You Know It Is Bad For Obama When…

You know it is bad for Obama and the Democrats when the talk of the weekend is the dueling Vice Presidents. Dick Cheney and Joe Biden traded shots at each other over the weekend over a number of things. Joe Biden said that he did not believe another 9/11 size terrorist attack on us (here at home) was likely.

“Look, let me put it this way. The idea of there being a massive attack in the United States like 9/11 is unlikely, in my view,” the vice president said. Info Wars

Biden accused Cheney of rewriting history or not being aware of what happened and then rewrote history himself when describing how wonderful the Obama administration has been. Listening to Biden one would think that a successful war was not waged during the Bush years and that the victory was entirely the result of Obama. Of course, one has to expect this as Biden and Obama have a game plan and that is to whine and blame Bush for everything.

Rudy Giuliani has been described as 9/11 plus a verb. Obama and Biden are best described as whine plus blame Bush. Thirty seconds into his speech today Obama blamed Bush. Obama blamed Bush and then lied about his own record (the stimulus created or saved 2 million jobs, it worked, blah, blah). It is the pattern. They figure if they keep blaming the last guy and lying about it on top, they will keep the attention off their failed policies (like the stimulus).

I happen to believe that blaming the last guy for every bad thing is a sign of poor leadership. Obama blames Bush and will not give him credit for any of the good that has been passed on (he certainly is quick to take credit for it). It is a shame because they sound like whining babies. George Bush did not blame Clinton for any problems that were passed on. Bill Clinton did not blame H W Bush for his problems and Reagan did not blame Carter for his problems. And to be fair, Carter did not blame Ford. They did all the blaming on the campaign trail, pointed out the problems in the beginning, maybe took a few veiled shots while explaining their plans and then moved on. None of the previous presidents have whined like Obama. He is a huge crybaby and not fit to lead.

As bad as it is to have all the headlines discussing a war of words between the old and new VPs, you know things are really going bad when the media points out things like the rising number of homeless on Obama’s watch. Usually, homelessness ceases to exist when a Democrat is in office. When Republicans are in office the newspapers print the stories about the number of homeless and how terrible it is. When a Democrat gets elected the MSM stops reporting on the homeless as if they magically got places to live. The tide is turning if the AP is reporting this:

Homelessness in rural and suburban America is straining shelters this winter as the economy founders and joblessness hovers near double digits—a “perfect storm of foreclosures, unemployment and a shortage of affordable housing,” in one official’s eyes.

The AP must not have gotten the “don’t mess with the messiah” memo because it reported this. The MSM got Obama elected. They were behind him, ignored his radical past, refused to vet him, and painted a better than reality picture of him. They have skin in the game and cannot lose their man. This is why you rarely see them reporting the number of war dead. When Bush was in office twits like Olberman and Matthews would have segments about the number of US service members killed. The names of the war dead would be scrolled on the TV screen. People had to be reminded of this day in and day out.

The military members who die on Obama’s watch are quietly reported. No names scrolled, no body count, no nothing. They must protect the messiah.

So it is very strange indeed that the AP would report on the homeless.

Then again, maybe they are Bush’s fault as well.


Big Dog


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