to go to efforts to highlight those who attended who were not part of the white sea. I have been to a number of TEA Party events and there is diversity. It does not look like a rainbow and the math suggests that it never could.

The American population is overwhelmingly white. About 70% of the population is white and 12% is black. The rest are other ethnicities. 95% of all blacks are aligned with the Democrat party. The TEA Party is not a political party but it is based on conservative principles. While many blacks are conservative in their lives they are unlikely to attend an event reported to them by the media wing as being a Republican event. They are unlikely to attend something that they perceive as being against the black man they voted for. They are unlikely to attend something their Democrat leaders have told them is bad.

So mathematically, there are not going to be a lot of faces that are not white in any random crowd, much less a TEA Party crowd.

But this does not stop the media wing of the Democrat party from calling the TEA Party racists and suggesting that there is no diversity or that only white people are allowed. Those talking heads in the Democrat media have no clue about the math or what any given crowd would look like.

One only needs to look at the Occupy Wall Street movement to see the math play out. Those groups, all across the country, are awash in a sea of white, to borrow from Milbank’s piece. There are no black faces to be found. The white light failed to hit the prism. If Chris Matthews’ job was not to ensure Obama succeeded he might say; All of them, every single one of them is white.

The left is no more diverse than the right.

The OWS movement has been orchestrated by the left. It is supported by the left and its backers in labor. One would think that with all the diversity the left allegedly has the protests it has organized would contain more colors than white.

You won’t hear about this in the news and you won’t read about it in any of the print papers. You will not hear the very people who bashed the TEA Party say anything about the lack of diversity on the left.

It does not fit the narrative. It does not fit with what they preach. It does not support their claims.

So they have to ignore it. Just like the OWS protesters ignore reality while they demand the rich pay more in taxes and that debt be forgiven. They ignore the truth about taxes while demanding the wealthy give their money away (to the OWS folks, of course).

Dick Morris recently reported:

Here are the facts according to the IRS:

  • Those making more than $1 million pay 24% of income in taxes
  • Those making $200,000 to $300,000 pay 17.5%
  • Those making $100,000 to $125,000 pay 9.9%
  • Those making $50,000 to $60,000 pay 6.3%
  • Those making $20,000 to $30,000 pay 2.5%

What level of income do you think the OWS (those poor WHITE) folks are in? Many, by their own admission, are not working so they pay no taxes (and will undoubtedly get money back in the IRS redistribution scheme) and they are protesting for the 1% (the wealthy) to pay their fair share.

The numbers do not lie. The wealthy are paying most of the taxes in this country and certainly more than their fair share.

Big Dog salute to:
Michelle Malkin

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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Tables Turned On Occupier Protesters

The miscreants occupying Wall Street are law breakers who expect something for nothing. This is why they are there. They think that the bankers and the wealthy people in society have all the money and should GIVE that money to those who have less. Don’t get me wrong, these folks have every right to protest for any reason they want. They can believe that they are entitled to the stuff that belongs to others. Used to be a time in America that taking the stuff of others was considered a crime but if these folks think they deserve it, they are entitled to that thought. The problem with these people is that they are breaking the law. They are blocking traffic, vandalizing property and creating violence. This is not peaceful but it is admired by Nancy Pelosi and Barack Obama. The people who criticize the peaceful TEA Party members are appreciative of the law breaking malcontents creating civil disturbance.

The protesters think they deserve things for free. Waa, I took out a loan for college and they expect me to pay it back. Waa, I bought a house that cost more than I could afford and now they expect me to pay for it or they will take it from me. Waa, the rich people have more money than I do so they should give it to me. It is typical liberal claptrap. Class warfare combined with jealousy and feelings of inadequacy leads these people to gather and live like pigs. They are a disgrace to society but they have the admiration of top Democrats.

These people are causing problems for businesses in the area where they are breaking the law. They are using restrooms of businesses and leaving them a mess. One local businessman, a pizza shop owner, said that the protesters want everything for free, to pay for nothing.

Zamfotis, who runs a pizza shop directly across the street from Zuccotti Park, said he has to stand guard at the door — just to keep protesters out.

“They expect everything, everything for free, nothing to pay,” Zamfotis said.

That should really not surprise anyone because this is why they are protesting in the first place. THEY EXPECT SOMETHING FOR NOTHING. These people feel entitled to the money of the wealthy, to jobs (something they describe as a right) and to the food and toilet facilities of local businesses.

Interestingly, the people who want the stuff that belongs to everyone else are upset that some folks have shown up and taken the free food and clothing left for the protesters.

Meanwhile, the protesters are starting to notice folks taking advantage of the demonstration by grabbing some of the free food and clothes that have been made available in Zuccotti Park.

“The tourists take all the food, and the hipsters take all the clothes,” said one demonstrator.

Ironic that those who are protesting and want to take the belongings of others are upset that some folks are taking what belongs to them. If the protesters think it is OK to take the property of others then why it is not OK for someone to take what belongs to the protesters? These protesters are like those who lived during the French Revolution who supported using the guillotine until it was their turn to face it. Both groups are part of the mob mentality that makes up the left in America.

I know there is disagreement on what these people actually want. Make no mistake about it; all they want is to take the property of others. It is not just the rich, they want what others have and they do not. I know some of them claim to be against capitalism and corporate America and its greed but that falls by the wayside when one sees all the people using smart phones and iPads and other devices to communicate from their filth laden encampments. If they truly despised corporate America they would not buy those nifty gadgets. Then again, maybe they took them from others who bought them with money they earned…

There is no doubt that this is a prelude to more civil unrest which, by the way, the government wants to take place. Their mouthpieces in Hollywood and the media have been inciting these kinds of things for a while. They need the disturbances in order to push forward with more government control. Cause civil disturbances and then the people affected by it will beg the government to do something which will inevitably involve more government intrusion.

It is a way to push us closer to Socialism.

This, of course, depends on the belief that most people will run to government for some kind of intervention. The Bible and gun clingers in Middle America are not likely to seek a government solution to a problem caused by too much government.

You protesters keep that in mind when you come for our stuff…

CBS New York
Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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