Fight For Your Right To Potty

It seems to me that if one dresses as a person of the opposite sex and acts that way and happens to use a bathroom that matches the sex the person is pretending to be, no one would notice. If a man acts and dresses like a woman and no one knows that person is a man then using a women’s restroom would likely not cause an issue (using the me’s room dressed that way, on the other hand…).

The problem comes in when policies are enacted that allow people to use a restroom according to how they identify. If a man feels like a woman then he can use the ladies room and that is not right.

Once again, if no one knows your true sex than it is not an open issue because no one knows (though I think the person has mental health issues if no one knows then there is nothing to fuss about).

These laws allowing people to use whatever restroom they like depending on how they feel oriented that day are harmful. How long before guys who feel like a woman use the women’s locker room and shower? How many women who feel like men will use the men’s restroom or locker room and how many sexual assaults or inappropriate behaviors will it take to stop the madness?

[note]How long before the sex predators use these laws to attack women and children in restrooms? Anyone who supports this madness should be held responsible for any attacks that happen.[/note]

We should have separate restrooms and locker rooms and the idea that they should be combined or for use by anyone depending on how they feel on any given day is delusional and counter to a well-functioning society.

Regardless, states have the right to decide this issue and the federal government does not belong involved in it. But we can’t let the states do what they want because that would take control away so we get morons like Springsteen canceling concerts, Michael Moore pulling movie showings (as if that is a loss), and Pay Pal rethinking business decisions. All of this is designed to force a state to comply with a perversion that it does not want to support. Goodness forbid one expresses views that run counter to those of the left.

The terrorist group al gayda and its affiliates of liberal and progressive terror groups use intimidation and threats of violence to force states to give in to their demands.

They do this because they seem to think people have the right to do what they want wherever they want regardless of who it affects. In other words, they are happy to violate the rights of others in order to exercise some perceived right and they will go to war to do it.

There is no right for people to do these things. There is no right to use whatever restroom one wishes. Private businesses can do what they want (they can have any bathroom arrangement they desire because it is their business) and states are free to do as they wish. No one has any right and fighting or threatening does not change that fact.

The right to keep and bear arms is absolutely protected by our Constitution so that is a right. It is infringed upon all the time. Do you see any of the liberal terrorists who are going after North Carolina boycotting New York or Maryland for the blatant violation of people’s Second Amendment rights?

How many companies have changed decisions regarding these states based on their unconstitutional stances on the Second Amendment?

None (except, of course, some firearms companies). The reason is these people do not care about liberty. They do not care about freedom and they do not care about the Constitution.

They only care about pushing progressive liberal views for a hedonistic society. They want more turmoil so they support the mentally ill gender challenged people. This gives them more control as they move the nation farther down the path of destruction.

Just because most liberal men sit down to pee does not mean they have the right to use the ladies room.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Imagine If It Was About Hillary Or Bernie?

An allegedly conservative writer at the NY Times sent out a tweet that he had figured how Donald Trump’s run for the presidency would end. The tweet had a video that showed an assassination attempt from a movie.

I realize the guy is reported to be a conservative so imagine if he had tweeted this about Hillary or Bernie.

I can understand if some liberal had sent it because they always get a pass from the media when advocating violence against others. But how would the left act if this alleged conservative had tweeted this about the sainted liberals running for the presidency?

The reality is no one pays attention to these kinds of things unless they are directed at liberals. Libs can talk about murdering people all day (they support murder in the womb) and no one bats an eye. Let someone discuss harming a liberal and they go bat crap crazy.

Imagine how this would have played out if it were about Obama 8 years ago?

Do you think it would go unnoticed or would there be an uproar?

And you know there would be a visit from the Secret Service…

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Judging From Their History Dems Should Be OK With A Delay

A lot has been going on since Justice Scalia died over the weekend. The liberal left celebrated his death and mocked his life and the job he did in the Supreme Court. They mocked him because he had the audacity to actually use the Constitution when he interpreted law instead of using his feelings or his partisan beliefs like say, Ginsberg, Kagan or Sotomayor.

Barack Obama and Democrats in the Senate, smelling blood in the water and not wanting to let an opportunity to give the court a liberal majority, made demands of Republicans who, thank goodness, hold the majority in the Senate. These Democrats demanded that the Republicans make sure Obama’s nominee gets a shot. They basically want a rubber stamp for whichever left wing socialist America hater Obama nominates.

Republicans, so far, are having none of it. They want to wait and let the next president make the nomination.

The Democrats have a point (besides the ones on top their heads) in that the president, under the Constitution, has a duty to nominate. We can ignore for a moment that Obama has never abided by his duty under the Constitution and focus on what they want. They want Obama to nominate and that nomination not to be blocked.

They seem to forget that the Constitution also says that the president nominates with the advice and consent of the Senate. So the Senate has to consent and they do this by voting yes or no. Obama can put forth all the nominations he wants but there is nothing wrong with voting no on each and every one of them.

Democrats would have you believe this is out of the ordinary and unprecedented but our history shows it has been done before and that one vacancy existed for over two years because the Senate and president did not see eye to eye.

Now that was a long time ago but blocking nominees has happened in the recent past. Hell, Chuck Schumer, a guy who looks like his neck threw up, vowed that any vacancy in the Court that happened during George W Bush’s lame duck term would be blocked. Schumer made this declaration 19 months before Bush’s term would end. No vacancy came up but it was already out there that if one did no nominee would be considered.

In 1960 Democrats passed a resolution that presidents could not nominate during an election year.

Many Democrats now screaming for the vacancy to be filled have records of voting against nominations and of holding up the process. So the reality is there is no reason for Republicans to give in and allow Obama to get another liberal on the SCOTUS.

If they do not like it well that’s just too bad.

But if he does nominate anyone I think it would be reasonable to expose their entire life, make a mockery of their judicial experience, chastise them for their views, pick apart their judicial opinions, and generally make their life and the lives of their family miserable until they decide to withdraw from consideration.

Oh how horrible!

Two words, Robert Bork.

Now liberals, please quit your whining and sit back and accept that which you were so willing to do when you were in the majority.

And Republicans, do not give in to these morons. Mitch McConnell, you have a history of caving to Obama. If you do then you can rest assured you will lose control of the Senate and Trump will likely be the nominee for the Republican Party. Screw us over and we will strike back.

Do not let Barack Obama get another young liberal partisan hack on the court so the rest of us will be forced to live with their anti-American decisions for decades to come.

It is time to sack up and fight.

The Hill
The DC

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Doyle Misses The Point In Trump Attack

I start by once again stating that I have not made up my mind on a candidate. I have some I favor over others but some of these folks will likely not be around when it is time for my primary so I have my list and can work off it as my state primary nears.

Having provided that disclaimer I now move on to the continuing drama of Trump-Clinton and the war on women. Hillary fired the first shot when she accused Trump of being a sexist and touted herself as the champion of women. She is fighting the imagined monster of unequal pay and she will of course defend against the Republican war on women. The war on women the left accuses the right of is as imagined as the vast right wing conspiracy that Hillary claimed was after her hubby so long ago.

After she attacked Trump something happened that she did not expect (though if she is the smartest person around should have). Trump fired back. He went after Hillary for her hubby’s dalliances. Patti Solis Doyle, a Hillary supporter with a long history of liberal work, said that what Bill did was on him, not Hillary and Trump (or anyone else) should not be attacking her for what her hubby did.

I agree entirely that what Bill did is on Bill. The women he raped and sexually molested as well as the ones he willingly had affairs with are all on him and only him. He did it. Now there are rumors that Bill and Hill had a pretty open relationship and she did not care whose inkwell he dipped his pen in so long as it did not hurt them (especially her) politically.

But those are just rumors. In any event, the felonies he committed by raping those women are strictly on him.

Where Doyle and others miss the mark is on their decision to stop at this point. They claim it is on Bill and she should not be held accountable for what he did so move on.

The story cannot stop there. Trump is right to bring it up because Hillary was involved in what happened afterward. She intimidated women to keep them from talking. She engaged in the war room to squash “bimbo eruptions” and she fought hard to discredit any and all women who claimed to have had sex, consensual or otherwise, with her husband.

This is the main point of Trump’s argument. He pointed out that Hillary accuses him of all kinds of sexism while she protected Bill from accusations from women whose champion she now claims to be.

Trump is right to point this out. If Hillary was a champion for women then why did she attack those who accused her husband of rape? If she believes every woman who makes a claim of sexual assault deserves to be heard why did she silence those claiming such about Bill? If she is against men who abuse women sexually then why did she stick with Bill and why did she defend him?

To Doyle and the rest of the bubble headed drones on the left Hillary was a victim, Bill did it all so stop blaming her for it.

No one, including Trump, blamed her for the physical acts Bill did. They are blaming Hillary for attacking those women and working hard to discredit them and to intimidate them in order for him to keep power and for her to ride his coattails when it was “her turn”.

This is nothing more than a political ploy. Liberals do not care about women. None of these people actually give a rodent’s derrière about what Bill did. None of them care if women are heard and none of them care about the alleged wage gap (liberal women usually pay their female staffers less than their male staffers and Hillary is in that group). These people only care about power and giving the appearance that they actually care.

It is evident that liberals ignore crimes their politicians commit so that they can keep power. Hillary Clinton ran a private server that compromised classified information so that she could avoid government archiving requirements and she let Americans die in Benghazi and blamed it all on an internet video (which she now denies doing).

Liberals have excused her for this. Instead they focus on the alleged criminal acts of Republicans. Keep that in mind. If a Republican does wrong he needs to be removed from office or dropped from consideration for office.

If a Democrat (liberal) commits a crime that person is to be celebrated.

The reality is Doyle missed the mark because she ignored the entire narrative in order to hide Hillary’s war on women.

Let’s face it. If liberals really cared about women they would not be going after Trump. They would be going after Hillary for her war on women.

And given the things Bernie Sanders has said about women they would be going after him.

I mean, if they REALLY cared…

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


US Government Keeps Letting Them In

Loudoun County Virginia has had a recent outbreak of graffiti tags from the dangerous MS 13 gang. MS 13 is a gang that originated in El Salvador and many members migrated to the US. They are here illegally, they conduct illegal activities and they murder Americans.

Evidently the graffiti appeared after three people who are in this country illegally murdered a student (who is also here illegally) from a nearby school. The three illegals have been arrested and will be tried for murder and it would appear as if the gang is not happy with that.

Centeno-Miranda was shot twice on Sept. 4 in Sterling, VA by 20-year-old Henry Dominguez-Vasquez, 18-year-old Juan Aguirre-Zelaya and an unnamed 17-year-old.

All four men were in the country illegally. The Daily Caller

These gangs are here because we have open borders where people can walk right in. To make matters worse our government is importing a bunch of these thugs. The huge influx of illegals that recently took place certainly had members of this dangerous gang. No, they were not those innocent little refugee children the government told you they were.

[note]Ann Coulter has a great piece about refugees coming to America.[/note]

These folks are disease carrying third world pukes who were relocated to a lot of small towns across the nation.

Our government is importing the gangs and it is looking the other way as gang members waltz across our porous borders.

I am saddened that a child was murdered and do not wish that on any family. As for the gang presence the county has itself to blame. It has turned into a liberal county that voted for Barack Obama twice and the state, no doubt with the help of Loudoun, helped elect a liberal governor. Liberals believe in open borders. They believe we should let just anyone walk on in and if they get here they should be cared for.

Liberals offer the illegals, which includes gang bangers, a place to stay (and taxpayer money in the form of welfare) so they only have themselves to blame for the mess.

Perhaps instead of getting upset about graffiti from a dangerous gang they should get on board with the plan to close our borders and get rid of those here illegally.

Including those who belong to dangerous gangs…

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog
