Once Again They Ignore Reality

Nancy Pelosi had something to say about the anti net neutrality rule voted on in the House on Friday. She said she did not think it was going anywhere. Imagine how Pelosi would have reacted if the Republicans had said that even though the House voted for Obamacare it was not going anywhere and then they decided to ignore what took place. Republicans are using legal methods to defund and repeal the albatross. Pelosi and her cohorts just ignore laws, procedures and the will of the people.

They have ignored a judges’ ruling on drilling moratoriums and they have ignored the ruling that Obamacare is unconstitutional. Here is how Pelosi sees it:

“No one should be guarding the gate on the Internet,” Pelosi said. She said despite the House vote, the resolution isn’t likely to gain support in the Senate. “I don’t think this bill is going anyplace,” Pelosi predicted. National Journal

Funny, but politicians want to give Barry Obama an Internet kill switch and they want the government to be able to control the Internet, reportedly in the event of an emergency. However, her tune changes when she says that no one should be guarding the internet.

As far as I am concerned, companies provide access to the Internet and people pay for it (which might be considered guarding it by some). If those companies want to restrict certain access or control what goes on over their networks then it is their business.

The last thing we need is government intervention in the use of the Internet and we certainly do not need politicians controlling the Internet via kill switches or anything else.

I know that the Internet provides instant information (a lot of it wrong) and that does not bode well for people like Obama, Pelosi, Reid (and most other politicians) who like to say one thing at one event and a totally different thing at another. A hundred years ago communications were slow and these things were attributed to misquotes or miscommunication.

Today we have them in their own words and we can use those words against them. They do not like it one bit.

To control the people the government controls things like their health care and their communications.

What better way to get us closer to Socialism than to stifle messages they do not like. Remember, if government can decide how the Internet operates then it can decide what is on it and who can post to it. It can also decide who can access it.

Very dangerous indeed.

Pelosi is a moron.

Cave Canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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