Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell a New Clinton Policy

Bill Clinton gave us Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell (DADT) as a way to allow gays to serve in the military without completely honoring his pledge to allow them to serve openly. Now DADT has taken on a new meaning with a different Clinton. Hillary is using that tactic in the last few days leading up tot he Iowa Caucus. She will not allow questions and she will not tell anyone the answers to questions that happen to get slipped in.

Hillary has taken the approach that she should keep her mouth shut except for her prepared remarks so she will not stumble and blow her chance at winning the caucus. A verbal gaffe now probably leaves no time for repair so the Hildebeast has decided to just say what is prepared and nothing more. Prior to Christmas she allowed some time for a question and answer session but now, as soon as she is finished speaking, the speakers blare with her theme music and no one can ask any questions. She even ignored a reporter who asked if she was moved by the assassination of former PM Bhutto. Chelsea Clinton ignored reporters and their questions as well. It is either genetic or they have strict marching orders. Either way, the apple does not fall far from the tree.

What Hillary is saying is that what she has to say to us is important and we are expected to listen. She is also saying that what we have to say is of little importance to her and we should just be grateful she graced us with her presence. Her position appears to be that she is the liberal elitist who knows what is best for this country and that we should take what she says as gospel and not waste her time with silly questions. I guess she believes that if a person has a question after she speaks then that person must not have paid attention because she lays it all on the line. She is, after all, the most experienced candidate because she spent eight years as the First Lady. Just a note, if that is experience then vote for Laura Bush. She has the same experience and is a better person.

Hillary has also set aside two minutes the night before the Iowa Caucus to tell people, one more time, why they must vote for her. She has bought ad time during the evening news so that she can make sure people have the message. She needs to ensure that everyone got the memo that she is owed this position and that it is their duty to vote for her.

Interestingly, she will not take questions because one might trip her up and leave her no time to recover but she is going to spend two minutes telling lies about why to vote for her and leave Iowans with little time to refute what she says.

Let me put in my request to any Iowans who might be reading this. Please do not vote for Hillary. She is Satan and we need to get rid of her and her hubby once and for all by squashing them in this election. She won’t take time to answer your questions so why should you take time to vote for her?

Big Dog

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