Obama Can Stop Blaming Bush; Its All His Now

The Democrats are good at pointing fingers and assigning blame so long as the fingers and blame point away from them. The current economic downturn is a direct result of their liberal policies which ultimately led to the housing market collapse. The easy credit and the lack of rules, all championed by Democrats who were captured on film defending the practices, were the major cause of the problems we have. I also believe that some wealthy people like George Soros manipulated the market just before the election in order to assist Obama and that the manipulation helped us reach the breaking point.

To be sure, there were financial institutions that gamed the Democrat’s rules in order to make money but let us keep in mind that Congress makes the laws and if these greedy people used them to make money then as long as no laws were broken the people are just greedy and not lawbreakers. However, Democrats in Congress were just as greedy with their special loan rates, their political contributions from financial institutions and their friends raping Fannie and Freddie for millions of dollars in salaries while riding those entities into the ground.

There is enough blame to go around.

However, the time to blame George Bush has passed. Bush had little to do with the collapse and his biggest mistake was to push for bailout money. The first six years of his presidency were prosperous. Unemployment was low and the stock market was doing well. Things went south after the Democrats took control of Congress. The last two years of Bush’s presidency were years in which Democrats controlled Congress and the collapse happened under them.

Certainly Bush and the Republicans are not blameless. They spent far too much money and began to act like Democrats. People rejected this and sent many of them home but the reality is, the house of cards fell down under Democratic control and as a result of Democratic policies.

Barack Obama has played the blame game for months. During the campaign he blamed the world’s woes on Bush which one would expect during a campaign. However, Obama has continued to state that he inherited the problems. This is not completely true and those he inherited came from Democrats.

It was one thing to blame Bush in the first 100 days but we are past that now and all of it belongs to Obama. A true leader assumes responsibility and works to develop solutions. Obama continues to point fingers and make false claims that every problem was inherited. He has had enough time and now it all belongs to him.

This will not stop people in his administration from making the false claim that something was inherited and it will not stop them from blaming Bush but they will be lying and misleading because they cannot actually lead.

Every President has inherited things from his predecessor and some of them were good while others were bad. Few ran around blaming the other guy for months on end. Amazingly, they never seem to give credit to the other guy for the good stuff.

We are winning in Iraq so Obama claims that he has changed things and now we are on course. He has never looked at something good and said that he inherited it from Bush. He has never given Bush credit for anything good. No, but he sure blames all the bad on Bush.

Mr. Obama, stop whining, stop crying, and stop pointing fingers and using the tired excuse that you inherited a mess. You have been in office long enough that it all belongs to you. It is yours and the reality is that your policies are causing the problems. Stop crying and start leading if you actually know how to do that.

Wesley Pruden has a great article in The Washington Times which discusses these issues and more. He hits the nail on the head and lays the blame where it belongs.

Remember, out of control spending was bad when Democrats were chiding Republicans for it but now that Obama is outspending all the presidents in history combined, it is good. Deficits were bad until the sainted won was elected and now making it 3 or 4 times larger than the record Bush set (under the Democrats) is supposed to help fix things.

No, it will be bad because Obama does not know what he is doing and his policies will cause a collapse (or a civil war). Obama will blame it all on Bush as will the boot licking Democrats who follow him around.

But they will be wrong. It all belongs to Obama and those of you who do not believe so need to tell us at what point your guy accepts responsibility. As far as I am concerned, as long as he keeps blaming the bad things on Bush then that is how long we get to credit the good things to him.

Come on Obama, man up and take charge.

It belongs to you. You wanted it, you got it so stop trying to blame everyone else and start taking responsibility.

Oops, personal responsibility is something Democrats do not believe in.

Big Dog

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