The Hoax Foisted Upon Us

XidenThe American public, indeed, every citizen of this nation has been made the victim of a hoax, a misdeed, a sinister act that betrays us, our Founders and our heritage. The last election was an election between a bombastic non politician who had a huge following and had a habit of sending nasty tweets while accomplishing everything he said he would and a mediocre nearly 50 year career politician who has an aversion to the truth. The election was won, in no uncertain terms by Donald J Trump until illegal activities changed the election for Biden. Every analysis shows this but the courts and the propaganda media are gaslighting the public by constantly droning on about free and fair to make you think all was done fairly. They use the mostly peaceful protest of 6 January to broad brush all people who do not think as they do and give the impression that they claims of fraud are wrong.

Even though the election fraud is real and it deprived us of our right it is much more sinister. The left ran a man who is in cognitive decline. A man who has dementia. Nancy Pelosi certified he was qualified and he was placed in a position to win the primary. Now one might argue that the Constitution has no sanity requirement under qualifications for president and therefore Pelosi, who had to have known Biden was demented, did nothing wrong by certifying his eligibility.

BUT, the Constitution contains the 25th Amendment which deals with a president’s inability (mental or otherwise) to do his job and how to replace him. This amendment at least implies that the person in the job needs to be of sound mind. It is interesting to note Pelosi was shoring up the 25th Amendment while Trump was still in office and she indicated it was for future needs. This sets off the alarm bells that she knew then, as anyone with a brain did, that Biden was and is suffering from dementia. I want to make it clear that I am not making fun of his medical condition. He has an illness that many people his age suffer from. The people who are to blame for this hoax are the Democrats who ran him and his wife who allowed this abuse to occur.

The left went through this exercise of running Biden, a man with serious ethical and legal issues, because he has been around and is more moderate than the left wing radicals who were getting no traction in the primary. They paired him with Kamala Harris, a Senator from California who had to drop out of the primary because she polled at a whopping 1%. But she is a woman and better than that, she is a woman of color.

The plan is to use Biden for as long as possible, they hope until two years and a day, and then replace him under the 25th. Harris takes over, can finish his term and run for two of her own. From what I see Biden might not make it that long.

He has not given a State of the Union, he has not given a press conference, he is tightly managed and controlled and often looks to others for cues as to what he is supposed to do next. He often laments that he is confused or not sure what is happening and he asks others what he is supposed to be doing. Harris is taking and making calls to foreign leaders, something Biden should be doing.

These are not the things that a leader does. No one had to like Donald J Trump but there is no doubt that he was in complete control of his faculties and running the government. Right now we have a shadow group of people who prop Biden up like the guy in Weekend at Bernie’s and act as if he is running things.

This hoax that they perpetrated upon us is to get their swamp back to normal. They need to be able to use our money they confiscate in the name of taxes to enrich themselves and their families. These people did not like Trump disrupting the corruption they are all heavily engaged in (with the exception of a select few). They needed to get rid of Trump at all costs and the fraudulent election allowed them to do that and to put a puppet in the White House. What a perfect way to enact all the liberal wet dreams. The cabal behind the curtain had over 50 Executive Orders ready for Puppet Biden on day one so he could sign away anything Trump did. The cabal will gets its way and Biden will be blamed for any blowback or consequences. He will never understand what happened or that it is his fault.

Gas prices are rising, illegals are crossing our borders, the integrity of our elections is under assault with unconstitutional bills, women are under assault as are religions and other institutions as a result of the “Equality” Act and the left is coming in fast and hard with gun laws designed to disarm the American population (be careful lefties or you will get harmed) with gun control laws that obviously violate the Constitution and will make criminals out of patriots because NO ONE will turn in their firearms. This could very well result in another Civil War.

If the people in Congress thought the mostly peaceful protest on 6 January was bad then they are in for a rude awakening. They wet their pants then and no one was armed. They will soil their drawers if they are confronted by armed patriots who have had enough.

All of this because they could not allow Donald Trump to win a second term and interfere with their corruption. They had to do something and running a demented old fool who touches children inappropriately was their best bet to insert a puppet via election fraud so they could do as much damage as possible before the next election.

When this all comes out we need to round up everyone involved, regardless of party, and have a trial. If they are found guilty we need to put them in front of a firing squad. The price should be high and the example clear for future generations.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Let’s Punish The Deniers

Particularly those who deny that classified information went through a home brew server and ended up putting our nation at risk. Or those who deny what actually happened in Benghazi and blame it all on an internet video…

Michael E Kraft, a professor emeritus at the University of Wisconsin-Green Bay, has penned (really typed) an article advocating that fossil fuel companies be punished for denying climate change. He states that the companies denied what used to be called global warming even though their own studies showed that they were wrong. He likens this effort to the punishment tobacco companies received for denying that tobacco caused illness even though their research showed it did.

[note]The American Medical Association was not punished even though doctors at one time advertised in favor of smoking.[/note]

There is a problem with asserting that anyone is denying established science since the science is not established or settled. The claim that 90 some percent of scientists agree is extremely misleading since a large number of the scientists surveyed were not climate scientists. The reports used were flawed, data were manipulated and some items were omitted in order to present the desired outcome. In this article Kraft claims:

Those who intentionally misled the public about climate change should be held accountable.

Indeed! We should start with the climate change Chicken Littles and punish them severely for misleading the public on this issue. Remember, we should all be burning up right now, at least if they were right with their predictions. Climate change is a way for activists and scientists to get money. Researchers get more to do research and people like Al Gore get rich snookering others.

As for the fossil fuel companies, is there any evidence that their own research showed something different than what they claimed? If this is the case then perhaps they need new research. In reality Kraft discusses advocacy groups paid by fossil fuel companies to produce reports contrary to the alleged established science. So which is it? How can they be saying something different than what their research shows if they are paying for research that gives the result they want?

Kraft says governments are acting but not sufficiently and he cites the Obama regime as one of them. This would be the same Obama who uses many modes of transportation that burn huge quantities of fossil fuels and produces tons of carbon. The same Obama whose family travels the world producing tons of carbon as well.

I digress.

There is no doubt the climate changes. It has been doing that since long before man arrived on the scene and long before the period of fossil fuel use. Carbon levels were much higher long ago than they are now and somehow the planet survived. It is cyclic and influenced by the activity of the sun.

But some folks will do anything to get money.

The climate change fanatics are using the same bullying tactics many other liberal groups use. Identify what they want to be a problem, demand costly change and then attack and threaten those who do not agree. This is what you see when groups yell racist, sexist or any other “ist” to stifle debate.

The climate folks have declared that what they say is true and if you do not agree you should be punished.

I do not agree. Come and get me Mike…

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


But, But, There Is A Consensus Among Scientists On Global Warming

The global warming zealots have been running around for a long time telling us the science is settled and that we need to buck up and submit to the stupidity that will cost us a fortune and have no measurable affect on the climate. After a long period of no warming they started using the phrase climate change so that Al Gore could continue to rake in billions of dollars with this scam.

Even after the scientists were caught lying about global warming we were told to just ignore the man behind the curtain and submit to the global warming gods. After all, how can we argue with all those scientists.

I have argued with them for a long time. I pointed out that they had something to gain by continuing the charade because they keep getting money if they keep saying it exists.

Interestingly, a group of scientists has come forward to tell us that not all of the science world is on board with global warming and that it is not really anything to worry about. They even point out many of the items I claimed when I argued against the hoax.

These scientists do not believe the science is settled and they believe there is nothing to worry about.

Don’t expect the mush filled heads of the adherents of the Church of Global Warming to believe this or to give these scientists credit.

Only scientists who agree with them are credible and deserve to be listened to.

This is how science works in the liberal world. They claim an issue is settled and refuse to hear anything else contrary to their beliefs. Then they stick their fingers in their ears and sing la,la,la.

They will soon devise another climate scam to bilk governments out of the people’s money.

Wall Street Journal

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Global Warming Scientist Backpeddles

Professor Phil Jones is at the center of the climategate scandal in which private emails were released casting doubt on the whole global warming debate. Al Gore refuses to honestly debate the issue and tells us that the science is settled. It would appear, once again, that it is not so settled after all:

Professor Jones told the BBC yesterday there was truth in the observations of colleagues that he lacked organisational skills, that his office was swamped with piles of paper and that his record keeping is ‘not as good as it should be’.

The data is crucial to the famous ‘hockey stick graph’ used by climate change advocates to support the theory.

Professor Jones also conceded the possibility that the world was warmer in medieval times than now – suggesting global warming may not be a man-made phenomenon.

And he said that for the past 15 years there has been no ‘statistically significant’ warming. [emphasis mine] Daily Mail

Well, that unsettles it. Jones admits that it might have been warmer in medieval times and that there has been no statistically significant warming in the last 15 years.

This slap has to hurt the global warming crowd and its blind adherence to a cult that is now more unsettled than ever.

Remember, this guy is one of the big boys in the movement. After he was caught with his pants down (not in a Bill Clinton way) he fessed up to the fact that the science is not so settled after all.

This entire hoax continues to unravel.

And if the governments of the world ever start paying scientists to prove there is NO global warming, that will be the new pursuit, and they will tell us it is settled.

Maybe Al Gore should give that Nobel Peace Prize back…

Big Dog


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Global Warming Continues To Unravel

Another admission that data used by the IPCC is flawed. As with most of the erroneous data discovered, the claim is made that the information is background and does not change the conclusions. They relied on all the data to arrive at the conclusion but the data is not important for that conclusion…

A background note by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) said a 2007 report wrongly stated that 55 percent of the country was below sea level since the figure included areas above sea level, prone to flooding along rivers.


Skeptics say errors have exposed sloppiness and over-reliance on “grey literature” outside leading scientific journals. The panel’s reports are a main guide for governments seeking to work out costly policies to combat global warming. al-Reuters

How much more will be discovered as people dig deeper and deeper into this scandal?

Where has Al “the science is settled” Gore been lately?

Perhaps he is snowed in somewhere…

UPDATE: Ron Smith of WBAL wrote this:

Check these out this weekend whenever you get a break from digging out from under our record snowfall; speaking of which, aren’t we amused by the resolute attempts of the climate doomsayers to link these huge recent winter weather events to global warming? Just recently, the annoying Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. was pointing to mild winters in Washington, D.C. as evidence of potentially calamitous warming due to man-made greenhouse gas emissions. In 2002, the venerable Senator Robert Byrd of West Virginia haltingly informed his fellow lawmakers that a winter with a mere three inches of snowfall was indeed a harbinger of AGW. How’s it looking now, fellas? Oh, that’s right. I forgot. To the climate change crowd, this harsh winter is simply more proof that global warming is taking place – even though it’s not – because this is their story and they’re sticking to it. Time Magazine believes it. The New York Times, though not as definitively, does report there is a scientific consensus that the warming could well be the reason for the record storms because the warmth causes more moisture to be collected into the atmosphere and eventually dumped on our heads. Check out Marc Morano’s invaluable for a compendium of news stories and opinion pieces slanted toward refutation of climate change doom saying.

Very well stated Mr. Smith…

Big Dog


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