Democrat Admits Party Lied to Public

Jay at Stop the ACLU (video there) has a great pot up of Congressman Kanjorski who admits that the Democratic Party stretched the facts (and people ate it up) about ending the war and they did this just so they could win back Congress. He admits that what they said was not true and that anyone who was a good student of government would know it was not true. And yet they did it.

“I’ll tell you my impression. We really in this last election, when I say we…the Democrats, I think pushed it as far as we can to the end of the fleet, didn’t say it, but we implied it. That if we won the Congressional elections, we could stop the war. Now anybody was a good student of Government would know that wasn’t true. But you know, the temptation to want to win back the Congress, we sort of stretched the facts…and people ate it up.” [emphasis mine]

I’ll take it further, they claimed that if they won they would stop the war. It was not an implication at all. After they won they tried to stop the war and they said the last election showed that people wanted it but they could not do it. They claimed they would stop the war right along with their claim that they had a plan to bring gas prices down. Neither turned out to be true.

It comes as no surprise that the Democrats lied to take Congress back. The fact of the matter is all politicians lie and sane people know this. This is why it amazes me that people who supported the Clintons for years are astonished that Hillary got caught in a lie (more than one). They have been lying for decades and no one caught on. Most other politicians are not as open about it and certainly not as open as Kanjorski.

Ladies and gentlemen, as you go to the polls this year thinking that the Democrats and the Obamessiah will end the war and fix everything that ails you remember that they lied to you about the war and many other issues just to regain control. They will tell you anything in order to get elected and now we have an admission of this.

The Congressman noted that those who were students of government (or at least followed it) would have seen the truth. This post is for those of you who cannot name the three branches of government or think that government is designed to take care of you from cradle to grave. This is for those who are not students of government but are mindless sheep who follow the flock.

One last thing. We have heard that Bush lied and people died for 5 years now. The Democrats said they would end the war but it has now been admitted that they lied. Is it fair to now claim the Democrats lied and people died?

Big Dog