Being offended Is Not A Legal Issue

The Constitution does not protect some right not to be offended though from the actions of people these days one would be hard pressed to prove it. People of all stripes are offended by a flag and want it removed. Then they got offended over statues and want them removed. They even became offended at the dead bodies of two people from the Confederacy (an officer and his wife) and they want the bodies dug up and buried elsewhere.

A man was shopping at a flea market and he ran across a person selling Nazi and Confederacy memorabilia** and he became so upset he called 911.

[note]I hesitate to call anyone a man who gets upset at seeing such things and, according to his account, became so upset he was shaking an almost vomiting and had to run. Does that make it a flee market?[/note]

No matter how one finds these items they are not illegal to sell (especially since it was on private property) and it is certainly not against the law to offend someone.

A lot of resources were wasted investigating this. Politicians wanted to know if any laws had been broken (how about abuse of the 911 system) and a person from the Anti-Defamation League described the items and the incident by saying:

It’s unfortunate that under the law people have the right to sell these things; but it doesn’t mean they should sell these things ~ Joshua Sayles

You see, it is unfortunate you have rights. If those pesky things were not in the way then the law could clamp down on you for offending people.

I don’t like Che images and think anyone who wears or displays them is a moron but I would fight to my death defending their right to do so.

And one thing is for certain, I would not shake, nearly vomit or run because I saw something I did not like.

People get offended all the time. It is one of the facts of life and there is no law preventing it (thank goodness).

So the best advice I can give is suck it up cupcake…

**It appears the man was upset by the Nazi items because he had a relative in a concentration camp and that the Confederate items were not authentic. No matter, he should have been ticketed for calling 911. He got sick and had to run because of this? I bet he gets apoplectic watching a WWII movie…

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Can We Ban Guns In Movies?

Some food for though; Rambo movies did not stop violence and neither do any others where guns are used…

Harvey Weinstein will make a show that he promises will destroy the National Rifle Association. No real details on the film but it is not going to be a documentary. It will probably be something like the Al Gore global warming crap that tries to indoctrinate people into a different reality. You know, all guns are bad and people don’t need them.

Use these kinds of propaganda and some folks will be influenced. There are plenty of people who recite things based on some movie or story as fact while ignoring the reality of the situation. The faked moon landing conspiracy comes to mind.

I doubt Weinstein will be able to influence the debate as there are far too many gun owners who know that more guns equals less crime. That has been proven time and again but the left, and morons like Weinstein, think that guns are the problem.

Let me reiterate; more guns equals less crime.

As Al Gore might say, the science is settled.

Weinstein has made it clear that he does not think there should be any guns in this country except for the guns in the hands of the government. I saw a movie once about a place where the only people with guns were government and soldiers. The movie was Schindler’s List.

One would think that a Jewish guy would be wary of government confiscating firearms from its citizens considering what happened to the Jews in Nazi Germany but Weinstein seems to live in the world he creates in movies. Emily Miller points out in her article that Weinstein must have watched too many of his own movies if he thinks a fully loaded gun will just pop up when he needs it.

I am willing to bet the film will do nothing to hurt the NRA.

In fact, I bet they get even more members.

I also think that we should ban guns in all movies. We should make it illegal for Hollywood and the rest to possess prop guns and there should be a fine if a gun is used or displayed in a movie. Hell, if, as Weinstein says, we do not need guns in society then we do not need guns in movies in society…

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Round Up Of The Absurd

A sampling of the moronic things taking place in this country.

DC residents can apply for a pot card


Looks like people in DC can start registering to receive medical marijuana. The dope will be dispensed once people start getting their government approval to get high.

Don’t take this the wrong way. I think that marijuana can be of value as a medication for certain things. That is for the medical community to decide. The reality is that many folks will get a card for some bogus medical condition so they can get, and smoke, pot. There will be a huge spike in certain medical conditions and that spike will involve conditions that, coincidentally, can be treated with marijuana. There will not be background checks to see if these people have a valid reason, they will just be allowed to obtain and smoke pot.

Let some poor chump try to buy a gun, or better yet, try to get a permit to carry a gun in DC and the entire force of government will come down on the evil schmuck. If he is allowed to proceed there will be hundreds of dollars in fees and significant checks that will become huge barriers to purchasing a handgun. If the request is to carry a handgun then there will be a lot of money spent to be denied. This is just like the People’s Republik of Maryland.

One of these things is a right protected in the US Constitution. Sadly, very few people either know that or follow it.

Your Tax Dollars Pay For IRS Employees To Do Full Time Union Work

An FOIA request reveals information that should make your blood boil. It is not bad enough that the IRS is targeting certain people in a political witch hunt now we have information that 201 IRS employees work full time on union business and we TAXPAYERS foot the bill.

The collective bargaining agreement allows them to work full time on union business and receive a taxpayer provided salary. This is what happens when the people who pay the bills are not involved in the bargaining process. The union negotiates with the politicians and they agree on terms. We pay for whatever they decide AND the unions funnel money back to the politicians. They are a laundering operation to get your money to unions and politicians under the guise of a legal contract.

This is why public employees should not be allowed to have unions.

Nazi passed background check to live in US for over 60 years

A Nazi commander from WWII was able to escape to the United States in 1949 by claiming he had not performed military service. He lied. The US allegedly did a background check but some items could not be verified so they let him in. The 94 year old man has been exposed and will likely be deported to stand trial for war crimes.

