What Can Brown Do For You?

Not much.

Scott Brown, the Massachusetts Senator who ran to oppose Obamacare and add another allegedly conservative voice to DC, is now considering a run for the White House. Brown was elected and had no impact on the Obamacare vote because the Senate played games with the vote which effectively negated Brown’s vote.

In any event, Brown was defeated by Lie-A-Watha Elizabeth Warren and is now a former Senator from Massachusetts.

Brown is not a conservative and his time in the Senate was more of a moderate, RINO, love fest. He played middle of the road to left of center in his dealings in the Senate and now he wants to be the moderate candidate in the 2016 presidential sweepstakes.

I imagine Brown is basing his desires on the teachings from the book Great Moderates in History. Oh wait, no such book exists.

Sitting on the fence and failing to have firm convictions is not what the country needs. We need a solid conservative to lead this nation away from progressivism and out of the doldrums that started under Bush (and the democratically controlled Congress) and have continued under B. Hussein Obama.

Scott Brown says he wants an inclusive and tolerant party. The GOP is already such a party as no one is barred from being in the so called big tent. What we do not need are politicians who pander to people just so they will be included. People need to come to the party because it offers real solutions not feel good bunk and rhetoric about being everything to everyone.

If Brown wants that environment then he should consider changing to the Democrat Party.

Conservatives (note I did not specifically say Republicans) are happy to welcome everyone. But people have to want to come because they believe in responsibility, self reliance and the Constitution.

Not because someone says what they want to hear while handing them free phones and food stamps paid for by those who are working AND paying taxes.

No, we do not need Scott Brown. He could not beat Fauxcahauntas in Massachusetts and he will not win a national election.

The Republican Party needs a solid conservative, not a moderate go along to get along RINO.

We had those in the past few elections and because of that we have King Obama and his band of jesters destroying the country.

Brown seems like a nice guy and has a big heart but he is a moderate who supports the Massachusetts version of Obamacare and a ban on certain firearms (inappropriately named assault weapons). He is not the answer to the nation’s problems and should stick with being a lawyer (or modeling) instead of trying to be president.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Save The Senate? Better Save Himself

Barack Obama faces the real possibility of losing not only seats but the majority he enjoys, especially in the Senate. It is a long way to the election and anything can happen but Democrat Senators are dropping like flies (there are slightly more Democrats not returning than there are Republicans) and Obama is still stinging from the loss of the people’s seat in Massachusetts.

So Obama is embarking on a “save the Senate” tour where he will campaign for Democrats in peril of losing their seats.

President Obama kicks off what might be called his “Save the Senate” tour this week, heading west to campaign for two embattled Democrats trailing badly against Republican challengers – including Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada. Washington Times

Considering that he is 0-3, he might want to skip the campaign appearances if he wants to actually help them.

Obama has much more to worry about because a new CNN poll shows that 52% of the people polled do not think he deserves a second term. He has three years to fix that problem so now is not the time to panic but considering he has only been in office for 13 months, it might be time to worry a bit.

Obama will certainly triangulate and work to appear moderate so that he can garner more support. There are people who will forget that, to many, he appeared moderate during the campaign only to become more radical upon taking office. He was (and still is) radical all along to those of us not receiving the Kool Aid IV.

This November the clout of Barack Obama will be put to the test. If he can muster enough votes to keep the majority then he might be on semi solid ground. If he loses a lot, and particularly loses one or both chambers, he will be in trouble.

Then again, Republicans in the Congress helped Bill Clinton with a make-over that gave him a second term.

The economy will not be healed any time soon, particularly with the policies of this administration and once inflation hits things will be really bad.

No wonder Obama is sporting more gray hair.

Big Dog


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Daley Machine Tells Obama To Fake It

William Daley wrote an Op-Ed piece for the Washington Post and in it he tells Obama that the decision of some Democrats to retire rather than run for reelection as well as the defection of Parker Griffith spells trouble for the left going into next year’s election. Daley’s suggestion is that Democrats plot a more moderate and centrist course.

Daley laments that many Democrats won seats in traditional Republican strongholds because they are moderates, or Blue Dogs as they are called, and that they risk losing because they have had to support the more radical elements of the party in Congress. Anyone with a little political sense knows that Pelosi will try to protect the moderates by allowing them to vote against unpopular legislation as long as she has the votes for it to pass. However, when push comes to shove and she needs the votes she expects them to vote lockstep with the party.

This sets up problems and shows why there is no such thing as a true Blue Dog. When it gets down to brass tacks the so called Blue Dogs vote party over conscience. It might take a good bribe but it always happens. It is very unlikely that the citizens in the traditional Republican strongholds who are now represented by Democrats want the health care bill, cap and trade or the stimulus but in many cases they have representatives who support those items.

Daley’s solution is for the Democrats to put up a moderate and centrist front but this is all smoke and mirrors. How many people believe that any of these people who get reelected acting as moderates will actually be moderate when votes are needed and the leadership is applying pressure? Barack Obama ran as a person who would be transparent, ethical, moderate and bipartisan. In essence, he appeared to be rather moderate. This fooled a lot of people who failed to pay attention to his radical past. Now we are seeing him as the far left radical, Chicago politician that some of us saw despite the whole hope and change mantra.

If the left moves to the center and works as moderates many of them might be reelected by those with short memories but make no mistake, they will not remain moderate after they are elected. You folks in conservative America need to look at the Democrats representing you and see if they truly stayed moderate after they won or if they fell in line behind the radical liberal agenda. Don’t be fooled by those who vote for something and then against it when the votes are secured. Don’t be fooled by those who are allowed to vote a certain way under the cover provided by Pelosi. You need to actually look at them and what they are doing. If they voted for the things you do not want and did so under pressure then they are playing a game and it is not likely they will change should they win reelection.

When it comes down to it the so called Blue Dogs vote party over constituent and party over country so keep this in mind should they run around begging for your vote and your money while telling you how they had your best interests at heart.

Daley wants the Democrats to put on a ruse in order to avoid a real problem in the next election. His plea for Obama to take on a centrist agenda has nothing to do with really being centrist or running the country as a centrist. It is a political ploy designed to keep Democrats in power so that once the election is over they can continue the radical agenda set forth by Obama, Pelosi, and Reid.

Vote them all out and put people in who will be concerned with your interests and not the interests of the party.

And if that person turns out to be bad replace him as well.

We The People own this country and it is time we started acting like it.

Big Dog


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