The Sugar Epidemic In Politics Is Soon Over

The Lame Stream Media and the Democrat stenographers in the media, those from the media wing of the Democrat Party have had such sweet and sugary things to say about B. Hussein Obama for the last eight years (actually 12 if you go back to his convention appearance) so much so that there is a diabetes epidemic among that crowd. There is a shortage of insulin because of the sugary overload of words stated about Obama by the media puppets who have the amazing ability to speak passionately about their messiah while their mouth is full of his….

To this group of sycophants nothing Obama did was wrong. If he farted it smelled like lilacs and should be bottled for future use. If he misspoke it was overlooked as a passionate man who is eloquent with words and must be listened to.

This link has a large number of direct quotes about B. Hussein by his sock puppet media and reading them is sure to make you wonder if objective journalism has become extinct.

After you read those quotes you will need a dose of insulin to keep from going into sugar shock but have no fear.

You see, the media hate Donald Trump. The very people who talked about Obama as if he would walk on water and not get his feet wet will bash Trump with little or no restraint. Their talk will be bitter, sour and acidic. In other words, you will not die of sugar shock while listening to them talk about the man they hate, the man who made them all eat crow.

The media will be no more objective in its reporting about Trump than it was in its reporting about Obama.

But if you feel the need for a sugar fix just listen to Sean Hannity.

He is to Trump what the linked media were to Obama….

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog
