GagDad Bob Gibbs Gets It Totally Wrong

In the White House press conference on 4 May, Robert Gibbs lit into Wendell Goler of FOX News when Goler started to ask a question about the comparisons of the oil spill to Katrina. Goler had not finished the question when GagDad Bob stopped him and said that FOX had former FEMA Director Michael Brown on and that Brown said the oil spill was deliberate and that the assertion came with little push back form the interviewer (Neil Cavuto). Here is what GagDad Bob had to say:

“Your network put on the former FEMA director to make an accusation that the well had been purposely set off in order to change an offshore drilling decision.” Breitbart (video)

This is demonstrably false. Gibbs told a huge lie when he said this because brown did not say it. He said the regime was playing politics with the oil spill and using it to retreat from its earlier commitment to allow more offshore drilling. Brown also discussed the path of the oil and that it might flow up the east coast and this is what they wanted to push their anti drilling agenda. Brown argues that Obama was slow to respond because of his dislike for big oil.

At no time did Brown say that the well had been purposely set off. Gibbs just flat out lied.

We do know that the response was not as crisp as Obama led people to believe and it was not in keeping with his campaign rhetoric when he bashed Bush for the response to Katrina. Since 1994 there has been a plan in place (established during Clinton) to respond to an oil spill in the Gulf. That plan called for the placement of fire booms and ignition of the oil. Experts claim that if this had been done (in other words, if they had followed the plan) the scope of the spill would be much smaller.

The problem is that there were no fire booms at the coast. There were none preplaced and the Coast Guard did not have them. The government had to call the company in Illinois and have the only one in stock sent and then had the company call South American countries to see if we could borrow some.

Those booms have obviously been missing for some time and no one expects any president to know if they are there or not. It is not like they inventory all the stuff when they take office. This is why other people are in charge of these kinds of things. The person responsible for this response plan did not do his job. And because of that, the response was not in accordance with the plan and no, Obama did not respond or engage immediately. If his regime were involved from the start they might have noticed that the plan was not being followed and asked why. They might have also found out the booms were not available much earlier than the nine or so days it took to make that little discovery.

The Coast Guard Commander is also to blame for this. She indicated that she had everything she needed to accomplish her mission. Since her agency is the first responder and is responsible for these kinds of spills one would assume she would follow the plan and would know about the fire boom situation. In any event, she did not have everything she needed to do her job.

From all this we can see that while one can disagree with Brown on the reasons he gave for the delay, one cannot dispute his assertion that there was a delay (a delay in following the plan and a delay in response from the regime). It is also painfully obvious that Gibbs lied when he said Brown accused the regime of deliberately setting the well off.

It appears to have been an accident (though one wonders why Obama sent SWAT Teams out) but it is possible that it was deliberate. If it was I do not believe that anyone in the US had anything to do with it. If it was deliberate then it was probably an act committed by our enemies. A small submarine could have caused the damage and maybe that is why Obama sent SWAT Teams out. Perhaps he wanted them to look for any indications of foul play and to asses other rigs for security. No matter what, I do not believe that he or his regime had anything to do with it and it will likely be concluded that it was a freak accident.

A convenient accident (and one that the liberals wanted to see to validate their beliefs) but an accident nonetheless.

But Gibbs has thin skin as do most in the regime. He concocted a story because he is not tough enough to take a hard question and answer it. He just had to demonize FOX but he did it with a LIE.

I don’t recall any concern over the state run media and the way it treated George W Bush. How many state run media shows had guests on who claimed that Bush knew about 9/11 and that it was an inside job? How many guests on those shows claimed that the Bush administration imploded those buildings?

As for a comparison to Katrina, there would be one if what Gibbs claimed was true. You see, the state run media had guests who claimed that George Bush blew up the levees in New Orleans because he hates black people. How many people defended Bush when Kanye West, the moron singer, claimed Bush hated black people (while Kanye was asking Americans to be generous and donate to help those folks)?

This regime is full of sissies who have thin skin and it starts at the top with the regime leader Obama. They have a hard time with criticism and they act like they are being treated unfairly.

Just ask yourself, if Bush (or any Republican) would have gotten as many passes as Obama has. What would the state run media be saying about Bush if he were president now and there were no fire booms?

We all know the answer and yet, the state run media is strangely silent when it comes to their boss Barry.

Saul Alinsky would be proud of this regime and of GagDad Bob Gibbs. The only thing is, when Alinsky wrote his book there was no Internet where people could instantly debunk the Socialist community agitators that he inspired.

UPDATE: Brown said that they were making it a political issue. Looks like he was correct.

Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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