Perhaps Israel Should Wipe Iran Off The Map

For years and years Iran has threatened to wipe Israel off the map and Iran has been working on nuclear weapons so it can do just that. It seems like every so often the Middle East Nations and terrorist factions that despise Israel provoke that tiny nation into a conflict and then cry to the United Nations when Israel kicks the snot out of them.

Israel has shown remarkable restraint considering how often its neighbors lob rockets at them and kidnaps and murders its citizens.

Every time Israel responds it is made out to be the bad guy by the UN and our own leadership demands restraint.

The Obama regime is working with Iran to help clear a path so it can develop nukes and Israel does not appreciate that. Obama is an anti Semite so he is quite comfortable when the people of Israel come under attack.

Israel recently took out a group on the Syrian border because that group was involved in acts that were a danger to Israel and her people. Iran did not like that and has vowed to attack Israel for the aggression.

Let them attack and this time when Israel responds the rest of the world can keep its mouths shut as Israel hands Iran is ass on a platter. If Iran goes after the Jewish nation then it should respond with devastating force and completely and utterly destroy Iran. When Israel is done there should be nothing left but rubble.

And any nation that retaliates should suffer the same fate.

As for those who will sit back and condemn Israel, keep your mouths shut. You have interfered far too often when Israel is beating the hell out of an aggressor but keep silent when it is being attacked.

So let Iran attack and Israel respond and be done with this mess.

Then Obama will have one more reason to dislike Israel.

As if he needs one.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


What’s A Few Bumps In The Road To Obama?

Barack Obama is well known for using people as he sees fit and then throwing them under the bus. He threw his Pastor and his grandmother under the bus during the last campaign and when they arrived there it was very crowded. It is safe to say the driver of that bus experienced bumps from running over those Obama left in his wake.

It is one thing for a politician to throw people under a bus. Politicians are cold, calculating people who will sell their souls in order to get and keep power. But it is entirely different when the politician is the president and he throws the dead bodies of American citizens under the bus.

On the CBS Show 60 Minutes Barack Obama described the crisis in the Middle East as bumps in the road. It is not bad enough that Obama’s policy of bowing down and apologizing coupled with appeasement has led to the Muslim Brotherhood taking over in the Middle East (and maybe the White House) but Obama’s pandering has resulted in the deaths of four Americans.

Barack Obama’s failed foreign policy and his inability to ensure our interests are protected resulted in the rape and murder of our Ambassador and the deaths of three others. Barack Obama has the audacity to call these developments bumps in the road.

I am sure that the families of these people do not see this as a bump in the road. Their lives have been torn apart and turned completely upside down because the president of this country is unable to lead, is unable to protect and has failed in his basic responsibility, to keep this country and its citizens safe.

These people worked for Obama (either directly or indirectly) and it was his responsibility to ensure they were safe but he failed at that, he failed them and he failed our country.

While Obama seems to be comfortable dismissing the murders of our people as evidenced by the ease with which he dismissed their deaths while throwing them under the bus, no one with any grasp of reality can possibly be comfortable with the murder of our people.

The only bumps in the road are those encountered by the driver on the Obama bus and those bumps now include the bodies of American citizens murdered because of his complete incompetence.


Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Maybe Obama Caused The Middle East Riots

The Democrat controlled media have been telling us that some little known anti Islam movie that has been out for months is the reason our embassies were attacked and our Ambassador murdered. The White House has been trumpeting this line even though the facts refute the narrative. It matters not to them as they suspend the rights of an individual by taking him in for questioning in order to appease the radicals who really don’t care.

Jimmy Carter tried appeasement and it was a disaster.

No one heard of this movie until the attacks and then it became a convenient scapegoat. But I have a different theory. I believe that Barack Obama incited the violence by continually bragging that HE killed Osama bin Laden.

After OUR NAVY SEALS killed Bin Laden Barack Obama took credit for it as if he went there and pulled the trigger. He claimed that we “don’t spike the football” but as the election grew closer Obama brought the football out and he spiked it.

And he spiked it again.
And again.
And again.

Veterans are not happy with Obama because he has taken all the credit for the death of Bin Laden. The veterans don’t want recognition and would prefer that the matter remain quiet so as not to draw attention to themselves. That would put them and their families in danger. Obama though, is spiking that football for political gain so I think he is much more responsible for the acts of war we have seen than some unknown film maker.

Here is an ad that was produced by veterans:

They are obviously not happy. It is no surprise that the majority of those serving and those who have served are not thrilled with Obama. They know he hates the military and would love to scale them way down.

They hate it that he is running around acting like he actually humped a pack to the Middle East and went on the raid. They hate the fact he is taking credit for the work THEY did and that he is doing it for political gain.

