Obama Takes Teleprompter On The Road

Barack Obama is a great speaker so long as he is reading from a teleprompter. When he is out in the open and has to speak without the words written out he stumbles like a drunk with no feet. Obama introduced Biden as the next president, told us His faith was Muslim, and has had more uhhs and umms than actual words and refuses to do town hall type debates with McCain (despite claiming that these are debates he is ready to have).

Looks like Obama was off message yesterday and told the world that he (Obama) would win a contest of negative ads.

“If we’re going to ask questions about, you know, who has been promulgating negative ads that are completely unrelated to the issues at hand, I think I win that contest pretty handily.” ABC

Yep, let him go off a teleprompter and he says a lot of things he does not want to get around.

So what is The One to do? Why, take the teleprompter on the road of course. This will surely help him get his message out. As long as he can use Stalinist tactics to keep anyone opposed to him from speaking then he might have a chance (imagine the leftist uproar if McCain sent out emails asking supporters to shut down a person opposed to him).

Obama is an empty suit who has now admitted that he is the sleaze doctor in this campaign. And since the left has already decided that it is OK to use half sentences to portray a different image, they won’t mind if a new McCain ad uses this entire quote.

After all, America deserves to hear the words straight from the Messiah’s mouth.

Big Dog