We Need Voter ID

There are stories of immigrants who are not allowed to vote doing so in Maryland and other places. There are stories of people showing up to vote and being informed that they have already voted. Of course we all know the stories of how the dead have voted for decades.

Even though all of this takes place the government or more specifically the Democrats in government, tell us we do not need voter ID laws. Democrats claim that such laws are discriminatory and are designed to keep minorities from voting. You see, the Democrats want you to believe that the minority community can’t get an ID.

More incredibly, they want you to believe that these people do not have an ID. One must have an ID to do almost everything in this country (except vote) but somehow all these people have gotten by without one.

It is pure hogwash.

Eric “The Red” Holder is against voter ID and while he might parrot the party line he, like all Democrats, knows that they can only win by cheating and voter ID reduces the possibility of them doing so.

James O’Keefe had someone go to a polling place in the last election and claim to be Eric Holder. The person gave all the needed information and was given a ballot. NO VOTE WAS CAST but the demonstration showed how easy it was to cheat.

Now O’Keefe has struck again in North Carolina. He was able to get ballots posing as people who had not voted in quite some time. He was offered over twenty ballots without anyone confirming his identity. He finally found one person who was suspicious and asked for ID. The irony is the person broke the law by asking for it.

You can watch the videos at the linked site which is The Daily Mail out of the UK. It is publishing the story about fraud the American media are ignoring.

We need voter ID to ensure one person, one vote.

Then we need to fix the problem of vote flipping. Seems that when people vote for one candidate the electronic screen selects the other. It is claimed that this is an error on the part of the user or a calibration problem BUT there has been no report of a Democrat vote flipping to a Republican candidate. It is only happening the other way around.

If this were truly an error then statistically both parties would be affected. When it only happens one way the issue is deliberate.

We need voter ID and then we need to fix the vote flipping.

Seems to me that paper ballots work fine (assuming we can maintain a strict chain of custody and have proper oversight of their processing through the counting machine). I know, hanging chads but if someone is too stupid to figure out a punch ballot what chance do they have with a touch screen?

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog



ACORN was the community agitating group that worked for liberal causes and helped people to register to vote multiple times. It is the group that was allegedly disbanded because its workers across the nation were caught on video telling people how to lie in order to hide illegal activities and avoid paying taxes. Acorn was “destroyed” by these actions.

[note]Destroyed as ACORN. The group is still working on lots of things and being led by the same people.[/note]

The videos in question were shot by James O’Keefe and Hannah Giles. O’Keefe has been doing these kinds of stings for a few years and has caught a lot of wrongdoing.

O’Keefe has set his sights on the navigators of Obamacare. In his most recent videos an investigator records workers telling people how to scam the law. A navigator tells the investigator not to report he is a smoker or he will pay a higher premium (“You lie because your premiums will be higher”). A navigator also tells the investigator, who claims to have unreported income that might affect his subsidies, not to report it now.

“You lie because your premiums will be higher,” one navigator advises an investigator for O’Keefe’s Project Veritas, who tells the worker he sometimes smokes. “Don’t tell them that. Don’t tell ’em.”

The investigator then poses as a low-income worker at a university who has unreported cash income on the side, worrying about how that might affect his premium subsidies. That’s no problem for a navigator, who says, “Don’t get yourself in trouble by declaring it now.”

“Yeah, it didn’t happen,” another navigator says. One more chimes in: “Never report it.” National Review

It looks like the name has changed but the players are still the same.

Not only that, the lies and the cheating are still the same. These people should be in jail.

Of course it goes without saying that this is all by design…

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Eric Holder Says Voter ID Not Needed…

The left opposes voter ID in any shape or fashion and the only reason is because those who are not supposed to vote traditionally vote Democrat. The left will claim that there are too many people who don’t have IDs but that is a myth. There might be some folks who don’t have IDs but by and large, people have them.

Even the most downtrodden must have an ID to get government services. If this is not the case then we have another real problem where IDs would be beneficial.

Truth is, most people have some sort of ID and those who don’t probably don’t vote anyway. Even if they do, there are programs where they can get an ID (assuming they have never, ever needed one) at no cost.

The issue is that Democrats don’t want to get rid of an entire block of voters, the ones not allowed to vote, because they like to win elections. They must do that before they can run our lives.

James O’Keefe has exposed the reason we need ID to vote. First he went to a state and was issued ballots in the names of other people (including those who are dead) and now he has shoved the issue right down Attorney General Eric Holder’s throat.

O’Keefe has a video of a person requesting Holder’s ballot (he gave Holder’s name and address) and the poll worker tries to give it to him. The person says he does not have ID but is told that he does not need it. He says he wants to show it and leaves (before getting the ballot).

Holder says there is no problem but O’Keefe shows just how easy it is. And let us not be fooled by the rhetoric that IDs won’t solve the problem. This is dispelled by the video.

When he leaves he says “faster than you can say furious” which is absolutely hysterical.

A few take aways from this video. What does it say that these folks did not think it suspicious that someone claiming to be Holder asked for a ballot? Sure, there could be more than one Eric Holder but shouldn’t they verify? Perhaps they do not know who he is, which is a sad statement in and of itself.

Second take away; it is clear that an ID would have prevented this.

Third take away. Note the irony that he needed an ID to get into the Department of Justice to see someone in the building (like Holder) but did not need one to vote (and could have voted in Holder’s name).

Voter ID laws disenfranchise people but only those who are voting illegally…

If those voting illegally voted Republican the Democrats would pass voter ID in a heartbeat.

The DOJ is in full spin mode…

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog
