Hey Nevada, Thank Harry Reid

Harry Reid, the criminal Senator from Nevada, pushed hard for Obamacare. He was busy ensuring his labor union buddies in the casino world got their breaks and they ensured union employees went out to vote to keep ole Harry in the Senate. Obamacare is wonderful Harry tells us.

Well it looks like it will not be so wonderful for tens of thousands of people in Nevada as their premiums are set to go up between 35 and 120 percent. The younger folks will be hit hardest as their premiums rise by a huge amount in order to pay for the others getting subsidized health care. Insurance companies cannot stay in business if they do not have enough money coming in and the young, healthy crowd is the cash cow in the equation.

Local insurance brokers are reporting spikes ranging from 35 percent to 120 percent on policies that renew from July to December. The increases are especially acute among employers with workforces made up of younger, healthier men. That’s because Obamacare prohibits offering lower rates to healthier groups. It also narrows the allowed premium gap between older and younger enrollees. Las Vegas Review Journal

People will definitely have sticker shock. All the mush filled heads who voted for Barack Obama and Harry Reid will get just what they deserve. Unfortunately, so will many who opposed them and their madness.

Harry and his Democrats know that bad things will happen which is why Obama keeps delaying and changing things in Obamacare. He is trying to make sure the bad things do not happen until after the election in November. He and his minions (particularly those in vulnerable seats) are hoping that they can delay the pain until they are safely in their seats for another term (six years for Senators and two for Representatives).

Don’t be fooled people. You are going to feel the pain at some point. no matter how many times they delay the pain will eventually catch you.

Some of the expensive renewals will be mailed out prior to November so people will be hopping mad come Election Day. Look for Reid and the Democrats to do everything they can to prevent that from happening.

Please do not be gullible. If they delay the notifications until after the election the price increase will still come. It matters not when you find out, you will still get the same bad news.

Hold them accountable and vote every Democrat out of office. Send a strong message that they were wrong and that you are making them pay.

You folks who voted for them in the past and begged for government health care actually deserve to get screwed over badly but the rest of us should not be punished for your stupidity.

So let’s replace the tyrants with people who will do a better job and who will listen to the people.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Hotter Than Hell In Vegas

Well, Satan’s spawn Harry Reid is from Nevada…

The temperatures in Vegas have hit 115 degrees for several days and at least one person has died from the heat. Is this global warming? Should we have a carbon tax to keep Vegas from frying?

Nah, Nevada is the home of Harry Reid and Vegas is Sin City so it is only right that it is hotter than Hell. The people who voted for Reid deserve to burn in Hell and it looks like they are getting a head start.

I am not too concerned that it is hot in Vegas.

That might be because I am not in Vegas but the way I see it our troops in the Middle East put up with high temperatures all the time and they have no choice in the matter. The folks in Vegas can suck it up and stay someplace cool until the temps go down a bit though it might not hurt to boot Reid out.

Or they could ask Al Gore to come speak about global warming. Seems that everytime he schedules one of those talks it gets cancelled by snow…

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


No Reason To Worry About Voter Fraud

We know that voter fraud exists and we know that Democrats and their surrogates in the unions know how to do it very well. It should come as no surprise that people are complaining about electronic voting machines not working correctly and it should not come as a surprise that all the reported concerns involve Republican votes being cast for Democrats. After all, SEIU maintains the machines…

When the first complaints started coming in from Nevada the Clark County Registrar of Voters, Larry Lomax, said the complaints were not founded. Then after looking into the issue, he stated that the discrepancies had been resolved and that the results would be available after the election. Shocker, I know.

The machines registered more votes than the number of people who voted but that is nothing to be concerned with according to Lomax.

You peons get out there and vote and don’t worry your pretty little heads about shenanigans taking place. We have found the issue and we are not concerned with it.

What he means is the machines are registering votes for Democrats that were not cast. That is why things are OK.

We the people, the employers of all these slugs, expect a fair and honest election. Democrats know they never win while running on what they believe so they ignore their misdeeds and attack opponents. They also know that well placed operatives will help them come election time.

We expect a fair vote and if we do not get one we will take steps to resolve the matter.

