I Don’t Think They Want To Make West Angry

Congressman Alan West of Florida is a great man. He speaks his mind, is well versed on issues and, as an Army veteran, he knows how to lead. He is the kind of guy that Democrats should love because he also happens to be black. The problem he has, as far as Democrats are concerned, he is a conservative.

To the left, any black person who is conservative has betrayed his race and is an Uncle Tom.

West has neither betrayed his race nor is he an Uncle Tom. He is an example of how successful anyone can be if they follow conservative principles and do not allow the victim mentality to seep in. He demonstrates that a minority does not need to be dependent on government in order to succeed.

The left is supposed to care about all people but it has highjacked the black community by making them subservient to government so it gets a little upset when some black conservative actually demonstrates that one does not need the government to succeed. It makes the left angry when they see this because they are afraid that the cat will be out of the bag. They attack black conservatives in order to perpetuate the myth that the only good place for blacks is the left. They are so vile that they attacked Condi Rice with absolutely racist pictures and statements. How dare she be conservative?

The left has attacked West as well. He is man enough to take the words and, having heard him speak, I know is quite able to take care of himself. But some moron sent a letter to his office that had white powder in it. We don’t know the ideology of the person who did it but my money is on a liberal. The left is full of terrorists (see Obama’s buddy Bill Ayers).

West wonders if it is open season on principled, black conservatives. He had something else to say and the people who are attacking him better take notice:

Let me be very clear to all reading this missive, but mostly to liberals who subscribe to this behavior, be careful of whom you are choosing to employ these tactics against…I consider myself an easy-going fella who will always engage in intense intellectual exchange. However, if you choose this path of personal attacks, intimidation, and threats you will encounter a very different Congressman. The Blaze

I think folks would do well not to piss LTC West off because he will not take crap. He will not stand for these tactics and he will come at his attackers with guns blazing.

And I will have his back.

As for the left, they can keep their “principled” liberal blacks who help keep the black community in poverty.

Bennett [a gay man], 55, claims [Jesse] Jackson ridiculed him in front of other employees and required him to perform “humiliating tasks” like escorting women to Jackson’s various hotel rooms, cleaning up after alleged trysts and packing his clothing. It also includes an allegation that Jackson asked for oral sex, according to the claim. Jackson flatly denied each claim in his response. NBC Chicago

Is there any wonder the black community is in a mess? Guys like Jackson are supposed to be the leaders of the black community and his behavior is nothing more than that portrayed in the stereotypes.

This is the kind of person the left loves while attacking a principled man like Alan West.

If Alan West had the status Jackson has (leader of the black community and civil rights activist) the black community would be in much better shape. Jackson and the Democrats have led blacks down a very bad path and now many are dependent on government for their livelihood, just the way liberals want it (have to keep the voting base).

This is why they attack people like West. Can’t let it out that all things are possible when unencumbered by government dependence.

Cave Canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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The Jackson Does Not Fall Far From The Tree

Looks like Jesse Jackson Jr has a little woman trouble on his hands. The trouble would be that he has to many women which might not set to well with his wife. Seems ole Jr had a woman flown in to “meet” with him and the flights were paid for by an outside source. This means Jr might have taken a gift and not reported it.

Lost in all this are new allegations that Jr was involved in the pay for play scheme that involved the Senate seat once held by Barack Obama. Yep. looks like Jr is as corrupt as his daddy and just as smooth with the women.

Not to worry though. Jr knows he has disappointed some of his supporters but he plans to continue to work hard for them.

I think he will be working hard to keep his job which is his number one concern.

Then again, he did work hard for at least one supporter…

Chicago Sun Times

Cave Canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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Jesse’s Not So Green Machine Stolen

Jesse Jackson is like all the other climate agitators out there in that he tells each of us we need to be green and save the planet while he drives around in an SUV that is not so green. Al Gore, Leo DiCaprio, and all the other morons from the church of climate revival fly in private jets, drive big cars and live in houses that use more electricity than small towns but they make sure to tell us what to do.

Michelle Obama is in that category as well. We all need to drive smaller vehicles and turn our heat down so she can create a carbon footprint the size of China while flying off to Spain for a vacation.

Eat cake you peasants…

Funny thing about Jackson though. He was in Detroit to promote government funded (what else) green jobs when his not so green SUV was stolen and stripped down.

This is hysterical and shows a few things. There is no honor among thieves as certain car thieves stole the SUV of a race baiting thief. Jackson is another hypocrite who drives a huge car but wants taxpayers to live green and fund green jobs. And finally, Detroit is a crime-ridden city that has been driven into the ground by liberals.

This Jackson story is funny and the only thing that would have made it better would have been if Jackson was in the car when it was taken and they stripped him for parts as well…

Cave Canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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Millionaire Slaves And Millionaire Spies

An interesting weekend where we have discussions about some basketball player named LeBron James who evidently decided that he did not want to play with one team so he agreed to take less money in salary to go to a team that has a better chance of winning a championship and spies who were swapped out just like in the Cold War days.

Professional athletes change teams all the time and owners and fans get upset. It is part of the game and there is nothing unusual about it unless of course one of the players is a black basketball professional (which is a redundant statement) and he is called a coward by the owner of the team he left.

LeBron James put on a big show about his decision and ESPN had an entire show dedicated to that decision and when he decided to go to Miami instead of staying with Cleveland the Cleveland owner and the fans went nuts.

And this is where things get strange (if you can believe it). Jesse Jackson, the race baiting poverty pimp, says that poor LeBron was treated like property and the words of the owner were just like the words of a slave master.

“He speaks as an owner of LeBron and not the owner of the Cleveland Cavaliers,” the reverend said in a release from his Chicago-based civil rights group, the Rainbow PUSH Coalition. “His feelings of betrayal personify a slave master mentality. He sees LeBron as a runaway slave. This is an owner employee relationship — between business partners — and LeBron honored his contract.” ESPN

First of all, the owner sounds like a guy who felt betrayed by his star player and one could have any number of interpretations. Perhaps he felt as if LeBron was like a son to him and that he felt betrayed by a son. Jackson though, had to dive right into the slave master thing.

Here are a few questions for Jackson. How many slaves do you know of who make MILLIONS of dollars a year? How many slave masters do you know of who pay MILLIONS of dollars a year?

Jackson is a race baiting poverty pimp who sees racism in everything. He has to in order to make money. He extorts money from companies by threatening boycotts and protests, he invents racism out of thin air and he is always willing to make race an issue and he does this in order to make money.

Jackson and hs pal Sharpton have carved out good lives with lots of money all at the expense of the black community because these clowns are not in it to make things better. They need it to be worse in order to get money.

I imagine Jackson will find some way to focus attention on the Cleveland owner and then extort money from him.

To those of us in the real world, LeBron James is a good ball player who took a business decision that involved less money for a chance to win a title. That decision did not sit well with fans in Cleveland, black and white, who burned his jerseys and it did not sit well with the owner who felt betrayed.

It had nothing to do with slavery, a slave master mentality or anything else racial. Jackson is a moron who wants to horn in on the publicity of the James decision and race is the only thing he really knows.

Interestingly, Rush Limbaugh predicted last week that James would select Miami or another team in a state with no taxes and said that James would not select New York to avoid the 12-20 million dollars in state taxes. Looks like Rush was correct.

Speaking of Rush, VP Joe BiteMe equated him with the Russian spies while appearing on the Leno show. BiteMe was on Leno discussing with Leno the spy swap that just took place. We found 10 Russian spies who had been living here for a long time and who evidently did not gather much intelligence. I think they liked living here and did as little as possible.

In any event, Leno was asking the VP why we only got 4 spies when we gave up 10. During the discussion Biden indicated that a little known aspect of the deal was they wanted Russia to take Limbaugh. So Biden equated Limbaugh with the spies.

I do not think Limbaugh is the issue. We should send gaffe a minute Biden to Russia though he might have been there in the past to work on anti American agendas with John Kerry and Ted Kennedy, who knows.

There are a number of entities or people Biden could have mentioned including The New York Times and Senator Leahy and the fact that he chose Limbaugh shows how much this man gets under their skin.

Limbaugh clearly bothers Biden, Obama, and the rest of the regime.

Then again, maybe Joe is jealous that Limbaugh sold his New York Penthouse for nearly 12 MILLION dollars.

That was the last thing Limbaugh needed to do to break free of the city after he left for Florida a few years ago in order to escape the punishing taxes of New York. With that penthouse sold the city will no longer rob Limbaugh of millions.

LeBron James must have been listening…

Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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Massa Jackson Wants Blacks Back On The Plantation

Jesse Jackson was speaking at an event sponsored by the Congressional Black Caucus (is that a race based group) that revolved around the 25th anniversary of his failed bid for the presidency. During Jackson’s remarks he talked about the health care bill and decried that a black member of Congress did not vote for it.

“We even have blacks voting against the healthcare bill,” Jackson said at a reception Wednesday night. “You can’t vote against healthcare and call yourself a black man.”

The remark was aimed at Artur Davis, a black Democratic Congressman from Alabama.

Of course Jackson played it off by saying he did not mention anyone by name but since Davis is the only one to vote against it, figuring out about whom he was speaking was not too tough. This is especially true since Jackson said “call yourself a black man.” Jackson also said he was not saying that black lawmakers had to vote a certain way but his remarks indicate if they don’t, they can’t call themselves black men.

To race baiters like Jackson, blacks who stray from the plantation are not real blacks. They are not real black men because they had the audacity to vote their beliefs (and those of their constituencies) rather than toeing the party line. There is no room for independent thought among blacks when the race baiters are involved because the lack of thought is what keeps them on the plantation, beholden to the Democrats and looking to people like Jackson as their leaders.

Jesse Jackson is the first to organize marches against perceived injustice. If someone discusses the high rate of crime and murder in the black community he will remind us that we should not be looking at the color of the criminals (while he complains that too many of them are in jail). Why is it then that he feels it is OK to attack the color of a member of Congress because he voted against a particular piece of legislation?

Suppose Pat Robertson was at an event and discussed health care by saying that we even had a few white members of Congress who voted for health care and that “You can’t vote for healthcare and call yourself a white man”?

How do you think that would turn out? Jesse “pimp daddy” Jackson would be organizing a protest against this kind of racist rhetoric.

And yet, he is perfectly OK with telling other blacks what they should and should not do in order to be black enough. Who made Jesse Jackson the decision maker with regard to who is black enough? Did his fathering a child out of wedlock with a woman other than his wife make him the final arbiter of what constitutes appropriate behavior for black men?

Jackson needs the health care bill to pass because it will make even more minorities beholden to the government. It will make more of the black population Democratic voters because they can never vote to cut off the source of their benefits and Jackson needs them to continue to be victims so that they will need a leader in their struggle for equality.

But they can never be equal as long as they are forced to live as slaves to government redistribution schemes that take money from those who pay taxes and those who provide jobs and give it to those who are deemed by Democrats and race baiters like Jackson to be unable to provide for themselves.

Jackson and the Democrats in Congress want to keep blacks on the plantation providing a solid block of votes for Democratic candidates. As long as those folks are products of the policies of lower expectations they will forever be beholden to government and will forever need the guidance of people like Jackson.

The question is, how long are black people going to remain victims of this kind of racism? How long are they going to remain slaves to people who hold them in little regard? How long will they allow people like Jackson to decide whether they are black enough? How long will they allow those blacks who differ in opinion to be painted as Uncle Toms?

Until blacks wise up as a group and reject the mindset that holds them as second class citizens and until they stop living as victims and rise up to oppose it, then this will continue.

And race baiting poverty pimps like Jackson will still have a say in how black they are.

It is a good thing though, that Barack Obama is the post racial occupant of the White House. Think of how bad it would be if he were not…

Big Dog


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