Ann Coulter Banned From NBC

Ann Coulter is a feisty conservative who believes in no holds barred politics and she is spot on in her analysis nearly every time she speaks. She understands the liberal mind and she knows what makes it tick as well as how to pluck its last string. She has more testicular fortitude than some of the so called men in the Republican party and she is fearless. I admire her intelligence and her talent to tweak the left. The fact that she is nice looking is a plus as well.

Coulter was supposed to go on the NBC Today show tomorrow to discuss her new book; Guilty: Liberal “Victims” and Their Assault on America. She was unceremoniously dropped from the show with the cowardly claim that it was overbooked (though they booked her months ago). The overbooked show then went out and got Perez Hilton who will appear and hawk his new book. Hilton is openly homosexual and true to his pansy ways, he once offered $1000 to anyone who would throw a pie at Ann Coulter (according to Drudge). A real man would have thrown the pie himself but I guess it is hard to keep from dropping the pie when one has a limp wrist.

Insiders at NBC say that Coulter has been banned from the network permanently because:

“We are just not interested in anyone so highly critical of President-elect Obama, right now,” a TODAY insider reveals. “It’s such a downer. It’s just not the time, and it’s not what our audience wants, either.”

They are not interested in someone critical of Obama? This makes sense since none of the MSM has been critical of him since he walked across a pond to become the messiah. God forbid anyone should be critical of Obama.

This is, of course, the same network that had no problem in bringing people on who were critical of George Bush. For the past eight years NBC has had one Bush basher after another on to be “highly critical” of him. This is the network that employs tingly leg Chris Matthews who I don’t believe has ever had a kind word about President Bush and Keith Olberman who is nothing more than a rabid idiot who spews vile from his mouth every time he opens it. He has insulted President Bush every time he has been on the air and he makes no bones about his hatred for the president. So NBC has no moral high ground when it comes to talking critical of a president (or in this case the president elect).

Now NBC did say that it is not what its audience wants. I imagine that is correct. The people who watch NBC are a bunch of losers who sit around all day eating bon bons. The only exercise they get is walking to the mailbox to see if their welfare check has arrived. The people who watch Matthews or Olberman are mental midgets who could not empty a bucket if the directions were written on the bottom. These are the kind of people who are so slow it would take them an hour and a half to watch 60 minutes. Anyone who gives Olberman any credibility is not mentally capable of being out in public alone. He is a moonbat on acid and should be thrown in a room with Perez Hilton on a Viagra overdose.

Ann Coulter has six New York Times best sellers. If NBC wants to exclude her from appearing it will not affect sales. In fact, the publicity will probably help them.

However, NBC has demonstrated why most people (except the morons who drool while watching NBC) do not trust the MSM.

I don’t watch much, if anything on NBC. I will continue to avoid that network. If we are fortunate it will go bankrupt and disappear. Just say no to NBC.

I will, however, be buying Coulter’s new book.

Big Dog

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Insider Confirms MSM Bias

This has been around for a day or so but it will not get much attention from the MSM (go figure). Glenn Reynolds from Instapundit received an email from a reader who works in a mainstream media newsroom:

“Off the record, every suspicion you have about MSM being in the tank for O is true. We have a team of 4 people going thru dumpsters in Alaska and 4 in arizona. Not a single one looking into Acorn, Ayers or Freddiemae. Editor refuses to publish anything that would jeopardize election for O, and betting you dollars to donuts same is true at NYT, others. People cheer when CNN or NBC run another Palin-mocking but raising any reasonable inquiry into obama is derided or flat out ignored. The fix is in, and its working.” I asked permission to reprint without attribution and it was granted.

This is as obvious as flatulence in an elevator.

Neocon Latina has an excellent example of this with regard to a story about Obama’s Commie mommy.

IowaHawk has a comical video from Obama’s teleprompter. It shows the “articulate” Obama that appears when the MSM is not there to edit out the stumbles and the teleprompter is not there to save the day.

Obama supporters made a new logo for him complete with the Muslim Crescent and Star. Think the MSM will report on this? Or, this (In farsi it says. ” he is with us and we are with him”)? If so, how would it play? [Gateway Pundit]

The MSM is in the tank for Obama. These organizations have always been liberal but were more careful in hiding it. Now there is no pretense. They openly show their bias and they have no regard for objective journalism.

Big Dog Salute to Little Green Footballs

UPDATE: Need more? The moderator of the VP debate, Gwen Ifill, is an ardent Obama supporter and has written a pro Obama book that is to be released on inauguration day. How can this woman be seen as anything but a partisan hack? She should be replaced. The question is, who should replace her?

UPDATE 2: Raven found that you can now buy your own Obama Carry All Designer Bag. You can purchase it at the Boston Globe store.

Big Dog

Sarah Palin Supports Gun Control

It is well known that nearly all major media outlets are in the tank for Barack Obama. They don’t even try to hide it any more. He comes out and breathes and they swoon and talk about their tingles. The nutroots deny the media is liberal and swear that it supports the Republicans and is unfair to the Democrats. But it is undeniable that the media is part of the Obama campaign and the campaign deploys them like all other surrogates:

His aides said they were looking to the news media to debunk the image of her as a blue-collar reformer, even as they argued that her power to help Mr. McCain was overstated.

How about a little fair time (fairness doctrine stuff) and we have the media debunk Obama’s image as an agent of change. It would be helpful if they spent the same amount of effort in scrutinizing him as they have her. And no, he has not been vetted over the last 19 months, he has been assisted. The media got him the nomination.

One other troubling thing from the piece is this:

In the midst of all this, Mr. Obama had a private lunch on Thursday with someone he battled with for much of the year but who knows how to put the Republicans on the defensive: former President Bill Clinton. Discussion topics, aides said, included how Mr. Obama might handle Ms. Palin in the days ahead.

The last thing Obama needs or should pay attention to is Bill Clinton telling him how to handle a woman. I already know what Bill Clinton thinks about Sarah Palin and how that rapist would like to handle her (“I did not have sex with that woman, but I’d like to.”).

Might not be a good idea for him to try though, she is a strong advocate of gun control. Gun control as in keeping your sights on the target and hitting that at which you aim…

New York Times

Big Dog