Deranged Left Winger Punches TEA Party Member

There was a TEA Party rally in North Carolina and a left wing lunatic showed up to spew his hatred. He pushed people around and the peaceful TEA Party members asked for the police. Then this deranged lunatic shoved a man’s wife several times and then punched the man in his face after he stepped up and pushed the man away from his wife:

Where is Nancy Pelosi and her tears for the violence that will happen because she has heard the angry rhetoric before? Where is the MSM? You can bet if a TEA Party member had punched this man the MSM would have the video on 24 hours a day and the cries of racism would be heard around the world.

This is what happens when peaceful left wing nut jobs are allowed out in public. The left has caused all of the violence at any of these events. I think the TEA Party people showed remarkable restraint. After the assault they were calling for the police. There were certainly enough of them to stomp this guy’s guts out and he would have deserved every bit of it.

Instead, they called for law enforcement (and amazingly, charges were filed against both men!).

They showed more restraint than I would have. If this guy had shoved my wife he would have never gotten the chance to throw a punch at me. This coward would be eating his meals through a straw for a very long time.

The progressive revolutionaries in this country want riots and violence so they can topple the government and this guy is one of their pawns. He listened to Obama tell his peeps to get in their faces.

This is what you get with a thug party led by a thug in the White House.

Obama wants to know whose ass needs to be kicked.

This follower of his is high on that list.

As an aside, the coward’s name is Governor Spencer. His mother probably named him Governor because she knew no one would ever use a respectful title to address him otherwise…

Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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