Obama: Israeli Interference Unprecedented

Barack Obama is fighting to get his half-baked deal with Iran approved by the US Congress. The fix is generally in and it will pass while giving some members cover. Chuck Schumer is opposed (he is up to lead Democrats when Reid retires) but that is OK because other Democrats will rescue the deal. It gets passed, is veto proof and folks like Schumer can tell low information voters he was against it.

[note]It will pass in the sense that the Congress will vote it down and Obama will veto it. Congress will not have enough votes to override the veto which is what Democrats are looking to ensure right now. It gives Schumer cover but gets Obama what he wants.[/note]

Israel is involved in the lobby efforts to nix the entire thing and Obama says this kind of involvement is unprecedented. I am unsure if he means Israeli involvement is unprecedented for Israelis or if he means unprecedented in general. In other words, is he saying it is unprecedented for Israel to do this by standards of what it has done in the past or is it unprecedented in that no country is ever this involved?

In any event, why is Obama so concerned about it? Why is he worried that the Israelis are expressing their concern and trying to get members of Congress to stop a bad deal?

Obama was not concerned when he and his State Department were involved in the Israeli election so much so that they tried to influence the election.

This is the rub. If Obama means it is unprecedented in the history of Israel for it to be so involved then perhaps they finally have an issue to rally around.

But, if he means it is unprecedented for one country to involve itself so heavily in another country’s business then I think he is sadly mistaken.

One only need look at how involved Obama and his State Department were in the last Israeli election. They worked very hard to defeat Netanyahu.

I have to believe that Obama is referring to the latter since he discusses not being able to recall a similar episode of outside intervention.

So, like I wrote earlier, he should look at what he and the State Department did because that was a very good example of outside intervention.

I guess if Obama is working to intervene in another country it is OK but when that country turns around and does it Obama is not happy.

Don’t worry Barry the fix is in and you will get what you want.

I only wish that everyone who supports this would be held personally accountable should Iran develop and use nuclear weapons. It would be nice to see politicians held accountable for a change…

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Then There Should Be No Negotiations With Iran

The Obama regime is negotiating on behalf of Iran in a move that will help that nation get nuclear weapons. They can call it what they want but John Kerry and Barack Obama do not like Israel and they want to strike a deal with Iran that helps that nation achieve nuclear weapons. He wants to strengthen Iran and weaken Israel which is why Obama released the information on Israel’s nuclear program.

[note]For those who lack basic comprehension skills, the information is from 1987 but was declassified a month ago.[/note]

I find it strange that barack Obama, a man who is against nuclear weapons and wants to get rid of them, is helping Iran achieve those weapons. Iran is unstable and run by a bunch of nuts who want to dominate the region and put an end to Israel.

That leads me to this.

The commander of the Basij militia of Iran’s Revolutionary Guards said that “erasing Israel off the map” is “nonnegotiable,” according to an Israel Radio report Tuesday. Times of Israel

There should be no doubt as to these people’s intentions. Obama recently said he took Bibi Netanyahu at his word regarding the two state solution but for some reason he will not take these nuts in Iran at their word.

These people have been saying for a long time that they want to wipe Israel off the map. This latest information not only affirms this policy but states it is NONNEGOTIABLE.

SInce this is the case there should be NO negotiations at all. The Obama regime should pull out of talks with Iran, sanction them and tell them if they enrich Uranium we will wipe THEM off the map. We absolutely should not throw our ally Israel under the bus.

Unfortunately, Obama is not a leader and he will do everything he can to help Iran.

Given the above statement and the fact that the regime has not broken off talks there must be a reason.

And that reason is that Obama hates Israel. He is an antisemite and he agrees with Iran as to what Israel’s fate should be.

I am embarrassed for our nation. It is embarrassing that we have a child running things and we have allowed this antisemite to piss all over our ally.

I am disappointed that Congress has failed to step up and stop all of this. I know, I know, they are telling us what they are going to do but they have spines of jello so they will cave.

I am also quite disappointed in American Jews who, by and large, continue to support Democrats when that party is full of antisemites who continually aid Israel’s enemies.

In his book Audacity of Hope Obama writes:

“I will stand with the Muslims should the political winds shift in an ugly direction.”

The ugly direction is coming from the Muslims particularly those in Iran and Obama has been true to his word because he never indicated from which direction the wind had to come. He is standing with them and against Israel (among others).

Well I stand with Israel against those enemies, foreign and domestic, who would seek to destroy her.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Did Obama Get Thirty Pieces Of Silver?

Judas betrayed Jesus for thirty pieces of silver (Matthew 26:14-16). I wonder if Obama was paid that sum as well after he betrayed our allies in Israel by disclosing their nuclear weapons secrets.

There is a report on the Israeli program (the program includes assessments of other nations as well) that was produced in 1987. The document WAS classified until just recently.

It is no secret that Obama does not like Israel and he absolutely hates Prime Minister Netanyahu so much so he sent people and used taxpayer dollars to try and unseat him in the Israeli election.

That did not work so now Obama is getting vicious. The document was declassified last month and the regime had it published thus violating a long standing agreement not to disclose the information.

There is no doubt the release was aimed at harming Israel because the information regarding all the other countries and their nuclear programs has been redacted.

The actions of Obama are petulant and are not what one expects from a leader. He has disgraced this nation by stabbing an ally in the back.

There is nothing good that can come from releasing this information and Obama knows that. He knows it will embolden Israel’s enemies and will open the nation up to further harassment from its neighbors.

There are many things in this world that people can forgive but betrayal is not usually one of them. When someone betrays your trust it is hard to ever trust them again.

Obama might have intended to only harm the Israelis but he harmed this nation as well. How many other allies will look at this and wonder if Obama will betray them as well? How many nations (particularly Israel) who might have secret information about us will feel free to release that information and harm us? There are plenty of unintended consequences that will come from this and none of them will be good.

I have never understood how American Jews could support Democrats yet they continue to do so. I hope this is the final straw that will lead many of them out of the bondage that is the Democrat party.

Obama is a tyrant and I can only hope that when Netanyahu acts he does not hurt America. I do not think he is a petty leader like Obama so I doubt he would do anything to our nation like Obama did to his. But if he did who could really blame him?

I have an idea that might help Bibi respond and help America (and the world) while giving Obama what he deserves.

If any of your intelligence assets have copies of the documents Obama has locked up now would be a good time to release them. Birth certificate, college transcripts, college applications, passports and anything else you might have (or could get) would help the cause if they could see the light of day.

It is important to note that after Judas’ betrayal he returned the silver and hanged himself.

Did Obama hang (metaphorically) himself (and G-d forbid this nation) with this betrayal?

*Reference citation

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Israel Beats Obama With a Bibi

It is no secret the Obama regime used taxpayer money and had its interest groups in (as in go to) Israel in order to influence their election. Obama and his regime do not like Israel and they especially do not like Benjamin (Bibi) Netanyahu. He is a strong leader who makes Obama look weak and ineffective.

The election looked too close to call right up until it was held yesterday. Pools showed a tight race and that Netanyahu might get beaten. Obama and his toadies were no doubt salivating at the idea of Netanyahu losing. They invested a lot of time and money in defeating him and it looked like they might just do it.

But the people of Israel had a different opinion. They showed up at the polls and their votes will no doubt lead to Netanyahu continuing as Prime Minister with an overwhelming victory.

The left in America are not happy. They wanted Netanyahu gone so he would stop making their messiah Obama look bad. The petulant folks in the White House could not muster the decency to congratulate Netanyahu on his victory. White House aide David Simas would only congratulate the people on having an election.

I do not know how American Jews view Bibi’s victory because so many of them are liberals who support the Democrat party. They continue to support the people who want nothing more than to see an end of the Jewish state. It seems self destructive and given the history of the Jewish people one would not expect that. I pray they wake up and abandon those who are not their true friends.

In any event, Netanyahu won and I congratulate him on his victory. He is a statesman and a true leader. While Obama spent his youth getting stoned Bibi spent his serving in the military and he is a real man’s man. No wonder the metro sexual in chief does not like him.

I am happy to see Obama and his flying monkeys (Wizard of Oz reference for the race hustlers) were not able to influence the results. They should not have been involved in the election and if they only lost their money it would be great but they funneled taxpayer dollars into their anti Netanyahu battle.

Now America, it is your turn to elect a true leader.

2016 fast approaches.

David Axelrod makes a moronic (and hypocritical) statement.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Perhaps Israel Should Wipe Iran Off The Map

For years and years Iran has threatened to wipe Israel off the map and Iran has been working on nuclear weapons so it can do just that. It seems like every so often the Middle East Nations and terrorist factions that despise Israel provoke that tiny nation into a conflict and then cry to the United Nations when Israel kicks the snot out of them.

Israel has shown remarkable restraint considering how often its neighbors lob rockets at them and kidnaps and murders its citizens.

Every time Israel responds it is made out to be the bad guy by the UN and our own leadership demands restraint.

The Obama regime is working with Iran to help clear a path so it can develop nukes and Israel does not appreciate that. Obama is an anti Semite so he is quite comfortable when the people of Israel come under attack.

Israel recently took out a group on the Syrian border because that group was involved in acts that were a danger to Israel and her people. Iran did not like that and has vowed to attack Israel for the aggression.

Let them attack and this time when Israel responds the rest of the world can keep its mouths shut as Israel hands Iran is ass on a platter. If Iran goes after the Jewish nation then it should respond with devastating force and completely and utterly destroy Iran. When Israel is done there should be nothing left but rubble.

And any nation that retaliates should suffer the same fate.

As for those who will sit back and condemn Israel, keep your mouths shut. You have interfered far too often when Israel is beating the hell out of an aggressor but keep silent when it is being attacked.

So let Iran attack and Israel respond and be done with this mess.

Then Obama will have one more reason to dislike Israel.

As if he needs one.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog
