The Illegals Can’t Be Refugees In The US

The federal government tried to move a large number of illegals from the border states to a vacant Reserve Center in Western Maryland. Congressman Andy Harris (who represents some of the area but not the area of the Reserve Center) and local residents caught wind of the clandestine attempt and put an end to it. The governor of Maryland, Martin O’Malley is itching to show his progressive stripes by letting as many of these folks in Maryland as possible. His policies favoring these kinds of shenanigans have resulted in a budget explosion, dozens of tax increases and a downturn in the state economy but he presses on.

O’Malley said these folks should be granted asylum. The UN is working to declare these illegals refugees in an effort to force the US to take them in. They technically do not meet the definition of a refugee but when has the law ever stopped the UN or other progressives?

[note]An asylum seeker is someone who is seeking status as a refugee If asylum is granted by the host state then the person would become a refugee and be entitled to legal protections.[/note]

These word plays are nothing more than games designed to get tens of thousands of illegals in the US and give them some kind of legal status. However, the plan should never work (though in this world it might) because any court reviewing the petitions would see a glaring problem.

Mexico has granted the illegals free passage through their country so they can get to the US. In other words, Mexico gave them safe refuge.

The International Justice Resource Center states that the following people are not refugees (therefore cannot be granted asylum):

Individuals who voluntarily avail themselves of the protection of their country of nationality or habitual residence or individuals who have received protection in a third country are also not considered refugees. See 1951 Convention relating to the Status of Refugees, art. 1(C). [emphasis mine]

All of these individuals have received protection in a third country because Mexico granted them protection to make their way to the US therefore they cannot be refugees. They can’t seek asylum in the US because they received protection (from their alleged persecution) in the country of Mexico and Mexico is a signatory of the 1951 Refugee Convention and the 1967 Protocol. Since Mexico granted them protection they need to be the ones to grant them asylum.

I certainly pray that the court system beats back any attempt by the UN or misguided politicians (like Martin O’Malley) to grant a status to these illegals that they are not legally entitled to in the US.

If they want asylum then send them back to Mexico and let the Mexican government take care of them.

I am not opposed to legal immigration. We welcome those who come here legally with open arms and are happy to call them friend. Those who come here illegally are making their first act in this nation an intentional violation of our law. We cannot trust nor should we support those who disregard our laws while at the same time attempting to use our legal system and generosity against us.

We do not need to send them home. If the UN and others want to make them refugees then send them to Mexico, the country that granted them safe entry.

Perhaps the easiest way to end all of this and to ensure they leave and that a wall is built to keep people out would be to convince Democrats that these people have all indicated they will vote Republican.

The wall would be up in a week and these folks would be someplace else very quickly…

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


US Cracks Down On Illegal Immigration

The United States government has finally done something to crack down on illegal immigration. The US has produced a video warning people from another country that they need to know the laws before coming to the US. Now one would think with millions of people walking across our southern border from Mexico the video would be directed at Mexico.

No, all the money spent on the video was to warn Israelis not to come here illegally and the video even has a few Israelis who have been scammed by an illegal operation that dupes people. They get to the US and find out they are here illegally and end up banned from coming back.

Most of the folks coming from Israel did not set out to break the law, they were duped. Yet, our government saw fit to invest a lot of money in a video aimed at a relatively small number of people. Don’t get me wrong, if people are coming here illegally they need to be dealt with. But we have to figure if the benefit is worth the cost and we need to ask why such an effort is not in place and aimed at Mexico?

You see, the folks in Mexico are coming here illegally and they KNOW they are coming here illegally. Hell, their government helps them come here illegally. And the funny thing is there are more Mexicans here illegally than the entire population of Israel.

Yes, we have between 12 and 20 million Mexicans here illegally and the population of the entire country of Israel is just under 8 million. The entire country of Israel could come here illegally and it would still not be as bad as the problem from Mexico (and we would get more skilled labor).

Our government spent a lot of money to educate a small number of people from Israel (most the victims of a scam) about coming here illegally while it continues to ignore the southern border where millions of people walk in as if they own the place.

I know that this regime is hostile to Israel but it seems that this is just a bit too much.

How about they stop wasting money on these videos and start doing some real border control? How about the government turn its focus toward Mexico and worry about catching the huge number of people entering illegally from there.

The folks coming from Israel seem to be getting caught without any special focus and obviously they were caught before the video was made. How about letting the Israeli government educate its people on immigration rules and while they are at it they can go after the criminals scamming people. We can then turn our attention to the south and close the floodgates down there.

Focusing on the south would give us more bang for the buck. We can change that focus to Israel when millions of Israels come here illegally and commit violent crimes. I have a funny feeling that illegal immigration from Israel will never reach the level Mexico has achieved (its a simple numbers game).

I also bet our government will never be as serious about the illegals from Mexico as it has demonstrated it is with the illegals from Israel…

See the video here.

Cave Canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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GM Means Gone Mexican

Thanks to US taxpayers General Motors became Government Motors as taxpayer money was used to bailout the failing auto company. It should have been allowed to fail but Barack Obama had to bail out the company in order to save his union supporters and his puppet master at union headquarters.

Barack Obama took OUR money and without our permission used it to help a failing auto company by allowing the government to become a part owner in the enterprise. This all happened as private investors were screwed over in favor of union thugs. We were told that there would be a profit for us out of this (as if those of us paying the bills would actually see any of it) but there was no profit and the government is selling its shares in the company at a loss. GM did not pay the money back as any money paid back came from stimulus money. In other words, GM took the name Government Motors seriously and paid its debt to us with money it borrowed from us.

Given all this, one would think that GM would be beholden to the US taxpayers. One would think that since our money was confiscated from us and used to keep that company from failing that we would be rewarded, not individually but as a collective. In other words, one would think that since the country did something good for GM that GM would do something good for the country.

One would be wrong for thinking that because GM has decided to spend 540 million dollars (no doubt taxpayer money) to produce two low emission motors in Mexico. The project will create (directly and indirectly) about 1000 jobs. Since 2006 GM has invested about 5 BILLION dollars in Mexico.

I would think that GM would produce the motors in the US. In fact I would require them to. As the NLRB tells Boeing where it can use ITS OWN MONEY to build planes, the government is silent about a company partly owned by taxpayers fleeing to Mexico to build its product. It is not bad enough that GM is screwing the people who saved its sorry butt but the company has been investing in Mexico, at the expense of jobs here, since 2006.

So tell me, why didn’t GM go to the Mexican government when it needed to be bailed out?

And why is the Obama regime not stopping our employees (yes people at GM, we own you and you work for us now) from going out of the country.

I think Detroit could use a new plant and the workers that come with it. I would imagine that the 5 BILLION spent in Mexico could have helped Detroit quite a bit.

Then again, Detroit is run by liberals and GM is a union company. Either is bad but combined they are a recipe for disaster and failure which is why GM needed to be bailed out and Detroit is a wasteland.

GM went from General Motors to Government Motors and now it is just Gone Mexican.

So folks, how do you feel about being taken advantage of like this?

I said it before and I will iterate it here. I will never buy a GM vehicle (and yes, I have owned GM in the past).

Heh, when Barack Obama gave us his simplistic approach to the jobs problem by telling businesses that they needed to hire I guess he forgot to tell his toadies that they needed to hire INSIDE the country…

Perhaps we should rename GM to BOHICA Motors.

Bend Over, Here It Comes Again…

And maybe their next car should be the Chevy Bolt since they bolted across the border…

Cave Canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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Mexican Mayor Wants US To Keep His Trash

Looks like a mayor in Mexico is blaming the US for the rash of drug cartel violence along the border and in border towns in Mexico. Seems that the US, evil as they are, deports criminals back to Mexico once they have served time in a US jail for their offenses. Rapists and murderers have been deported and this does not sit well with a particular Mexican Mayor and a group of Mexican lawmakers.

Hey Mexican authorities, screw you. Who cares if you are upset. Did you ever stop to consider that the felons came here from your crappy country and committed felonies against OUR people? American citizens were victimized by your trash and our judicial system had to deal with them. Then when they have served their time we send them back to you where they belong and you have the nerve to get upset about it.

Your country has been teaching people how to sneak into the US and how to avoid capture. You print publications to assist them in illegally entering our nation. Then they come here and commit felonies and we send them home and you are not happy.

Who the hell do you people think you are?

I have a suggestion for you. Clean up your own country and quit sending your trash over our border and we will not be forced to send it back.

Perhaps we could end this for you by sending some of our well armed folks across the border to kill all the drug cartel members and then station them on the border to shoot anyone entering illegally.

Perhaps we should send you people a bill for the costs this nation has incurred as a result of your aiding and abetting criminals.

These morons need to be in Gitmo.

Cave Canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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Judicial Activism Strikes Part Of Arizona Law

Parts of the Arizona law that only enforced federal immigration laws were struck down by an activist judge who fails to understand that state laws which are identical to or do not change federal law, are perfectly legal. U.S. District Judge Susan Bolton, obviously bowing to behind the scenes pressure from the Obama regime, ruled that police officers cannot be required to check immigration status. What she has basically said is that police officers are not allowed to do their jobs.

Suppose these police officers told the federal government that they would no longer go after bank robbers because bank robbery is a federal crime and it might impact the federal laws. Would that make sense?

What Judge Bolton said today is that the rule of law does not matter and that states do not have control over their own territory. She basically told people it is OK to break federal law and then cause havoc in states and she told the states they have no right to protect themselves against federal impotence.

Governor Brewer plans to appeal the ruling but she should just put the law into place anyway and say screw the ruling. Isn’t this what Obama did with the drilling moratorium in the Gulf? He decided that he would ignore the court. Brewer should just tell her officers that they are not REQUIRED to ask immigration status but are free to do so if they wish. Then it would be a different issue and they can press on.

Immigration groups were jumping with joy at the ruling because now illegals will not be held accountable for the lawbreaking they are doing. They have been given free reign by a judge who made a moronic decision.

At least there is a sheriff in Arizona who intends to continue arresting illegals and putting them in tents.

Judge Bolton failed to rule on the merits of the law and legislated from the bench. She did not look at the merits of the law or she would have seen that it mirrors federal law. Perhaps she is unaware that states are sovereign places and have rights.

This is what happens when people who live in gated communities apart from the real world are placed in positions that require life experiences. This is also what happens when judges are worried about being removed from the bench by the White House.

Eric Holder and the Obama regime can all take a long walk off a short pier and keep walking until their hats float. And the good people of Arizona can take matters into their own hands.

Clean up your state by getting rid of the illegal trash and tell the White House to go screw itself. You folks in Arizona should start asking for papers on your own before you do business with anyone. If they do not have them then no jobs, no apartments, no sales, no cars, no nothing. Ask for proof before issuing a driver’s license.

If anyone says you can’t do that because it is against the law just tell them laws don’t apply in this case because it deals with immigration. Bolton and the feds have shown us that they have no regard for the law and that there is no need to actually follow the law.

I guess Arizona can take solace in the fact that at least these illegals did not come from Kenya…


Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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