Big deal, right? Well, if the government could not ensure a Nazi was not allowed into this country what makes you think the government can ensure the millions of illegals currently here are properly vetted before legal status is bestowed upon them?

How many of these folks will be allowed to stay here legally because their background could NOT be verified? How many mistakes will there be that will cause us problems?

This assumes, of course, that the government will actually do any kind of background check. The only people the government wants to do complete background checks on are those who wish to purchase or carry a firearm. Then, anal probes are conducted.

The world is upside-down and this country needs an enema.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


The People’s Republik Of Maryland Led By “Adolph” O’Malley

Gun control does not work and even if it did the Second Amendment protects our right to keep and bear arms. In fact, it says that right shall NOT be infringed. The Governor of Maryland is following the lead of the anti American Governor of New York with draconian, and unconstitutional, gun legislation. In fact, it looks like Martin O’Malley is trying to one up Cum-o of NY. I guess he feels he needs to out Socialist the guy because both are mentioned as possible contenders for the presidency (God help us).

Martin O’Malley is anti American, period. He is trying to violate the rights of law abiding citizens with laws that will not do one damn thing to stop violence. Nothing proposed in the bill will stop violence and it will not prevent an incident like the one that happened in Connecticut, period.

But that is not stopping the Governor who is channeling his inner Hitler in order to intimidate people into compliance. Certain firearms, that the state calls assault weapons, (that is a fabricated name to make them sound scary) will be banned. Anyone who owns one prior to the ban can keep it but must register it with the state. Why does the state need firearms registered? So it can confiscate them when the next round of anti gun laws are brought to bear. If some tragedy occurs then the state will say it must now take those firearms and it will know where to go. The law forces compliance by enacting a high fine and minimum REQUIRED jail sentence of 5 years.

Hitler did that when he took over countries. Signs were posted indicating people had 24 hours to turn in all firearms or they would go to jail. Those who turned them in late were shot. Some who were found later were shot or jailed. Hitler’s forces were able to use the records from conquered areas to determine who had the firearms. The same kind of gun registration was tried here prior to America’s entry into WWII and it was shot down. Maryland’s anti American governor is doing the same thing. It is all about controlling people. But, but, that could not happen here. Tell the Japanese Americans from WWII that it could not happen. Tell the Native Americans that government will not disarm you and then murder you.

[note]Do you really think government will not abuse a database or use it in a fashion that is not allowed?[/note]

O’Malley happens to be a small minded pathetic little man with a god complex. He is an elitist who thinks he knows better than the rubes he was elected to lead. He has ignored his oath of office and he has abused the power he was given by the people. He seems to have forgotten that government derives its just power from the consent of those governed. Violating our rights is not a just power.

O’Malley and Obama are two peas in a pod. Obama is reportedly using a new litmus test to determine which officers will stay in the military. If they say they will obey orders to fire on Americans then they can stay. Those who will not will be shown the door.

How long will it be before Martin O’Malley has his National Guard and police forces training to disarm citizens and fire on them to accomplish that task?

I put nothing past this guy. He is a lowlife who claims that we need to save the children while supporting murder in the womb.

It is going to get very ugly around here if agents of the state fire on the people. I guess they will feel like it is alright because any new gun laws here will produce a whole new class of criminals; those who refused to comply.

Martin O’Malley is surrounded by armed police officers, who are paid for by taxpayers, to protect his sorry butt. Why is he any more important than the rest of us? Why are they armed with things the rest of us will be prohibited from owning?

It is always easy for those who are protected by armed guards to tell the rest of us we don’t need guns for protection.

New York is getting more totalitarian


Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog



More Outsourcing And Obama Media Cover

BMG and Random House published both of Barack Obama’s books, his campaign plan and Michelle Obama’s new book and they are owned by a German company.

Do you mean to tell me that Obama could not possibly find an American company to publish his books? Did he have to outsource this stuff? One could make an argument that he was not in the White House when the books were published (so he felt differently then) but his campaign plan and Moochelle’s book are current. So Obama continues to outsource work…

The German company, Bertlesmann AG, was the biggest producer of Nazi propaganda.

Might explain why Obama is with them.

What does Obama’s outsourcing have to do with anything? Well, BMG Rights Management has made a copyright claim and had a Mitt Romney You Tube ad pulled because it features Obama singing some of Al Green’s song “Let’s Stay Together.”

But, that is copyright infringement and you conservatives are supposed to be about the rules.

True, we are for the rules (which is one thing liberals hate) but using a video with a few lines of a song is not copyright infringement. It probably falls under fair use.

But, but, BMG has rights and if they invoke copyright then the ad needs to be pulled.

Well, I would say yes if that was the real reason the ad was pulled. The reality is that BMG invoked copyright because the ad is against Obama. If the ad was made by Obama and featured a clip of him singing a few lines of the song there is no doubt it would NOT be pulled.

Oh sure, and you, Big Dog, can read people’s minds. You are some kind of conspiracy nut.

Yep, except here is a You Tube video of Obama singing the song. It is a clip of what was used in the Romney ad and BMG did not object to it…

So let’s recap. A German company that has a history of Nazi propaganda is aligned with Obama and has used its might to censor something unfavorable to Obama. Yeah, that looks like a propaganda move.

And to top it off Obama has outsourced his publishing work to that company.

No wonder he is lying his donkey off about Romney and Bain…

The information for this post came from Matt Lewis at the Daily Caller.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog
