Schmuck’s Disease

Well, Arlen Specter, the former Pennsylvania Democrat turned Republican turned Democrat, also known as Mr. Convenience, issued his latest bit of stupidity, when he proclaimed to Bob Schieffer, in an interview, that Jack Kemp might not have died if it were not for the Republican Party and their agenda. Mr. Specter said, ” If we had pursued what President Nixon declared in 1970 as the war on cancer, we would have cured many strains. I think Jack Kemp would be alive today. And that research has saved many lives, including mine.”

What an asinine statement- I know, I am a cancer survivor also, and the cancer I had is particularly deadly- malignant Melanoma- so I am intimately aware of the limits of cancer research, but dementia must have set in in Arlie’s brain, if he believes that government could have done more and done it more efficiently. Some cancer responds to treatment, some does not, an unfortunate fact.

Government does NOTHING well, except create little entitlement monkeys who believe they are essential to the running of the government. Proof of this statement is Arlie himself, who believes that he is so essential to government that switching parties will have no effect on his position.

Judging from his outrageous statement, he has been standing way too close to Joey Biden and his mouth. This might be amusing except that these are the people that someone actually elected to office. Don’t look at me- I wouldn’t have elected them to clean my toilet.

I used to flinch when Bush would get words and statements wrong- even though it was amusing, it was so bad- but this- this misspeaking phenomenon is endemic with this whole liberal party. Just think what this box of fools will look like when and if Al Franken comes to the Senate- oh the laughs we’ll have, watching the rest of the Senate, which has an ego the size of Alaska, try to rein in someone as foul as Al.

Add to that Arlie and Teddy (I got away with murder) Kennedy, and there’s a three ring circus right there. Is Arlie going to blame Teddy’s death on the Republicans also, rather than the liters of scotch he has consumed in a drunken stupor that has lasted at least since he allowed Mary Jo to drown? It’s truly a wonder his cancer wasn’t pickled. What about Senator Byrd, the “reformed” white supremacist- when he dies, is that part of a Republican plot? Come on Arlie Boy, get real, or is that just not possible in your world?

Let’s get a few things straight here- everybody dies- that’s just a fact.

The government never makes things better- that’s just a fact.

And Arlen Specter, along with several of his cronies, has dementia. It is very obvious that there is no “there” there, when you speak of Arlen Specter’s mind.

That’s probably just how the Barama wants them- brainless.

Big Dog

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