When Gas Was High Under Bush He Was A Big Oil Man

Gas prices went up under George Bush’s presidency and the left went nuts. They blamed it on Bush and Cheney because, as Nancy Pelosi attributed it, two oil men were in the White House. Yes, Pelosi and the rest of the brain dead liberals (but I repeat myself) blamed the high prices on Bush, Cheney and oil companies gouging consumers. The left initiated a few investigations into this so called gouging only to find out that it never took place.

As an aside, I made the point then and I make it again now, the only one gouging in all this is the government. State and federal government get many multiples of oil company profits in gasoline taxes. We pay them a lot of money and they do nothing to earn it. Martin O’Malley of Maryland is looking to raise gas taxes even higher to fuel (pun intended) his welfare state initiatives and big spending programs.

Bush has been out of office for more than three years but the left continues to blame him for everything. No matter the problem, to the left it is Bush’s fault.

Ironically, the left never gives him credit for anything he put in place that worked out well for them (like getting Bin Laden).

Gas prices are at an all time high for the month of March. The average is near $4.00 a gallon and the price has topped five (and is close to six) dollars in some places in the country.

Now the left, which was quick to blame Bush for the high prices under his tenure, is just as quick to tell us that presidents have little control over the cost of gasoline. It is amazing how quickly their tune changed when a Democrat suffers high prices.

As another aside, the high prices under Bush took place when Democrats controlled Congress.

The price people pay for gas is skyrocketing (something Obama and his regime want) and it is now an anchor around his neck. He keeps claiming that things are getting better and he saved the world from collapse but people on the ground, those whose children can’t jet off to a holiday in Mexico on taxpayer money, can see what things cost and how the cost is impacting their lives.

Obama falsely claims that drilling is up during his watch. The drilling is taking place on private lands as a result of what Bush did. Obama banned drilling in the Gulf, refused a pipeline, and has kept our oil rich lands off limits to oil drilling.

Obama’s policies have hampered our efforts to get more of our oil on the market.

He is doing it to force us into the green energies that he keeps wasting taxpayer money on.

Who will the left blame for the rising gasoline prices? It is not Bush’s fault and the left insists that presidents (at least Democrat presidents) can’t control gas prices so who will the left blame?

The left can set its sights on speculators but it loses credibility when one considers that the left discounted them and continued to blame Bush during his time in office.

Obama and his dim witted Democrats are playing politics at a time when the price of gas is hitting all time highs. They are desperately looking for scapegoats so they can keep Obama in office.

But the reality is that Obama is to blame. His policies have damaged the economy even further and he is rocketing us toward a Socialist state where government controls everything.

He is working us into a frenzy using the Cloward-Piven strategy.

It is time to work hard to dump this man before we end up living like Obama’s brother.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Like A Good Lib, Kerry Avoids Taxes

Like Tim Geithner and Charlie Rangel, John Kerry is not fond of taxes if he has to pay them. He is perfectly OK with voting for tax increases which he has done his entire career but when it comes to paying taxes, well that’s another thing all together. We already know that Kerry does not check the box on his Massachusetts tax form asking that he be taxed at the higher rate but now he has avoided six figures in tax by berthing his new, 7 million dollar yacht, in Rhode Island where he can avoid nearly a half million dollars in taxes up front and about 70,000 dollars in taxes yearly.

Isabel – Kerry’s luxe, 76-foot New Zealand-built Friendship sloop with an Edwardian-style, glossy varnished teak interior, two VIP main cabins and a pilothouse fitted with a wet bar and cold wine storage – was designed by Rhode Island boat designer Ted Fontaine.

But instead of berthing the vessel in Nantucket, where the senator summers with the missus, Teresa Heinz, Isabel’s hailing port is listed as “Newport” on her stern.

Could the reason be that the Ocean State repealed its Boat Sales and Use Tax back in 1993, making the tiny state to the south a haven – like the Cayman Islands, Bermuda and Nassau – for tax-skirting luxury yacht owners? Boston Herald

A spokesperson says it is berthed there for maintenance (how often should a new 7 million dollar boat need maintenance).

There is no coincidence here and the maintenance story is a ruse. The man does not want to pay taxes and he has found a way to avoid them. This is typical for the ruling class because they consider themselves better than the rest of us. Taxes are for the serfs, not for the elites who vote to impose them.

This guy is a fraud and is a perfect example of the Democrats who think taxes are a wondeful thing unless they have to pay them.

Of course, they like tax cuts in election years. But then again, hypocrisy reigns supreme among the liberal elite.

Where are the liberals screaming that he can afford to pay the money? Hell, he bought a 7 million dollar boat so he should be able to pay the half million in sales taxes and 70,000 dollar annual tax. He is depriving Massachusetts of money it desperately needs to pay for the bloated health care system and other social programs that are in the hole.

It is, after all, for the children.

Has he no shame? Where is his compassion?

Is he not a patriot? Joe Biden said paying taxes was patriotic so what does that make Kerry?

Scratch that, we already know he is not a patriot by his past anti American activities. Where is sheriff Joe Biden to police this up and make this man a patriot?

Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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Evil PhRMA Once Again Democrats’ Friend

We all know that (mmm mmm mmm) Barack Hussein Obama talks a good game and says what people want to hear but then does what he wants to. He said no lobbyists but they donated to him and he has hired them to work in his regime. He said he would close Gitmo and did not. He said his people did not speak to Blago about his open Senate seat but they did. So we know he is a liar and we know that he will asy or do anything for political gain, especially when it comes to pushing his Socialist agenda.

Wall Street is full of bad guys and Obama gives them a tongue lashing and promises financial reform. They happen to be huge donors to him and other Democrats so the financial rules will help them immensely.

Obama also painted the pharmaceutical companies as evil and regularly bashed them during the health care takeover debate. While he was speaking to America about how evil they are he was behind closed doors cutting deals that favor them for inclusion in the health care bill.

The evil Pharmaceutical Researchers and Manufacturers of America (PhRMA) [and all the affiliated drug companies] are not really all that evil to Obama and they don’t mind being slapped around publicly as long as they get their rewards for being the whipping boys. And they have been rewarded handsomely for their efforts.

Harry Reid helped push the health care bill through so the drug companies owe him quite a bit and to show their thanks they have been contributing a great deal of money to his campaign. They want him reelected because they know he will look out for them rather than for the American citizens and the people of his home state. Harry Reid sold out the majority of Americans in favor of the drug companies (among many special interest groups) and they want to continue that relationship. They need their own personal stooge in the government to help them get sweetheart deals at the expense of taxpayers.

The drug companies are not only donating lots of money to Reid but have also paid for TV ads in support of him. I reckon that the libs are not really all that upset with the SCOTUS ruling that says companies can spend as much as they want or Reid, as a matter of principle, would not accept the help. Of course, Reid is not a man of principle or he would not have sided with PhRMA over the people.

Barack Obama made the drug companies his regular patsy and made them out to be friends of Republicans. If you believe Obama and his Democrats then you would think that the drug companies gave lots and lots of money to Republicans while the lowly Democrats were fighting against their evil ways.

The reality is, Obama and the rest of the Democrats are quite friendly with PhRMA and take lots of money. Obama will be in Nevada next week to do a fundraiser for Reid so it will be like old home week with Obama and Reid there and the drug companies financing things.

Do you think Obama will bash them and tell them not to spend their money on Reid? After the insult he threw at the SCOTUS in his State of the Union Address one would think Obama is so opposed he would demand that it stop.

No, these people only want to win and they do not care how they do it. They will run a massive Democrat voter registration drive and call it immigration reform and they will make bogey men out of businesses that they are in bed with all in order to look like they are taking up for the little guy when what they are really taking is lot of special interest money.

The next time some liberal/progressive twit (like Obama or Reid) starts talking about Republicans being in bed with the drug companies inform the moron that the Democrats took lots of money from the drug companies and gave them sweetheart deals as part of the health care takeover.

Point them to this post or the linked article and ask them to explain why Harry Reid takes so much PhRMA money.

Its because these guys are in bed with the special interests and will do anything to retain power.

Vote them all out in November and cripple Obama’s agenda.

Washington Examiner

Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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You Can’t Handle The Health

Lawmakers are on “recess”, (makes you think of carefree children, playing on a playground- probably not far from the truth- the children part, anyway), and hopefully they are getting an earful from people who know that this “Healthcare” package is detrimental to virtually everyone it will affect; and it will affect virtually everyone. The main reason for this is that private insurers cannnot match the price that  the government can impose, thus driving these insurance companies out of business.

People who run small businesses will throw their employees into the “public” option, exacerbating the situation, and when you essentially “dump” 20- 46 million new people into an existing infrastructure, without having the commensurate number of doctors added to the mix, you have a problem that all the smooth language of our brainless leader cannot solve.

Meanwhile, the members of Congress, all but one, have opted to keep their medical insurance, foregoing the public option they keep reassuring us is really good. Listen, you didn’t believe it when you were little, and your mom said strained peas were tasty, especially when she wouldn’t take a bite, so why would you believe this?

Too much, too fast, too expensive. Those are some of the objections lawmakers have voiced against the healthcare overhaul Democrats are attempting on Capitol Hill.

But many Americans think Congress is out of touch. How, they wonder, can lawmakers empathize with the underinsured or those lacking insurance when they receive a benefits package — heavily subsidized by taxpayers — that most of us can only envy?

Among the advantages: a choice of 10 healthcare plans that provide access to a national network of doctors, as well as several HMOs that serve each member’s home state. By contrast, 85% of private companies offering health coverage provide their employees one type of plan — take it or leave it.

Lawmakers also get special treatment at Washington’s federal medical facilities and, for a few hundred dollars a month, access to their own pharmacy and doctors, nurses and medical technicians standing by in an office conveniently located between the House and Senate chambers.

In all, taxpayers spent about $15 billion last year to insure 8.5 million federal workers and their dependents, including postal service employees, according to the Office of Personnel Management.


There will be unintended consequences- for one thing, all the plans Congress has at its disposal are, for the moment, private plans, and they rely not on Congress to keep them afloat and profitable, but millions of regular people to share the risk. If Congress succeeds in forcing millions of people onto a public plan, there will not be enough people to make Congress’ plans sustainable for their own health- they will in effect, have forced themselves onto the public option, or they will have to subsidize an insurance company.

This could be funny, as they try to undo their own laws, or forge a “special” exemption for federal workers- I mean, Federal workers, from the Resident on down, already enjoy health coverage anyone else would envy.

In all, taxpayers spent about $15 billion last year to insure 8.5 million federal workers and their dependents, including postal service employees, according to the Office of Personnel Management.

Generous plans are available in private industry. But the federal coverage far surpasses that enjoyed by 70 million Americans who are underinsured and at financial risk in the event of a major health crisis — not to mention the estimated 46 million who have no medical insurance.

“For the average worker, the Federal Employees Health Benefits Plan would probably look quite attractive,” said Pete Sepp, a spokesman for the National Taxpayers Union, a pinch-penny advocacy group.

Indeed, a question often surfaces: Why can’t everyone enjoy the same benefits as members of Congress? The answer: The country probably couldn’t afford it — not without reforms to bring costs way, way down.


So once again, we see that these hypocrites that want us to sacrifice, and ration our health, will not do the same when it comes to their families. Why should we believe them, when they tell us  that the fire doesn’t burn, when they won’t stick their hand in the flames? The very fact that they are not willing to use the same care package that we the people do, should make anyone with even a remedial brainstem ask why not.

The old saying,  “What’s good for the goose is good for the gander,” is applicable here, and this plan should be summarily rejected out of hand. This plan is truly not about the people, but a blatant power grab to gain more control over the American people and their options. This is all about the government wanting more control over your lives and your choices. You see, they know better than you, because they truly believe they are smarter than you.

Until The Resident, and ALL his minions, czars, lackeys, and suck- ups are willing to go by the same rules that the rest of us have to, this proposed law should die the ugly death it deserves, and ANY member of Congress that votes for this obamanation of a bill should be immediately impeached for high crimes against the American people.

Because anyone who votes for this bill is a traitor, plain and simple.
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Black Muslims Get A Pass

On June 1, a man shot two soldiers , killing one and wounding the other, in what he said was a terror attack. Police have since found that this guy had many other targets, and at this time it is still not clear if he was acting alone, as seems to be the case.

Eyewitnesses to the shooting immediately reported it to police, and authorities quickly located and arrested the suspect as he fled the scene. According to police, the suspect told the arresting officers that he had a bomb in his vehicle, but after an inspection by the police bomb squad, the only weapons police recovered from the vehicle were an SKS rifle and two pistols.

At a press conference, Little Rock Police Chief Stuart Thomas identified the suspect as Abdulhakim Mujahid Muhammad, a 23-year-old African-American man who had changed his name from Carlos Leon Bledsoe after converting to Islam. In Arabic, the word mujahid is the singular form of mujahideen, and it literally means one who engages in jihad. Although Mujahid is not an uncommon Muslim name, it is quite telling that a convert to Islam would choose such a name — one who engages in jihad — to define his new identity. Muhammad was originally from Memphis, Tenn., but according to news reports was living and working in Little Rock.


What is not clear at this time is why the FBI and other law enforcement agencies were ordered by the Justice Department to “back off of” Black Muslim converts. Was this done at Hussein’s request, or AG Holder? We are not sure, because there is no “transparency” here.

However, politics have proved obstructive to all facets of counterterrorism policy. And politics may have been at play in the Muhammad case as well as in other cases involving Black Muslim converts. Several weeks ago, STRATFOR heard from sources that the FBI and other law enforcement organizations had been ordered to “back off” of counterterrorism investigations into the activities of Black Muslim converts. At this point, it is unclear to us if that guidance was given by the White House or the Department of Justice, or if it was promulgated by the agencies themselves, anticipating the wishes of President Barack Obama and Attorney General Eric Holder.

As STRATFOR has previously noted, the FBI has a culture that is very conservative and risk-averse. Many FBI supervisors are reluctant to authorize investigations that they believe may have negative blow-back on their career advancement. In light of this institutional culture, and the order to be careful in investigations relating to Black Muslim converts, it would not be at all surprising to us if a supervisor refused to authorize a full-field investigation of Muhammad that would have included surveillance of his activities. Though in practical terms, even if a full-field investigation had been authorized, due to the caution being exercised in cases related to Black Muslim converts, the case would most likely have been micromanaged to the point of inaction by the special agent in charge of the office involved or by FBI headquarters.


I have to admit, I am floored by this, because this is just asking for trouble here- you simply cannot nor should you overlook, or “back off of” any investigation of anyone, unless you are convinced of their innocence. There should be no other reason for termination of an investigation, and it seems that, coupled with the nightstick wielding Black Panthers who were “guarding” a polling place in a threatening manner, who had their charges dismissed, this begins to add up to at least favoritism for Black Muslims from the Justice Department, at best.

The three black panthers, Minister King Samir Shabazz, Malik Zulu Shabazz and Jerry Jackson were charged in a civil complaint in the final days of the Bush administration with violating the voter rights act by using coercion, threats and intimidation. Shabazz allegedly held a nightstick or baton that prosecutors said he pointed at people and menacingly tapped it. Prosecutors also say he “supports racially motivated violence against non-blacks and Jews.”


This was not right, but Hussein’s administration moved to dismiss all charges against these thugs and lowlifes. If this behavior over at Justice is any indication, it is no wonder that ammunition is flying off of the shelves at any store that stocks it. Concealed carry permits are up as never before, because most people know that, as good as the police try to be, they are still basically a “reactive” force, in that they can rarely act in a manner that prevents crime, they just come into the scene after the crime has happened. Oh, believe me, they would love nothing more than to prevent all crime, it just isn’t possible.

And it certainly isn’t possible when your own Justice Department orders you to ignore evidence, or shelve an investigation- that’s just chickens***. There’s no other term for what has happened, and the term also applies to whoever ordered this perversion of justice. Those two soldiers may still be alive and unharmed if not for these orders.

It’s rather perverse thinking that Homeland Security put out the “Rightwing Extremist” paper, but I have yet to find one on “Black Muslims in America”- perhaps there is one, but I expect we will see the “Jewish Threat Assessment” first.

You’ll be heartened to know that America’s national security isn’t totally compromised. The FBI presumably still has carte blanche to conduct five year witchhunts against leading American Jews. On account of the acute threat that they pose, you see.

And of course it’s unfair to blame the FBI’s abject failure just on institutional culture. At least some of it probably has to do with how they’ve embraced Obama’s pre-9/11 mindset and mused about shifting agents away from counterterrorism. At least Obama hasn’t made the remaining ones our front line of defense.


This is a sad state of affairs- I feel as if I have slipped down the rabbit hole, and entered Wonderland- everything seems so surreal. In terms of common sense, we have truly lost our way. Far too many people shrug their shoulders and say “so what?” but that is not the way of this world. At least not if you want this world to make sense for your children. 

There must be a single standard of justice here, and this justice must not be used as a political football. Just because someone is your color, or your religion has no bearing on his or her guilt or innocence.

All you Pi**ants on Capitol Hill got that?
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