How Did Harry Reid Win?

This past week I discussed the irregularities at the Nevada polls and how SEIU technicians were responsible for the voting machines. The powers that be assured us that even though the machines were registering more votes than cast, it was nothing to worry about and the results of an inquiry would be made available after the election.

It is after the election and Harry Reid won. Reid picked up 8% to win which is a huge pick-up. He was down by an average of 3% to his opponent and he won by 5%. That 8% swing is unreal and since incumbents who poll under 50% usually do not win, something seems amiss.

Reid and his goons were twisting arms yesterday and had the casino mobsters going over lists of employees who had not voted and instructing bosses to get on those folks and make them vote. One has to wonder what kind of shenanigans took place in this election.

Nevada has the highest unemployment rate in the country even though Harry Reid, by his own account, saved the world from collapse.

It seems he was unable to save Nevada but some mysterious folks in Nevada saved him. Something hinky took place.

Well, like the other relics in Congress, Reid has been around a long time and is pretty advanced in age. Maybe he will join Kennedy and Byrd soon and we can be rid of him.

I bet there are a lot of Democrats right now who wish they had ignored Reid, Pelosi and Obama.

I also wish I owned a moving company in DC. Looks like a lot of people will be packing up and moving after the TEANAMI in the House last night.

As an aside, Kith Olbermann was railing about Tea Party candidates and saying that Palin’s picks did not do so well (he is intimidated by women, especially strong ones). He failed to mention how many people Obama campaigned for, and on more than one occasion, lost last night. Those Obama went to help did not fair so well. MSNBC, Lean Forward and take it like a man…

Cave Canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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