Obama Gambles With Terror Trial In New York

Pat Buchanan has an interesting article out today that asks if America is at war. Then he goes on to say that if we are at war then why are we bringing terrorists who committed war crimes into our country to be tried in a court of law. He asks why we are granting Constitutional rights to people who are not entitled to them and who should be tried in military courts.

Buchanan’s opinion is that if things go badly with this trial it will be the end of Obama’s occupation of the White House.

I agree with this perspective. I have wondered why it is that these people are taking such a huge gamble. What happens if, for some reason, they are found not guilty or if the case is dismissed for some technical procedure?

It is not beyond imagination that some such thing could happen and some of the terrorists could walk out free men just like Obama’s pal Bill Ayers.

The other thing I wonder is, if they are found anything but guilty where will we send them? Will they be released into the general public? What else can we do with them? If we have had such a difficult time getting homes for those detained at Gitmo then what will change to make countries suddenly willing to take them? It is possible that the monsters who killed our fellow citizens could walk for one reason or another.

And if they walk, Obama can pack his bags because he will not get a second stint.

This is a huge gamble for Obama and if things work out he will look like a hero but if they don’t then things are going to get very ugly for him.

Treating acts of war as a crime issue is one of the things that led to the attack on 9/11.

Treating these terrorists as regular criminals is a big mistake that could have serious consequences both for Obama and for the country as well.

Big Dog


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