And I hate that his spiking the football got an Ambassador murdered.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Once Again Hamas Provokes Violence; Israel Condemned

For quite some time now Hamas has been launching rockets into Israel. The rockets, accompanied by mortars, were sometimes delivered at a rate of 100 per day. Now these were not rockets launched at a military target or at combatants, these were projectiles indiscriminately launched into Israel with no regard for where they would land or who they would injure or kill. Hamas gave little thought to the civilian casualties or to the innocent children who could be injured.

During this time Israel has warned Hamas that it would retaliate if the rocket attacks did not stop. The leaders in the Arab world urged restraint and urged Israel not to resort to violence. The thing they did not do was urge Hamas to stop launching rockets. Little or no pressure was exerted on Hamas to stop provoking Israel. Israel warned that a boiling point was being reached and that the time for talking had passed. Israel urged Hamas to stop or there would be hell to pay.

Today that hell broke loose as Israel launched attacks inside of Gaza and took out quite a few strongholds from where the rockets were launched. The Arab world is shocked, shocked I say, that Israel would attack. I wonder why these barbaric animals are shocked that Israel attacked after it said that it would? This reminds me of how that part of the world reacted when George Bush said we would soon exact revenge on those who knocked our buildings down and then he did it. How dare they keep their word?

Well, the usual suspects have lined up to condemn Israel. The Arab league is meeting while various mouthpieces in their backwards culture condemn the acts of the Zionists. Blah, blah. Members of the European Union are urging restraint while the Arabs and other Jew haters condemned Israel.

It is like this, the Arab world will call anything that Israel does wrong and will condemn it. None of these pencil necked terrorists condemned Hamas or told Hamas to stop launching rockets and now they are acting like someone stole their camel because they got smacked back. These animals only understand violence and they look at non violence as a sign of weakness. The rockets were launched into Israel and Israel did not respond so more rockets were launched.

Now of course, Israel has unleashed fury and the animals are crying. Oh, there were children and civilians who were injured. Spare me the tears. The cowards who pass as men in that part of the world routinely hide among the women and children and they have little regard for their lives any other time. They have no regard for the women and children who might get hurt by the rockets they launch into Israel. They only play to the sympathies of the world so that people will condemn Israel. The propaganda worked last time Israel defended itself.

I have been critical of Israel in the past but not because it attacked. I have been critical because it waits way too long and then it never completes the job and bows to international pressure. Israel needs to ignore all the calls for restraint and continue to bomb the living hell out of Gaza and Hamas. It needs to turn the place into a human wasteland where rubble and remains are all that is left. It needs to defend its nation with overwhelming strength that is hugely disproportionate to what was used against it. It is obvious that little forays into a mini war do not yield results so Israel needs to absolutely level the place and kill every living thing that presents opposition. Then it needs to dare any other nation of barbarians to mess with it.

Israel has a small piece of land and it is surrounded by enemies who want it exterminated. Israel is the only land of opportunity in the region where people of different backgrounds can live and worship without fear. There are mosques in Israel where Muslims may worship. You cannot say that anything similar takes place in surrounding nations. But Israel is constantly under attack by those who keep asking for a little more land. Leave here and there will be peace. There will be no peace until you leave there. Go here, go there, leave here, leave there, capitulate, give us what we want and there will be peace.

But there is never peace. The Arab world continues to push and push. It continues to work to destroy Israel and to wipe it off the map.

The United Nations condemns Israel for defending itself but takes little action to sanction those nations provoking Israel. Israel is always made out to be the bad guy and it is not right.

Israel has a right to defend itself as does any other nation on this planet. Everyone else needs to mind their business and let Israel work out its problems with its neighbors. If other Middle Eastern countries get involved then Israel will need to decide how to handle it and when (as well as who) to ask for help.

Until that time, people should let Israel take care of its own business. I for one would like to see Israel not stop until Hamas is a memory and nothing more.

The Jerusalem Post | al Reuters

Big Dog

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McCain Shatters Obama’s Secrecy

The Obama camp is upset with John McCain because he disclosed that the young Senator was on his way to the Middle East. The camp is upset because they have closely guarded the information regarding his departure even though the major networks have mobilized to follow him around like Bill Clinton following the scent of an intern.

For weeks now, Barack Obama has closely guarded the details of his planned fact-finding trips to Afghanistan and Iraq, citing security concerns.

But Friday, the Democratic presidential hopeful’s Republican rival, John McCain, may have let the secret out of the bag – infuriating some Obama supporters and putting Camp McCain on the defensive. Daily News

I understand the need for a certain amount of secrecy in order to ensure safety but the news has been abuzz about the anointed one and his trek across the world. The supposed “fact finding mission” is really a campaign ploy which explains why Obama has an army of advisers to keep him from making a mistake that might cost him votes. However, the reality of the situation is that a lot of people knew the Messiah was leaving the country and a lot had a pretty good idea when he was doing it.

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