The Left’s War On Women Starts In The Womb

The Democrats have ginned up an alleged war on women being waged by Republicans and they have gone after people like Rush Limbaugh for comments he made to substantiate their claims. The liberals are also playing up the contrived disparity in pay as a Republican war on women though, interestingly, many Democrats pay their female staffers far less than their male staffers. Even Barack Obama pays his female workers less money than his male workers.

The war on women meme is in full bloom as Katie Couric, one of the left’s cheerleaders, gave a commencement address where she discussed how she had been cheated by sexists. I guess the millions of dollars they pay her for her lack of talent is not enough compensation, or should I say, Love?

The reality is that the left has been waging a war on women for a long time. Whether it is the aforementioned pay disparity among the staff of Democrat politicians or the push for affirmative action programs for women (programs that by design mean Democrats think women can’t make it on a level playing field) it is obvious that the war being waged is by the left.

The war is even more pronounced when one considers that Democrats are waging war on unborn females through sex selective abortion.

A pro-life group called Live Action has videos showing that Planned Parenthood allows and supports women who want to abort their babies because they are girls rather than boys. The videos show that the abortion mill in America is in favor of sex selective abortions. So now, not only is Planned Parenthood working to wipe out the black population, it is also working to wipe out the female population.

Abortion is a predominantly Democrat/liberal/progressive entity. Liberals will defend to their last breath the “right” of a woman to murder her unborn child and that means that the war on unborn females is being waged by the left.

Democrats cannot run on their records and Barack Obama cannot tout his effectiveness because he has made a mess of things. He has failed to reach the lofty goals he set for himself when he asked for the job he currently holds (he did not inherit anything, he asked for it) so he knows he cannot run on his record. Instead, he is hiding his record by distracting people with phony claims like a Republican war on women.

Obama and the rest of the liberals are the ones waging this war and while the Obama regime condemns Syria for murdering children it does the very same thing through abortion.

Particularly to female children.

We need to put an end to Planned Parenthood and we need to put an end to the Obama regime come November.

Let us make it the end of an error…

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Obama; A One Man Supreme Court

Barack Obama has become a one man Supreme Court by instructing his Justice Department to no longer defend the Defense of Marriage Act in court. The DOMA was signed into law by Bill Clinton and it forbids federal recognition of same sex marriages.

Obama Attorney General Eric Holder said on Wednesday that the administration will not defend the constitutionality of the Defense of Marriage Act in the courts, which has banned recognition of same-sex marriage for 15 years. President Clinton signed the act into law in 1996. Newsmax

What kind of renegade administration will ignore the law because it does not think the law is Constitutional? The Supreme Court is the ultimate arbiter on the Constitutionality of a law. If Obama and his drones think that it is not Constitutional then they should defend it less vigorously and lose the issue in Court but the end game is that the court should decide.

We have three branches of government and Obama heads the Executive branch. That branch is responsible for enforcing the law. The Judicial branch decides on the Constitutionality of the laws that have been enacted through a collaboration between the Legislative and Executive branches. End of story.

Rush Limbaugh and Newt Gingrich made valid points when they stated that this kind of act, should it stand, would allow future presidents (read Republican presidents) to decide that laws are not Constitutional and fail to defend them.

The example they both gave is to suppose a future President Palin (Rush picked her because the left goes rabid at the mention of her name) decided that Roe Vs., Wade was unconstitutional and would no longer be defended by the federal government.

Gingrich indicated the left would go absolutely bonkers and be demanding impeachment, implying that the same fate could await Obama.

The left called George Bush King George and claimed he led like some kind of king rather than president. The reality is that Barack Obama has ignored the courts (the Gulf drilling moratorium and the unconstitutional Obamacare) and now is ignoring the Constitution by failing to defend laws that have been enacted in accordance with the Constitution and acting like he is the Supreme Court.

I will not, however, equate Obama to a king.

He is acting more like a dictator…

Cave Canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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Limbaugh Sucks At Translating Chinese

Mr. Leland Yee, State Senator of California, is a bit upset with Rush Limbaugh because Limbaugh made ching-chong noises when listening to Hu Jintao speaking here in America. There was no translation and Limbaugh said it sounded like and then proceeded to go into the ching-chong bit. I heard it and figured that people would take issue with it but Yee is way out there. To be fair, he is not alone because Yee is among other Asian Americans around the country who took offense.

How dare Limbaugh insult the COMMUNIST leader of China and the Chinese people with his, dare I say it, racist depiction of the Chinese language. Is Chinese a race?

Yee should turn his attention to something useful like helping to solve California’s debt so that the rest of us do not end up bailing them out. Instead, he is focused on what a talk show host had to say.

As if there are not enough problems to occupy a politician’s time…

Here is my message for Yee:

Yee先生,退出是一个爱哭,而放弃了努力捍卫共产党的领导者。如果你想要做一些有益的尝试修复你的爆发状态。 [translate]

Hope it was not too harsh.

My Way News

Cave Canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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Millionaire Slaves And Millionaire Spies

An interesting weekend where we have discussions about some basketball player named LeBron James who evidently decided that he did not want to play with one team so he agreed to take less money in salary to go to a team that has a better chance of winning a championship and spies who were swapped out just like in the Cold War days.

Professional athletes change teams all the time and owners and fans get upset. It is part of the game and there is nothing unusual about it unless of course one of the players is a black basketball professional (which is a redundant statement) and he is called a coward by the owner of the team he left.

LeBron James put on a big show about his decision and ESPN had an entire show dedicated to that decision and when he decided to go to Miami instead of staying with Cleveland the Cleveland owner and the fans went nuts.

And this is where things get strange (if you can believe it). Jesse Jackson, the race baiting poverty pimp, says that poor LeBron was treated like property and the words of the owner were just like the words of a slave master.

“He speaks as an owner of LeBron and not the owner of the Cleveland Cavaliers,” the reverend said in a release from his Chicago-based civil rights group, the Rainbow PUSH Coalition. “His feelings of betrayal personify a slave master mentality. He sees LeBron as a runaway slave. This is an owner employee relationship — between business partners — and LeBron honored his contract.” ESPN

First of all, the owner sounds like a guy who felt betrayed by his star player and one could have any number of interpretations. Perhaps he felt as if LeBron was like a son to him and that he felt betrayed by a son. Jackson though, had to dive right into the slave master thing.

Here are a few questions for Jackson. How many slaves do you know of who make MILLIONS of dollars a year? How many slave masters do you know of who pay MILLIONS of dollars a year?

Jackson is a race baiting poverty pimp who sees racism in everything. He has to in order to make money. He extorts money from companies by threatening boycotts and protests, he invents racism out of thin air and he is always willing to make race an issue and he does this in order to make money.

Jackson and hs pal Sharpton have carved out good lives with lots of money all at the expense of the black community because these clowns are not in it to make things better. They need it to be worse in order to get money.

I imagine Jackson will find some way to focus attention on the Cleveland owner and then extort money from him.

To those of us in the real world, LeBron James is a good ball player who took a business decision that involved less money for a chance to win a title. That decision did not sit well with fans in Cleveland, black and white, who burned his jerseys and it did not sit well with the owner who felt betrayed.

It had nothing to do with slavery, a slave master mentality or anything else racial. Jackson is a moron who wants to horn in on the publicity of the James decision and race is the only thing he really knows.

Interestingly, Rush Limbaugh predicted last week that James would select Miami or another team in a state with no taxes and said that James would not select New York to avoid the 12-20 million dollars in state taxes. Looks like Rush was correct.

Speaking of Rush, VP Joe BiteMe equated him with the Russian spies while appearing on the Leno show. BiteMe was on Leno discussing with Leno the spy swap that just took place. We found 10 Russian spies who had been living here for a long time and who evidently did not gather much intelligence. I think they liked living here and did as little as possible.

In any event, Leno was asking the VP why we only got 4 spies when we gave up 10. During the discussion Biden indicated that a little known aspect of the deal was they wanted Russia to take Limbaugh. So Biden equated Limbaugh with the spies.

I do not think Limbaugh is the issue. We should send gaffe a minute Biden to Russia though he might have been there in the past to work on anti American agendas with John Kerry and Ted Kennedy, who knows.

There are a number of entities or people Biden could have mentioned including The New York Times and Senator Leahy and the fact that he chose Limbaugh shows how much this man gets under their skin.

Limbaugh clearly bothers Biden, Obama, and the rest of the regime.

Then again, maybe Joe is jealous that Limbaugh sold his New York Penthouse for nearly 12 MILLION dollars.

That was the last thing Limbaugh needed to do to break free of the city after he left for Florida a few years ago in order to escape the punishing taxes of New York. With that penthouse sold the city will no longer rob Limbaugh of millions.

LeBron James must have been listening…

Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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About jumping To Conclusions

Barack Obama warned against jumping to conclusions when terrorist Nidal Hasan shot and killed members of the US Army. This from the guy who jumped to conclusions when a police officer arrested his buddy for being disorderly. The warning signs were there and Army officers report that they were afraid to report the issue because of political correctness. One claimed his concerns were ignored for that very reason.

The communications with an al-Qaeda cleric, the rantings about Islam, the threats to infidels, the poor performance are all out there now and we are warned not to jump to conclusions.

Hasan might claim insanity and he might be on to something. One would have to be insane to follow the teachings of the radical faction of Islam.

But where were the liberals warning about jumping to conclusions when a part time census worker was found hanging from a tree in Kentucky, allegedly with the words FED scrawled on his chest? The left immediately jumped all over the case and indicted the right wing in America. The blame was placed squarely on so called hate speech from the right. Michelle Malkin detailed, at the time, all of the liberals who were blaming conservatives. Here is a sample from the Democratic Underground (as reported by her):

We need to absolutely expose Glenn Beck, Michele Bachmann, Michelle Malkin, CNN’s Lou Dobbs, Michael Steele, Rush Limbaugh and the legion of others parroting right-wing lies for trumping up this nonsense and getting people to now commit murder in a hideous fashion.

HuffPo, Radio Equalizer and New York Magazine all put the blame on conservatives. There was even a picture of a hanging body with the words FED on the chest and the names of conservatives printed behind it.

It would seem that this was a bit premature because the official finding in the case is that the worker, Bill Sparkman, committed suicide.

It would seem that all of the conclusions as to whom was responsible were quite a bit off the mark. None of the liberals espousing restraint with regard to Nidal Hasan opened their mouths to caution restraint. There is plenty of evidence in the case against Hasan but there was not one shred of evidence in Sparkman’s death that pointed to conservatives talk being the cause of his death. The left jumped all over it nonetheless. Where were the trusty liberal mouthpieces when this was taking place? They were agreeing with the accusations of their echo chamber roommates. While they might not have publicly expressed the same sentiments, they were thinking it because they all believe that conservatives are violent.

Who can blame them for thinking this? The botox bimbo, San Fran Nan, told them that conservatives were violent. She teared up at a meeting to discuss the anger from the tea party protesters and stated she had seen this before in her home state and it led to violence. She was referring to Harvey Milk who, by the way, was murdered by another state employee over a job dispute. His murder had nothing to do with “angry mobs.” But Nancy had to make people believe that the tea party people are violent. The left looks at the tea parties as conservatives but the movement has people from all political ideologies and all walks of life. But the left has to focus on conservatives and isolate them in order to carry out Alinsky’s rules.

It is quite evident that this whole idea of violence is a fabrication because there has been no violence perpetrated by tea party members during all of the heated town hall meetings. The only violence came at the hands of union thugs who were acting as the enforcement arm of liberals. Those jackasses beat the hell out of a man. Those jackasses threatened the elderly. Those jackasses were the ones there to demonstrate a show of force. The tea party people know how to demonstrate peacefully. Another bit of evidence of the desire to pin violence on the conservatives appeared when the media reported that a number of people were arrested in DC at the rally Congresswoman Michele Bachman called for prior to the House vote on health care. The media neglected to indicate that those arrested were from the left. Those arrested were Code Pinko members who were protesting Lieberman’s decision to block health care. The media referred to them as tea partiers and failed to make any distinction when reporting the story.

This is a desire to pin it all on conservatives. Those who admonish against jumping to conclusions when there is mounting evidence are all too happy to sit around doing the first digit rectal interface when their side is indicting people who do not advocate violence and who do not incite violence.

Every time there is a death or violence the left is quick to point fingers at Malkin, Beck, Limbaugh and other conservatives and they point reflexively with no evidence whatsoever. Obama is an extension of that and demonstrated it with the Cambridge cop.

Let the conservatives point when there is a mountain of evidence and we are jumping to conclusions.

This liberal double standard is why they have no credibility (well one reason among many).

Big Dog

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