Tax Day Waste

It’s tax day around the country, and people are filing their taxes and finding out how much they have to pay this year (or be jailed or killed). So how about this wonderful new (and totally, utterly worthless) program that Obama has introduced: The National Strategy for Trusted Identities in Cyberspace (NSTIC). What a damn load.

Here we have a government program created, because government wanted to create it. No one asked for it. No one needed it. But government decided they were going to create it. No, there’s nothing even close to authorizing this kind of action in the Constitution, but that silly old document hasn’t been used in ages.

I have to wonder how many tax-dollar man hours were spent at the Dept of Commerce making up this plan. Oh, and did you notice how the government simply decided by royal decree that “The current system of half-remembered passwords jotted down on post-it notes and based on pets and maiden names simply isn’t good enough.” Aren’t you glad you have government around to tell you what’s best for you?

Oh, did you catch that it’s not ready yet, despite the announcement? How more more millions is about to be spent, or given away, to companies to “build software, develop new standards and make hardware that will make up the system, including Microsoft, IBM, the Secure ID Coalition and Wave Systems Corp?” Oh, that’s right, it’s the government — they just print more money.

Department of Commerce: another useless government agency that has no need to exist.


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