Regime Hides The Decline

The federal agency that was supposed to oversee the drilling operations in the Gulf was lax in its inspections and declared the now doomed rig as a model of safety. In fact, the lax safety inspections were an ongoing issue dating back as far as 2001.

The Obama regime made no changes and only after the incident did the Minerals Management Service (MMS) revise its stated number of inspections upward to gave the appearance of greater oversight. No explanation was given for the updated numbers.

Earlier AP investigations have shown that the doomed rig was allowed to operate without safety documentation required by MMS regulations for the exact disaster scenario that occurred; that the cutoff valve which failed has repeatedly broken down at other wells in the years since regulators weakened testing requirements; and that regulation is so lax that some key safety aspects on rigs are decided almost entirely by the companies doing the work. AP via Yahoo News

For at more than 5 years this has been going on but the disaster took place on Obama’s watch and his regime is responsible for it.

Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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