All Is Good, Hillary Apologized

Hillary Clinton has been under fire for some time now for a number of things. One of the lasting items is her use of a private email server that bypassed official channels. As new information trickles out it is obvious that Clinton passed classified information through that server. She broke the law and a lot of her staff did as well.

[note]Barack Obama had to know about the server so he is just as guilty as Clinton.[/note]

Hillary has been under fire and while she is the presumptive nominee for the Democrats Bernie Sanders is giving her a run for her money and worried Democrat donors are trying to entice Joe Biden to enter the race.

But all is OK now. Hillary Clinton apologized for using the server saying it was a mistake she is sorry for and that it is something she could have and should have done better.

Perhaps if she were not trying to skirt the law by keeping her communications out of the eye of oversight and perhaps if she were above board this would not be an issue because she would have done the right thing and used the official email that all government employees are required to use.

I imagine there will now be screams to leave this poor woman alone. She has apologized and gee whiz, she is trying to win the presidency.

All well and good for a liberal twit but to the rest of us she broke the law, her actions resulted in the deaths of Americans and she is a criminal. We need to bury her under her own evil deeds.

But I have to ask. If she believes she was wrong (that is what an apology is for) and that she could have done things better why should we now believe she is qualified to run the country?

We already know she is not fit to handle the 3 am phone call she touted in the last campaign and now it is clear she will cut corners to do what she wishes.

In this case she wanted to avoid being detected doing something wrong. She wanted to make sure she could control what others saw so none of it would damage her when she ran for the White House. She was involved in criminal acts and she covered them up (that is what deleting 30,000 emails is) so why should we trust her to run the country?

She is a liberal criminal (but I repeat myself) and the only term she is qualified for is 25 to life.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


That 3 AM Phone Call Revisited

During the 2008 presidential election Hillary Clinton put out an ad about a 3 am phone call. In it something bad happens in the middle of the night and the viewer is left with the impression that if there is a middle of the night (3 am) emergency we want Hillary to answer the phone. I imagine she has experience answering late night calls with Bill as her husband…

In any event, the ‘who is best to answer the call’ contest began with Clinton and Obama each claiming to be America’s next best hope for late night emergencies.

Obama won that contest as voters decided that he was the one to lead. He was the one they had been waiting for, in Obama’s words…

It now turns out that neither of them has the qualifications to do anything more than answer an emergency phone call. Whistleblower testimony shows that Americans were in danger and made calls that might have been answered but were not acted upon. It appears that Obama blew off the calls so he could get some sleep for a next day fundraiser and Hillary answered the calls and gave no decisive orders that involved saving our people.

As a result of the inept leadership four Americans are dead.

Obama’s response to his phone call failure is to blame it on a video, claim that they could do nothing and tell other lies in order to win reelection. Clinton’s response; what difference does it make now?

There are interesting story lines with regard to the murder of our diplomats. The Secretary of Defense said we did not send help because we could not get there in time. How did he know that? The attackers did not broadcast their intentions. The fight went on for hours and hours. We had military units ready to launch and they were told to stand down (several times).

Our military answered the 3 am phone call for help and were ready to go. The people who told us they were the best qualified to answer the phone kept them from going.

Let us assume for a minute that we did not think our military could get there in time to help. Would that be reason enough not to send them at all? If Obama had sent all available assets as soon as he knew what was happening this whole ordeal would not be an issue even if those assets did not get there in time. It would be evident that we made every possible effort to save our people but could not get there fast enough.

As it stands now it looks like they decided that either we could not get there or they did not want to send them there so they just said the hell with it and sacrificed the lives of our countrymen.

Imagine if a house in your neighborhood (or your house) was on fire and it was pretty well engulfed in flames. How would you and your community respond if you called the fire department and told them that your house was on fire and that it was pretty well engulfed and they told you that since they probably could not get there in time to put out the fire before the house was consumed they were not going to bother showing up?

Would you stand for that? Probably not and even though your mind might tell you the house was going to be a total loss your heart would leave doubt. You would always ask if anything could have been saved if they had just responded.

While I am in the camp that believes we should have sent forces to help as soon as we knew and would not support any other decision I could have at least listened to the other point of view if Obama had not lied about it all. I can’t see any reason he could give to justify NOT sending help but at least he would be on more solid ground if he told us the truth when he explained it.

Instead, he and Hillary worked hard to cover up their inability to lead by lying to us. They called this a spontaneous demonstration over a video rather than a terror attack even though they knew right away that it was terror and not a video. They knew it was well organized and that their refusal to beef up security resulted in the attack and eventual murder of our people.

So they decided to cover it all up. They have been obstructing people trying to get to the truth and have exacted revenge on people who dared to step forward with it.

The 3 am phone call placed by those in danger did not get a busy signal and it did not get anyone qualified to help.

It reached people who place their agendas and their political aspirations ahead of human life.

And the message it sent was loud and clear;

Obama and Clinton are not qualified to lead…

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog
