Liberals Rush To Judgment On Limbaugh

The liberal weenies over on the left are very good at using half truths and taking things out of context. We saw this during the campaign when the liberals from the subservient Daily Kos to the so called leaders of the party continually stated that John McCain said we would be fighting a war in Iraq for a hundred years. McCain said that he saw no problem with us having forces in Iraq for 50 or 100 years as long as the violence had ended and they were not being shot at. He then said that we have troops all over the world in much the same fashion. The left turned that all around and that is not an isolated incident. They used McCain and Limbaugh completely out of context in order to paint McCain as anti immigrant when he is anything but.

The Obama administration has picked up where they left off during the campaign this time by taking the words of Rush Limbaugh out of context. Liberals can stop reading here because you will not agree and you will not believe anything other than what you have been told to believe by King Hussein and his people.

Rush Limbaugh has been the object of scorn lately and has been taken to task because he said he wanted Obama to fail. That is all you will hear of this from everyone on the left, as well as some on the right. They will not tell you that Limbaugh said he wanted the policies that Obama is pushing to fail and they will not tell you that Limbaugh said that he supported the president but not his policies. That is, after all, no different than saying you support the troops but not the war.

Limbaugh spoke at the CPAC on Saturday and he reiterated the idea that he wanted Obama to fail because the failure of what Obama wants to do will be good for America. One of the first responses came from RNC chair Michael Steele who told an interviewer who had asked about Limbaugh’s comment (of course by leaving out everything but fail). Steele said that Limbaugh was an entertainer and; “Yes, it’s incendiary, yes, it’s ugly.”

This drew a scathing response from Limbaugh who laid on the line exactly what the Republican party needed to do and what Steele in particular needed to do to get things back on track. This eventually led to an apology from Steele who had to explain what he meant.

This drama might provide a little entertainment for the left who are so perplexed by Limbaugh that they are trying even harder to demonize him. Obama has mentioned him directly in an effort to minimize him and the influence he has over conservatives. Limbaugh is a smart man who understands business and he understands what will and what will not work. He also understands politics and he knows what makes this country great. If Obama had any sense he would listen.

Instead, his Press Secretary Robert Gibbs took a shot at Limbaugh and, once again, told a half truth with regard to the “Obama fail” theme.

White House press secretary Robert Gibbs, who last month blasted CNBC host Rick Santelli from the podium in the briefing room, challenged reporters on Monday to ask Republicans if they agree with Limbaugh’s desire.

“Do they want to see the president’s economic agenda fail? You know, I bet there are a number of guests on television throughout the day and maybe into tomorrow who could let America know whether they agree with what Rush Limbaugh said this weekend.”

Gibbs said he thought “it would be charitable to say he doubled down on what he said in January in wishing and hoping for economic failure in this country.”

“I can only imagine what might have been said a few years ago if somebody might have said that on the other side relating to what was going on in this country or our endeavors overseas,” Gibbs said. The Hill

I know Gibbs was trying to reduce the impact of Limbaugh’s speech and that he needed to paint the people who were listening to it as out of touch or radical. He wants to divide Republicans which is why he wants them asked if they agree with Limbaugh (want Obama to fail). Gibbs, of course, lied and said that Limbaugh was hoping for economic failure. This is a blatant lie and a gross mischaracterization of what Limbaugh said. In fact, Limbaugh has maintained that Obama’s actions will CAUSE economic collapse and that he [Limbaugh] did not want that to happen. Gibbs concluded by saying how the other side might have reacted if the left had made similar statements about Bush and what was going on here and overseas.

Here is a little newsflash for this pasty twit, the left did say a number of things dealing with failure. The left WANTED our troops to fail and they wanted us to lose the war. They proclaimed the war was lost on a number of occasions and Obama and Biden both opposed the surge and said it would not work. The left took every opportunity to oppose Bush and to throw obstacles in his way. They wasted time on the Plame Game, they continually opposed funding for the troops, and they worked hard to ensure judicial nominees were denied confirmation.

In total, the left opposed Bush and attempted to cause him failure. They opposed the war (after it was no longer politically good to support it) and they did not support the troops.

So Mr. Gibbs, before you open that yap of yours perhaps you should do a little research and know what you are talking about.

Yes, Limbaugh opposes Obama and wants him to fail because Obama’s plans will be an economic and financial disaster. If Obama fails at what he wants to do, it will be good for the country.

On the other hand, if your liberal buddies had succeeded in causing failure for our troops we really would have lost the war and many more of them would have died.

Big Dog

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Conscientious Objectors Not Allowed In Health Care

The Obama administration is great at manipulating the media. Of course, that is not an overly difficult task because most of the media are drinking from his Kool Aid dispenser. It is well known that the way to slip stuff in with little media attention is to slip it in on a Friday evening. Fortunately we have the Internet where people look for things and post about them. The latest turd was dropped last night:

Taking another step into the abortion debate, the Obama administration today will move to rescind a controversial rule that allows healthcare workers to deny abortion counseling or other family planning services if doing so would violate their moral beliefs, according to administration officials.

The rollback of the so-called conscience rule comes just two months after the Bush administration announced it late last year in one of its final policy initiatives. The Anchoress

The administration of The Evil One is doing this under the guise that the Bush initiative is misleading and confusing. They, of course, need to rewrite the thing or get rid of it all together.

This rule allows those health care professionals who are opposed to abortions to refuse to give counseling for them or to provide them. There is nothing wrong with people in the health care arena refusing things that they are opposed to. It is up to the health care professional to inform the patient of this and to indicate that the patient will have to look elsewhere for those services. It might go like this:

Patient: I really don’t want to have a baby and I have given it a lot of thought and I want an abortion. Can you schedule me for that?

Doctor: I’m sorry, I don’t believe in abortions so you will have to find another provider who does them.

What is difficult about that?

Those who oppose this method are worried that the conscience of some people will keep them from doing their jobs. The oft cited example is a pharmacy worker who will not dispense contraceptives, especially the “morning after” pill.

First of all, there are plenty of workers at pharmacies that will dispense the medication. Secondly, there are plenty of pharmacies for people to go to. There will be NO complete denial of services but people might have to go to a different place to do business. Scientologists do not believe in the use of psychotropic medication but I imagine that does not stop them from becoming pharmacists or from working in one. The government has not stepped in to ensure the people who need medication for their mental health are protected.

This is a slippery slope which might end up having the government dictate to health care providers that they have to provide abortion services even if they are opposed to them.

What will happen if health care providers are not allowed to practice within the confines of their beliefs? There will be fewer doctors in fields where abortions are performed. How will this extend? There are a lot of hospitals that are run by religious organizations. Will they be forced to provide abortions (or any other) services to which they are opposed?

King Hussein of America is already known to be in favor of unlimited abortion. He opposed legislation that allowed children born alive after a botched abortion to receive care. Despite what people say, and no matter why, he opposed it. His entire platform on this subject is pro abortion though he skillfully lies about it. There is a “Pro Life Obama” website that was funded by George Soros designed to specifically obfuscate The Evil One’s position on the subject. Gateway Pundit points this out.

This is one piece of a bigger puzzle. First they will tell doctors that they must provide services that they are opposed to. Then they will tax us to death to provide “cheap” health care for everyone to put private insurance providers out of business. After that everyone will be on the government’s health care rolls.

It won’t be long before some bean counter is deciding what treatments are allowed based on age, lifestyle and cost.

The United States of America will become the United Socialist States of America and we will have a “wonderful” system like they do in England.

Socialists do not take over all at once. They slowly chip away at things until one day the population wakes up and realizes it no longer has control of its own destiny.

“The American people will never knowingly adopt socialism, but under the name of liberalism they will adopt every fragment of the socialist program until one day America will be a socialist nation without ever knowing how it happened.” Norman Thomas

Obama and his liberal comrades are working on making this happen.

Big Dog

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Why Discriminate Against The Rich?

What gives the federal government the right to confiscate more money from the rich than from other people in this country and why do liberals feel they have some right to that money? Barack Obama is unveiling his budget and he is keeping his promise to raise taxes on the rich (if one can truly be considered rich making $250,000 a year). He will also cap the amount of money they can deduct from their taxes in itemized deductions. This means that the rich will pay an even larger share for this country. They already pay almost all the taxes that are taken in.

There will be unintended consequences with this. Wealthy people will reduce their itemized deductions by decreasing what they give to charity. They will invest in tax free bonds and other tax free investment vehicles so that they will be able to compensate for the money that Obama takes in order to spread the wealth.

I think that it is a sin that the government takes more and more from the wealthy. The rich have had to pay tax rates of nearly 100% over certain periods of our history and that is just plain wrong. I can’t for the life of me understand what gives the government the right to confiscate so much from those who have made something of themselves and then turn around and give it to others. The wealthy do not get as much for what they pay compared to the middle class but they have only one vote just like the people who stand in line with their hands out.

Is it any wonder the wealthy hide their money in Swiss bank accounts? I cannot blame them for doing this because the government and its organized crime ring in Congress and the White House steal that money and they keep stealing more and more.

A lot of wealthy people create jobs in America and they add a lot to society. If I were one of them and I had to get rid of employees because of this I would fire people who voted for Obama. If I had no employees I would reduce my charitable contributions to the limit I could deduct. It is just a crime and the rich need to start demanding that this country start using a fair tax system where people are not punished for being successful.

I know that Obama said that this would only affect people making over $250k but once the Bush tax cuts are allowed to expire a lot of people will be affected. After the election I reorganized my charitable contributions. Sometimes people call to ask me to donate to an organization that I know endorsed Obama. I make it clear that I will no longer donate to them for that reason. I have increased my donations to the organizations that support our troops instead.

They say that this is a free country. It is only free for the people who pay little or no taxes. It is quite expensive for those who have to support them.

It is time to get rid of this government and get a new one.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security. United States Declaration of Independence

It is their right and their duty to throw off such Government…

How long will it be before there is a tax revolt? How long will it be before the wealthy wake up and they all stop donating to the idiots in political office.

It is now up to the Republican party to oppose these tax increases and to ensure this FAILS. Any Republican who sides with the Democrats in raising taxes should be taken out and hanged, drawn, and quartered and their remains should be placed on the four corners of DC.

Are you paying attention Specter, Collins and Snowe?

Our Founders are spinning in their graves. They devoted their lives to get rid of one tyrannical government only to have another pop up a few hundred years later.

Taxing the rich more is discrimination and it is wrong. No one is entitled to the wealth of another.

Obama wants to spread the wealth. The only thing he will end up spreading is hate and resentment.

I said it before and I will say it again. The rich should get more votes. Voting should be based on how much you pay in taxes. Every citizen gets one vote and then you get an additional one for each $10,000 you pay in taxes. If you pay more than others to keep this country running you should have more of a say in how it is run (like voting stock shares in a company). In addition, we should be able to tell people who live off government hand outs how they can live.

This tax increase will be the nail in the coffin.

And you know, I hate Obama. Yep, I hate him and I hate most liberals as well. But I am kind of glad he won because he will do more for conservatism in the next four years than any conservative could have.

You know what these people who stand around with their hands out need. It is a three letter word. J-O-B-S.**

Then they can pay their own way.

Rope, tree, liberal. Some assembly required.

**This statement was in reference to the gaffe Biden made when campaigning. I am including a link because Meathead thought I was stupid for saying it. Let’s see how long it takes for this moron to call Biden stupid.

Big Dog

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Does The Soldier Have Standing In The Court?

There have been many lawsuits regarding Barack Obama and his eligibility to be the president. Most of them have been dismissed with the claim that the person filing the suit had no standing in the court, that is the person could not show how he was directly harmed by Obama not being eligible. I think every American has standing because the president does things that affect us all. The courts see it differently though I think some of it has to do with cowardice. They are afraid what they might find.

A soldier has joined in a lawsuit demanding proof that Obama is eligible. The Certificate of Live Birth he presented was a computer generated form that listed some pieces of the information in the database but it was not his actual Birth Certificate that would show many more things including where he was actually born. Under the laws in Hawaii at the time Obama could have been registered in Hawaii even if he were born elsewhere.

The soldier alleges that Obama is not eligible and therefore is not his leader. Soldiers take an oath to uphold the Constitution and to protect it from all enemies foreign and domestic. They also take an oath to obey the orders of the president. If the soldier believes that Obama is not eligible then it is his duty to raise the question. Doing so upholds the Constitution and protects it. In addition, the soldier needs to know that the orders he is obeying are from a person who is eligible to give them.

I would think that there is no way the court could say that the soldier has no standing. He took an oath, an oath required of him, and his lawsuit is nothing more than fulfillment of that oath. How can the court say the soldier has no standing when the very issue affects every aspect of his professional career?

For me the red flag was raised when Obama spent nearly a million dollars to keep his birth certificate under lock and key. It was even more telling when the guy in charge of birth certificates said that a legal certificate was on file. He did not say that Obama was a citizen and since Hawaii had the funny rules about foreign births being registered there, the statement seemed to say, “yeah we have a legal paper but that is all we have.” He left wiggle room should the thing ever see the light of day.

It is quite telling that Obama’s legal folks are threatening Alan Keyes and filing suit to dismiss his case and to force him to pay the legal fees. This is just as telling as Obama hiding his birth certificate and the non statement of affirmation by the records guru in Hawaii.

I don’t know if Obama is eligible to be the president because he does not want me to know. For a guy who said he would have the most transparent administration in history his acts with regard to his birth certificate have been anything but transparent.

This soldier is doing the right thing. He is upholding his oath.

Obama could end all this by being transparent and spending the $10 it would cost for a certified copy of the birth certificate.

To the soldier I say HOOAH.

Big Dog

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Now Obama Wants Fiscal Restraint

After signing the largest spending bill in the history of this country accounting for over one trillion dollars that we do not have, Barack Obama said that he intended to slash the deficit by 2/3 using a pay as you go plan. According to The Won, he intends to require a funding source for any spending. This is the same promise the Democrats made prior to the 2006 mid term elections and one they reinforced in December after they had won the majority. They were criticizing George Bush for his spending and promised not to spend money unless there was a funding source. They broke that as soon as they were sworn in and they certainly broke it with the spending bill.

It is convenient that The Won has decided to be fiscally responsible after he spent over a trillion dollars. That is a trillion that did not have a funding source. OK, the source is our grandchildren.

Obama stated that his plan means if they are to spend money then they will need to find something to cut. They will cut NOTHING significant because government never cuts. Obama is saying that he will fix the deficit he inherited. Here is a newsflash, all presidents in the past have inherited a deficit. Clinton had no surplus, that is an urban legend. The reality is the government still had a deficit when he left office.

Now, the amount was not nearly what it is now but spending a trillion more will not make it better.

Here is what is going to happen. Obama will say that he has cut everything that is possible but that they still need to raise revenue. Then he will levy a huge tax increase on taxpayers. He will tax the rich but that will depend on what definition of rich he decides to use. He changed it downward about 5 times.

He will allow the Bush tax cuts to expire which will cause a tax increase for the middle class. The middle class will be hit hard because they were the biggest recipients of Bush’s tax cuts (despite what the left says about tax cuts for the rich). I am willing to bet the marginal tax rate will be above 50% for the wealthier taxpayers. During Carter that 50% was levied on people making about $47,000 a year. The top rate was near 80% and I imagine that Obama will try to push it that high in the next few years.

He will be like Clinton and discuss how hard he tried and mention a number of times that he inherited the mess and that it is worse than he thought and all the other code words used as excuses for raising taxes. Obama will then go into the only leadership style he knows and that is crisis mode. He will tell us that it is a crisis and that we need to act now. He will then raise taxes.

Inflation will go up, unemployment will go up and revenue to the treasury will go down. History tells us this is what happens.

Don’t be fooled by the pay as you go scam. This is the precursor to raising taxes. They have to be able to convince people they did all they could and raising taxes is the last resort.

My Way News

Big Dog

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