Of course, I have always believed that if your vote actually counted they would not let you do it.

In any event, be on the lookout for misdeeds by anyone and report them to officials. Check your ballots several times before submitting to be sure it reads what you put on it.

And if any black panthers try to intimidate you beat the hell out of them.

Las Vegas Review Journal

Cave Canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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How Democrats Plan To Win – Cheat

The Democrats are pulling out all the stops to win next Tuesday but things are still looking rough and they are likely in for a long night. But that is not to say they are throwing in the towel. They have an ace in the hole, or up their sleeves, as it were.

They plan to cheat. There is no other way to put it, they plan to cheat.

We already have evidence in the Florida Governor’s race. Alex Sink broke the rules to which she agreed in her debate and read a note from her make-up person. Candidates signed an agreement not to get notes during the debate but during a commercial Sink’s make-up artist brought her an electronic device with a message from an aide.

Sink read the message instead of shooing the person away and telling her it was against the rules. Sink only addressed the issue after she was outed by her opponent, Rick Scott.

Then we have early voting, where in several states the machines have been doing things to benefit Democrats.

In Nevada the polling machines already have Harry Reid’s name selected when the voter puts a voting card into the machine. This is one way to steal the election, program the machines to select the candidate the Democrats want.

Nevada is not the only place. In Craven County, North Carolina, the machines select the entire Democrat ticket when voters slect the button to vote the entire Republican ticket. Voters who select the button to vote the Republican party are seeing the screen come back with all Democrats selected. This happened several times after a voter cleared the screen and tried again.

Cheating and stealing elections is their specialty. In the Democrat party the dead and the illegals are allowed to vote right alongside the felons.

After Ted Kennedy, Robert Byrd, and John Murtha died, they were removed from the rolls of Congress and placed on the voter rolls in Chicago.

That is how they roll so watch out for cheating and check your ballot several times before submitting it.

And be sure to report all suspected voter fraud.

I also recommend using a cell phone video to record the problem so you have proof (Check to make sure it is legal to record there).

UPDATE: No wonder Nevada is able to cheat. The voting machine technicians are SEIU. They are in the bag for Reid and the Democrats. If it is shown they cheated there will be hell to pay. We can either do it the right way or we can do it the hard way…

UPDATE 2: Dems try to deceive voters in PA

UPDATE 3: Democrat union official discusses being involved in voter fraud. What a surprise.

Cave Canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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Rory Reid Removes Raunchy Reference

Rory Reid, SON OF SENATE MAJORITY LEADER HARRY REID, has stopped using his last name in his campaign ads and on his website. Rory REID is running to be governor of Nevada and has apparently discovered that HIS FATHER is not too popular. Harry REID has approval ratings that are extremely low and is running behind a TEA PArty nominee in the latest polls. There is little belief that Harry REID will win reelection and evidently his son believes the name recognition could spell trouble for him.

In an ad that abuses children, Rory REID’s last name is not present. It is now all about Rory for governor. The ad itself is despicable enough because children are used as props (no doubt the children of teacher’s union members) to push some notion that it is all about the children and that Rory cares (Rory REID, that is). The ad has children telling adults how they should go about selecting the next governor and doing it with ideas that children their ages do not think about. But hey, it is all for the children who obviously know nothing about Rory REID because they describe “highest ethical standards” (as if they would know), something not generally associated with the REID political family.

Rory REID has also removed his name from his website (though you can find it if you look around). The url used to be roryreid.com but that redirects to rory2010.com. If you hit the stop button quickly enough you can see the old url just before it redirects (sorry, no links to the moron. You will have to type it in to see).

Rory REID (son of politician Harry REID) is so embarrassed by his father that he has removed the family name in order to deceive voters. Funny, he did not mind using it when he thought it would help.

There is one problem though. Rory REID’s last name will need to be on the ballot when it is time to vote and it will be on the ballot with his father.

Yes, you progressive morons can run but you cannot hide.

People in Nevada, you do not need another REID in government. They are a bunch of corrupt, self-serving morons who are out for themselves only.

Get rid of Harry REID and keep his disgusting offspring from ever being elected.

You will be much better for it.

UPDATE: Rory REID down by more than 20 points

Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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